Infinity II
- Infinity II
L'Infinity II est un gratte-ciel situé à Miami construit en 2009.
Il mesure 224.3 mètres pour 65 étages. Il a été terminé en 2010[1].
Notes et références
Liens externes
Catégories : - Gratte-ciel de Miami
- Gratte-ciel mesurant entre 200 et 249 mètres
- Gratte-ciel construit en 2009
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Infinity II de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Infinity — • The infinite, as the word indicates, is that which has no end, no limit, no boundary, and therefore cannot be measured by a finite standard, however often applied; it is that which cannot be attained by successive addition, not exhausted by… … Catholic encyclopedia
Infinity — In*fin i*ty, n.; pl. {Infinities}. [L. infinitas; pref. in not + finis boundary, limit, end: cf. F. infinit[ e]. See {Finite}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity; eternity; boundlessness; immensity. Sir T. More. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Infinity — (englisch für Unendlichkeit) steht für Infinity (Album), ein Musikalbum von Devin Townsend Infinity (Film), ein Film über Richard Feynman aus dem Jahr 1996 Infinity (Lautsprechermarke), eine Lautsprechermarke Infinity (Tabletop), ein Tabletop… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Infinity — (Блауберг,Южно Африканская Республика) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: 99 Coral … Каталог отелей
infinity — late 14c., from O.Fr. infinité infinity; large number or quantity (13c.), from L. infinitatem (nom. infinitas) boundlessness, endlessness, from infinitus boundless, unlimited (see INFINITE (Cf. infinite)). Infinitas was used as a loan translation … Etymology dictionary
Infinity II — will be a skyscraper in downtown Miami, Florida. Located in the southern Brickell Financial District, it will rank in the top ten tallest buildings in Miami. Construction on the building has begun recently, and it is expected to be complete in… … Wikipedia
infinity — [in fin′i tē] n. pl. infinities [ME infinite < OFr infinité < L infinitas] 1. the quality of being infinite 2. anything infinite; endless or unlimited space, time, distance, quantity, etc. 3. an indefinitely large number or amount 4. Geom.… … English World dictionary
infinity — index perpetuity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
infinity — [n] endlessness beyond, boundlessness, continuity, continuum, endless time, eternity, expanse, extent, immeasurability, immensity, infinitude, limitlessness, myriad, perpetuity, sempiternity, space, ubiquity, unlimited space, vastitude, vastness; … New thesaurus
infinity — ► NOUN (pl. infinities) 1) the state or quality of being infinite. 2) a very great number or amount. 3) Mathematics a number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number (symbol ). 4) a point in space or time that is or seems… … English terms dictionary