- Mugen no Ryvius
Infinite Ryvius
Infinite RYVIUS 無限のリヴァイアス
(Mugen no Ryvius)Genre science fiction, psychodrama Anime Réalisateur(s) Gorō Taniguchi Studio d'animation Sunrise Chaine TV Tokyo 1re diffusion 6 octobre 1999 – 23 mars 2000 Épisodes 26 Manga Auteur Yousuke Kuroda (histoire)
Shinsuke Kurihashi (dessin)Éditeur MediaWorks
Sortie initiale 2004 – 2005 Volumes 2 Infinite Ryvius' (無限のリヴァイアス Mugen no RIVAIUSU) est un anime de 26 episodes diffusé pour la première fois en 1999. Il est ensuite paru une version manga en 2000, qui comporte 2 tomes.
- 2137 : Une gigantesque éruption solaire se propage à travers le système solaire, créant un champ de plasma permanent entre toutes les planètes du système solaire, appelé par la suite le Gehuld. La Terre a perdu à cette occasion la moitié de sa population (celle se trouvant coté soleil).
- 2225 : L'humanité a accéléré son développement spatial et colonisé presque l'ensemble du système solaire. L'histoire racontée dans Infinite Ryvius démarre ici.
infinite RYVIUS Original Soundtrack 1
Paru le 16 décembre 1999.
- Les titres avec paroles sont chantés par Mika Arisaka.
- DIS (Club Mix version)
- nani mo shiranakutemo
- boku no setsuna
- mishiranu mono (L'inconnu)
- kokoro no sukima
- kuzureyuku mono
- kobore ochite
- yume wo sugite mo (remix version) (même après le rêve)
- communication
- ikinobiru kanata
- maemuki ni
- DIS (English version)
- yume wo sugitemo
- DIS (karaoke version)
- yume wo sugitemo (karaoke version)
infinite RYVIUS Original Soundtrack 2
- harakunaru sasayaki (Distancing Whisper)
- nani mo shiranakutemo (Unaware of Anything)
- toge (Thorn; performed by Mika Arisaka)
- mukai aumono (Face To Face)
- genjitsuto no haza made (Until Reality Shows Its Face)
- kokoro no kakera (Fragments of the Heart)
- itoshi sa no nakade (Into Beauty)
- hayaru kokoro (Thriving Heart)
- utsutsu narumono (Taking Revenge)
- tawamurete (Flirting)
- mitsumete (Watching)
- shijirarerumono wa (Of Disbelief)
- yume wo sugitemo (Even After Dreaming)
- mirai e no ippo (A Step Towards the Future)
- aragaenumama
- sasurai tsuzukete (Continued Wandering)
- tsumugareta fuan (Spun Anxiety)
- ketsui to koudou to (Decision and Action)
- todoketai kokoro (Undeliverable Heart)
- shinkirou no you ni (Like A Mirage)
- ashita ga arukara (Because There Will Be Tomorrow)
- yamikara no hohoemi (Smile From The Shadows)
- shiritakatakoto (Things I Wanted to Know)
- yume wo sugimoto (Even After Dreaming; performed by Mika Arisaka)
- todoketai kokoro (Undeliverable Heart; Reggae Phil Mix)
- H (Mega Mix)
infinite RYVIUS Original Soundtrack 3
- DIS~ (Song Bird Mix; performed by Mika Arisaka)
- BLUE WRECKAGE (performed by Noriko)
- CODE-026
- aoi tori no yukue (performed by Mika Arisaka)
- menterae
- GOING (performed by Kaori)
- JUST (Interlude)
- THE NEPHILIMS (performed by Bambaataa Afrika)
- kanashiki hyouryuu (performed by DJ MA$A)
- SEE THE LIGHT (performed by Smooth Bee)
- tobira (performed by DJ MA$A)
- DIS~ (Terra Mix; performed by Mika Arisaka)
Liste des épisodes
- Sere 1 - きたるべきとき/Kitarubeki toki; A Time That Should Come (or The Forthcoming Time)
- Sere 2 - よけいなこと/Yokei na koto; Unnecessary Things
- Sere 3 - うなばらをこえて/Unabara wo koete; Crossing The Ocean (or Beyond the Vast Sea)
- Sere 4 - リヴァイアスのわ/Rivaiasu no wa; Ring Of Ryvius
- Sere 5 - ちいさなまとまり/Chiisana matomari; A Small Settlement (or A Little Harmony)
- Sere 6 - ぼくのせつな/Boku no setsuna; My Moment
- Sere 7 - かわりゆくとき/Kawari-yuku toki; The Changing Times
- Sere 8 - なにもしらなかった/Nanimo shiranakatta; We Didn't Know Anything
- Sere 9 - ヴァイタル・ガーダー/Vaitaru Gaadaa; Vital Guarder
- Sere 10 - しんじられなくても/Shinjirarenakutemo; Even If It's Unbelievable (or Even If You Can't Believe)
- Sere 11 - まつりのあと/Matsuri no ato; After The Festival (or When the Party's Over)
- Sere 12 - みらいのありか/Mirai no arika; Whereabouts of the Future
- Sere 13 - ふれあうことしか/Fureau koto shika; We Can Only Touch Each Other (or If Only to Meet)
- Sere 14 - いしきしすぎ/Ishiki shisugi; Overly Conscious (or To Be Too Conscious)
- Sere 15 - ながされるままに/Nagasareru mama ni; As If We Were Set Adrift (or Swept Away)
- Sere 16 - ゆがむせかい/Yugamu sekai; Distorted World (or Deforming World)
- Sere 17 - じゆうのちつじょ/Jiyuu no chitsujo; Free Order
- Sere 18 - わかりあえない/Wakariaenai; We Didn't Understand (or Incomprehensible)
- Sere 19 - えがおできみと/Egao de kimi to; Smiling With You
- Sere 20 - ゆずれないもの/Yuzurenai mono; Things You Can't Give Up
- Sere 21 - あしたなんかいらない/Ashita nanka iranai; We Don't Need Tomorrow
- Sere 22 - いきのこるために/Ikinokoru tame ni; For The Sake Of Surviving (or In Order To Survive)
- Sere 23 - ちぎれたかこ/Chigireta kako; The Torn-Off Past
- Sere 24 - あいばこうじ/Aiba Kouji; Kouji Aiba
- Sere 25 - おれであるために/Ore de aru tame ni; For The Sake Of Being Myself (or In Order To Be Me)
- Sere 26 - あした/Ashita; Tomorrow
- Portail de l’animation et de la bande dessinée asiatiques
Catégories : Série d'animé | Série manga | Manga se déroulant dans un milieu scolaire
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