- Prometheus Award
Prometheus Award
Le Prometheus Award est un prix littéraire récompensant la meilleure œuvre de science-fiction d'esprit libertarien. Il est délivré, chaque année, par la Libertarian Futurist Society qui publie également un journal intitulé, Prometheus. Le prix a été créé en 1979 par L. Neil Smith, mais a été délivré irrégulièrement jusqu'à la nouvelle fondation de la société en 1982. Un prix des auteurs a été créé en 1983 et la société délivre également des prix spéciaux.
Prix des œuvres
- 1979 - F. Paul Wilson, Wheels Within Wheels
- 1980 - award not given
- 1981 - award not given
- 1982 - L. Neil Smith, The Probability Broach
- 1983 - James P. Hogan, Voyage from Yesteryear
- 1984 - J. Neil Schulman, The Rainbow Cadenza
- 1985 - No Winner ("None of the Above")
- 1986 - Victor Milan, Cybernetic Samurai
- 1987 - Vernor Vinge, Marooned in Realtime
- 1988 - Victor Koman, The Jehovah Contract
- 1989 - Brad Linaweaver, Moon of Ice
- 1990 - Victor Koman, Solomon's Knife
- 1991 - Michael Flynn, In the Country of the Blind
- 1992 - Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle and Michael Flynn, Fallen Angels
- 1993 - James P. Hogan, The Multiplex Man
- 1994 - L. Neil Smith, Pallas
- 1995 - Poul Anderson, The Stars are also Fire
- 1996 - Ken MacLeod, The Star Fraction
- 1997 - Victor Koman, Kings of the High Frontier
- 1998 - Ken MacLeod, The Stone Canal
- 1999 - John Varley, The Golden Globe
- 2000 - Vernor Vinge, A Deepness in the Sky
- 2001 - L. Neil Smith, The Forge of the Elders
- 2002 - Donald Kingsbury, Psychohistorical Crisis
- 2003 - Terry Pratchett, Night Watch
- 2004 - F. Paul Wilson, Sims
- 2005 - Neal Stephenson, The System of the World
- 2006 - Ken MacLeod, Learning the World
Prix des auteurs
- 1983 - Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress; Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
- 1984 - George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four; Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451
- 1985 - Poul Anderson, Trader to the Stars; Eric Frank Russell, The Great Explosion
- 1986 - Cyril Kornbluth, The Syndic; Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea, trilogy
- 1987 - Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land; Ayn Rand, Anthem
- 1988 - Alfred Bester, The Stars My Destination
- 1989 - J. Neil Schulman, Alongside Night
- 1990 - F. Paul Wilson, The Healer
- 1991 - F. Paul Wilson, An Enemy of the State
- 1992 - Ira Levin, This Perfect Day
- 1993 - Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed
- 1994 - Yevgeny Zamyatin, We
- 1995 - Poul Anderson, The Star Fox
- 1996 - Robert A. Heinlein, Red Planet
- 1997 - Robert A. Heinlein, Methuselah's Children
- 1998 - Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love
- 1999 - H. Beam Piper and John McGuire, A Planet for Texans aka Lone Star Planet
- 2000 - Hans Christian Andersen, "The Emperor's New Clothes"
- 2001 - Jerry Pournelle and John F. Carr: editors, The Survival of Freedom
- 2002 - Patrick McGoohan, The Prisoner (TV series)
- 2003 - Robert A. Heinlein, Requiem
- 2004 - Vernor Vinge, The Ungoverned
- 2005 - A. E. van Vogt, Les Armureries d'Isher
- 2006 - Alan Moore (author) and David Lloyd (illustrator ), V for Vendetta graphic novel
Prix spécial
- 1998 - Brad Linaweaver and Edward E. Kramer: editors, Free Space (anthology)
- 2001 - Poul Anderson, Special Prometheus Award for Lifetime Achievement
- 2005 - Mark Tier and Martin H. Greenberg: editors, Give Me Liberty and Visions of Liberty (anthologies for Baen Books)
- 2005 - L. Neil Smith (writer) and Scott Bieser (illustrator), The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
- 2006 - Joss Whedon (writer-director) and Serenity.
Liens externes
- Libertarian Futurist Society
- The most honored Prometheus Award finalists
- 2007 Prometheus Award finalists
Catégorie : Prix littéraire de science-fiction
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