- Rehoboam
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
- Le réhoboam est une bouteille en verre conçue pour contenir l'équivalent de six bouteilles de 75 cl, soit quatre litres et demi.
Elle fait partie de la progression magnum (un litre et demi), jéroboam (trois litres), réhoboam (quatre litres et demi), mathusalem (six litres), salmanazar (neuf litres), balthazar (douze litres), nabuchodonosor (quinze litres), melchior ou salomon (dix-huit litres), souverain (vingt-six litres vingt-cinq), primat (vingt-sept litres) et melchizédec (trente litres).
Portail de la vigne et du vin
Catégories : Homonymie | Bouteille | Mot ou expression de la Bible
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Rehoboam de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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REHOBOAM — (Heb. רְחַבְעָם; the (divine) kinsman has been generous or the people has expanded ), king of Judah for 17 years (c. 928–911 B.C.E.); son of Solomon by Naamah the Ammonitess (I Kings 14:21; II Chron. 12:13). Rehoboam s name is connected with one… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Rehoboam — (Hebrew:רחבעם Rehav am) was a king of the ancient Kingdom of Judah, succeeding his father Solomon. His grandfather was David. He was the third king of the House of David and the first of the Kingdom of Judah. His mother was Naamah the Ammonitess … Wikipedia
réhoboam — [ reɔbɔam ] n. m. • déb. XXe ; angl. Rehoboam, n. d un fils de Salomon → jéroboam ♦ Grosse bouteille de champagne d une contenance de six bouteilles ordinaires. ● réhoboam nom masculin Grosse bouteille de champagne, d une contenance de six… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Rehoboam — [rē΄hə bō′əm] n. [Heb rechavam, lit., prob., enlarger of the people] 1. Bible the first king of Judah: 2 Chron. 9:31 12:16 2. [usually r ] Winemaking a wine bottle, esp. one for champagne, holding about 4.5 liters, about three times as much as a… … English World dictionary
Rehoboam — He enlarges the people, the successor of Solomon on the throne, and apparently his only son. He was the son of Naamah the Ammonitess, some well known Ammonitish princess (1 Kings 14:21; 2 Chr. 12:13). He was forty one years old when he… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Réhoboam — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Théologie Réhoboam est une des transcriptions du nom de Roboam, roi de Juda et fils du roi Salomon selon la Bible. Œnologie Le réhoboam est une bouteille… … Wikipédia en Français
Rehoboam — (fl. 10th cent, BCE) King of Judah (930 908 BCE). He was the son of Solomon by his wife Naamah. When he refused to moderate his policy of taxation, the country split into the kingdoms of Israel and Judah; only the tribes of Judah, Simeon and… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
Rehoboam — Son of Solomon. He succeeded to the throne but of Judah only because the northern tribes rejected Rehoboam s proposed tax increases and accepted Jeroboam as king. He reigned probably from 926 to 910 BCE, and in 920 failed to repel an Egyptian… … Dictionary of the Bible
rehoboam — noun a wine bottle of about six times the standard size. Origin C19: from Rehoboam, a king of ancient Israel … English new terms dictionary
rehoboam — /riəˈboʊəm/ (say reeuh bohuhm) noun a large wine bottle with a capacity equal to six 750 ml bottles, i.e. 4.5 litres. {named after Rehoboam, reigned ? 922–? 915 BC, first king of Judah; term used in parallel with jeroboam} …