- Koro

Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
- Le koro est un syndrome caractérisé par une anxiété provoquée par la conviction que le pénis rentre dans l'abdomen.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Koro de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Koro — steht für: Koro (Psychologie), ein Syndrom der genitalen Retraktion Sprachen: Koro (Sprache), einer tibetobirmanischen Sprache Koro (Maninka), einer zur Untergruppe Mande Sprachen zählende Niger Kongo Sprache. Koro (Vanuatu), einer malayo… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Koro — (Japanese: 香炉, kōro ) is a Japanese incense burner or censer often used in Japanese tea ceremonies. Examples are usually of globular form with three feet, made in pottery, Imari porcelain, Kakiemon, Satsuma, enamel or bronze … Wikipedia
Koro-ni-O — is a village in Fiji, noted as the centre of the country s hydroelectric industry. The Monasavu hydroelectric scheme, built between 1978 and 1983, features an 82 meter high earthen dam on the Nanuka River. A 5.4 kilometer long tunnel joins the… … Wikipedia
Kōro — Kōro, japanisches Weihrauchgefäß, oft aus Ton oder Metall kunstvoll gestaltet … Universal-Lexikon
KORO — Infobox Broadcast call letters = KORO TV city = station station slogan = station branding = analog = 28 (UHF) digital = 27 (UHF) other chs = affiliations = Univision network = founded = airdate = April 1977 [The Broadcasting and Cable Yearbook… … Wikipedia
Koro — Este artículo trata sobre la isla volcánica. Para otros usos de este término, véase Koro (desambiguación). Koro es una isla volcánica de Fiyi que conforma el archipiélago de Lomaiviti. El mar de Koro lleva el nombre de la localidad, que es una de … Wikipedia Español
Koro — Original name in latin Koro Name in other language Koro State code ID Continent/City Asia/Jakarta longitude 6.867 latitude 111.2157 altitude 93 Population 0 Date 2012 01 22 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
koro- — War; also war band, host, army. 1. heriot, from Old English here, army. 2. arrière ban, from Old French herban, a summoning to military service (ban, proclamation, summons; see bhā 2). 3. a … Universalium
koro — /kawr oh, kohr oh/, n. Psychiatry. a culture specific syndrome, occurring chiefly in China and southeastern Asia, characterized by anxiety and the fear of retraction of the penis or breasts and labia into the body. [ < dial. Malay (Kedah) koro… … Universalium
koro — is., müz., İt. coro Tek veya çok sesli olarak yazılmış bir müzik eserini uygulamak için bir araya gelen topluluk Her halkevinde müzik öğretmenlerinin kurduğu korolar vardı. N. Cumalı Birleşik Sözler koro hâlinde … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük