- Jumbo
Jumbo (homonymie)

Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Jumbo de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
jumbo — jumbo … Dictionnaire des rimes
Jumbo — The Elephant (1861 September 15, 1885) was a very large African bush elephant, born 1861 in French Sudan, imported to a Paris zoo, transferred to the London Zoo in 1865, and sold in 1882 to P. T. Barnum, for the circus. The giant elephant s name… … Wikipedia
jumbo — jum‧bo [ˈdʒʌmbəʊ ǁ boʊ] adjective [only before a noun] larger than the usual size: • Jumbo loans carry higher interest rates than smaller loans. * * * Ⅰ. jumbo UK US /ˈdʒʌmbəʊ/ adjective [only before noun] ► much larger than the usual size: »a… … Financial and business terms
Jumbo — er den mest berømte elefant gennem tiderne og har givet navn til begrebet jumbojet. Jumbo var en afrikansk elefant, født i Fransk Sudan omkring 1861. Jumbo blev importeret til Frankrig og holdt i den zoologiske have Jardin des Plantes nær Gare de … Danske encyklopædi
jumbo — ● jumbo nom masculin (américain jumbo, surnom de l éléphant) Chariot à portique supportant des perforatrices et servant au forage des trous de mine pour l abattage des roches ou au forage des trous de boulonnage pour le soutènement. ⇒JUMBO, subst … Encyclopédie Universelle
jumbo — (adj.) very large, unusually large for its type, 1882, a reference to Jumbo, name of the London Zoo s huge elephant (acquired from France, said to have been captured as a baby in Abyssinia in 1861), sold February 1882 to U.S. circus showman P.T.… … Etymology dictionary
Jumbo — puede referirse a: Jumbo el famoso elefante del circo de Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey; La cadena de supermercados chilena Jumbo; Al grupo mexicano de rock en español, Jumbo; La aeronave Boeing 747. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga ar … Wikipedia Español
jumbo — JÚMBO s.n. Vehicul de transportat perforatoarele de forare în mine sau în străpungerile subterane. [pron. gium . / < americ., fr. jumbo – nume glumeţ dat unui elefant]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 12.05.2005. Sursa: DN JUMBO GIÁM BO/ s. n.… … Dicționar Român
jumbo — informal ► NOUN (pl. jumbos) 1) a very large person or thing. 2) a jumbo jet. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ very large. ORIGIN probably the second element of MUMBO JUMBO(Cf. ↑mumbo jumbo) … English terms dictionary
jumbo — o jumbo jet /dʒumboˈdʒɛt, dʒamboˈdʒɛt, ingl. ˈdʒʌmbəud jɛt/ [dal nome Jumbo dato a un elefante portato a Londra da Barnum] s. m. inv. boeing (ingl.) … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione