Play With Fire
- Play With Fire
Play with Fire
Play with Fire est une chanson du groupe de rock britannique The Rolling Stones, parue en 1965 en face B du single The Last Time. Elle est créditée à Nanker Phelge, pseudonyme employé pour les chansons co-écrites par tous les membres du groupe.
- Portail du rock
Catégories : Chanson des Rolling Stones | Chanson de 1965
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Play With Fire de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Play with Fire — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «PLay with Fire» Sencillo de Hilary Duff del álbum Dignity Publicación 21 de agosto de 2007 Formato Descarga Digital … Wikipedia Español
play with fire — 1. To expose oneself to unnecessary risk 2. To treat lightly a situation which could prove dangerous • • • Main Entry: ↑fire * * * I see play II take foolish risks * * * play with fire see ↑ … Useful english dictionary
play with fire — {v. phr.} To put oneself in danger; to take risks. * /Leaving your door unlocked in New York City is playing with fire./ * /The doctor told Mr. Smith that he must watch his diet if he doesn t want to play with fire./ Compare: SKATE ON THIN ICE … Dictionary of American idioms
play with fire — {v. phr.} To put oneself in danger; to take risks. * /Leaving your door unlocked in New York City is playing with fire./ * /The doctor told Mr. Smith that he must watch his diet if he doesn t want to play with fire./ Compare: SKATE ON THIN ICE … Dictionary of American idioms
Play with Fire — may refer to:* Play with Fire (album), a 1989 album by Aria * Playing with Fire (Kevin Federline album) * Play with Fire (The Rolling Stones song), a song by The Rolling Stones on their 1965 album Out of Our Heads * Play with Fire (Hilary Duff… … Wikipedia
Play with fire — Single par The Rolling Stones extrait de l’album Out of Our Heads (édition américaine) Pays Royaume Uni … Wikipédia en Français
Play with Fire — Single par The Rolling Stones extrait de l’album Out of Our Heads (édition américaine) Pays Royaume Uni … Wikipédia en Français
play with fire — If people take foolish risks, they are playing with fire … The small dictionary of idiomes
play with fire — ► play with fire take foolish risks. Main Entry: ↑play … English terms dictionary
play\ with\ fire — v. phr. To put oneself in danger; to take risks. Leaving your door unlocked in New York City is playing with fire. The doctor told Mr. Smith that he must watch his diet if he doesn t want to play with fire. Compare: skate on thin ice … Словарь американских идиом