


Pays d’origine Bretagne, France
Genre(s) Deathcore
Label(s) Rising Record
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Nightshade est un groupe Français de deathcore originaire de Brest.


Ayant sorti un EP en février 2007 « Perpetual Suffering », le groupe a pu jouer au côté des groupes tels que Benighted, As We Fight, Dagoba ou encore Bring Me The Horizon... Ayant changé de Line-up il y a peu, le groupe s'apprête à reprendre la route des concerts afin de montrer leurs compétences et nouveaux morceaux. NightShade déjà endorsé par des marques de renommées comme Moser Custom Shop, Laboga-Amps, SkullStrings, FXS Clothing, ED Stone Clothing ou encore In tune Guitar Picks et en feront la promotion lors des prochains concerts, clips, cds... qui s'annoncent déjà très prometteurs. Le premier album de Nightshade, The Beginning Of Eradication, est sorti en 2009.


  • 2007 - Perpetual Suffering
  • 2009 - The Beginning Of Eradication
Ce document provient de « Nightshade ».

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Nightshade de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • Nightshade — Night shade , n. [AS. nichtscadu.] (Bot.) A common name of many species of the genus {Solanum}, given esp. to the {Solanum nigrum}, or black nightshade, a low, branching weed with small white flowers and black berries reputed to be poisonous.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nightshade — [nīt′shād΄] n. [ME nichtheschode < OE nihtscada (see NIGHT & SHADE): ? with reference to narcotic qualities] 1. any of a large genus (Solanum) of chiefly tropical plants of the nightshade family, with five lobed leaves and flowers of various… …   English World dictionary

  • nightshade — (n.) O.E. nihtscada, lit. shade of night, perhaps in allusion to the poisonous berries. A common Germanic compound, Cf. Du. nachtschade, Ger. Nachtschatten …   Etymology dictionary

  • nightshade — /nuyt shayd /, n. 1. any of various plants of the genus Solanum, esp. the black nightshade or the bittersweet. 2. any of various other related plants, as the deadly nightshade. [bef. 1000; ME; OE nihtscada. See NIGHT, SHADE] * * * ▪ plant  any… …   Universalium

  • nightshade — noun /ˈnaɪtʃeɪd/ a) Any of the poisonous plants belonging to the genus Solanum, especially black nightshade or woody nightshade. b) Any plant of the wider Solanaceae family, including the nightshades as well as tomato, potato, eggplant, and… …   Wiktionary

  • nightshade — n. any of various poisonous plants, esp. of the genus Solanum, including S. nigrum (black nightshade) with black berries, and S. dulcamara (woody nightshade) with red berries. Phrases and idioms: deadly nightshade = BELLADONNA. Etymology: OE… …   Useful english dictionary

  • nightshade — /ˈnaɪtʃeɪd / (say nuychayd) noun 1. any of various plants of the genus Solanum, as black nightshade. 2. any of various other plants, as deadly nightshade. {Middle English; Old English nihtscada. See night, shade} …  

  • nightshade — noun Date: before 12th century 1. any of a genus (Solanum of the family Solanaceae, the nightshade family) of herbs, shrubs, and trees having alternate leaves, cymose flowers, and fruits that are berries and including some poisonous weeds,… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • nightshade — Any of a number of plants of the genus Solanum (family Solanaceae) and of some other genera of the family Solanaceae. deadly n. SYN: belladonna. * * * night·shade nīt .shād n 1) any plant …   Medical dictionary

  • nightshade — noun used in the names of a group of poisonous or narcotic plants, e.g. deadly nightshade. Origin OE nihtscada, appar. from night + shade, prob. with ref. to dark and poisonous berries …   English new terms dictionary

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