Safety Glass
- Safety Glass
What Goes Up
What Goes Up est un film américain réalisé par Jonathan Glatzer qui devrait sortir en 2009.
Le film est vu par les yeux d'un journaliste couvrant le lancement de la navette spatiale de challengeur en janvier 1986. Au lendemain de l'explosion de la navette, il devient empêtré dans les vies de quelques étudiants locaux préoccupés de lycée.
Fiche technique
- Titre original : What Goes Up
- Réalisation : Jonathan Glatzer
- Scénario : Jonathan Glatzer, Robert Lawson
- Production : R.D. Robb, Jonathan Glatzer
- Format : Couleurs
- Pays :
- Langue : anglais
Lien externe
(fr+en) What Goes Up sur l’Internet Movie Database
Portail du cinéma
Catégories : Film américain | Film sorti en 2009 | Titre de film en W
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Safety Glass de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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safety glass — safety ,glass noun uncount 1. ) a strong type of glass that breaks into very small pieces that are not sharp 2. ) a type of glass that will not break into separate pieces if it is damaged … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
safety glass — n. glass made to be shatterproof by fastening together two sheets of glass with a transparent, plastic substance between them … English World dictionary
safety glass — n [U] strong glass that breaks into very small pieces that are not sharp, used for example in car windows … Dictionary of contemporary English
safety glass — ► NOUN ▪ glass that has been toughened or laminated so that it is less likely to splinter when broken … English terms dictionary
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safety glass — noun glass made with plates of plastic or resin or other material between two sheets of glass to prevent shattering • Syn: ↑laminated glass, ↑shatterproof glass • Hypernyms: ↑glass * * * noun [noncount] : a type of strong glass that breaks into… … Useful english dictionary
safety glass — beskeveldris stiklas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Stiklas, kuris nuo smūgio nesubyra arba sudūžta į neaštrius gabaliukus. atitikmenys: angl. laminated glass; non shatterable glass; nonshatterable glass; non splintering glass;… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
safety glass — {n.} Two panes of glass with a sheet of plastic between them so that the glass will not break into pieces. * /Safety glass is used in cars because it does not break into pieces./ … Dictionary of American idioms
safety glass — {n.} Two panes of glass with a sheet of plastic between them so that the glass will not break into pieces. * /Safety glass is used in cars because it does not break into pieces./ … Dictionary of American idioms
safety\ glass — noun two panes of glass with a sheet of plastic between them so that the glass will not break into pieces. Safety glass is used in cars because it does not break into pieces … Словарь американских идиом