- Iconoscope
Unité complet d'iconoscope, retiré d'une caméra de télé aux USA, 1955.
L’iconoscope est un tube analyseur de caméra. Il est inventé par Vladimir Zworykin en 1923. Le tube de dissection de l'image est mis au point par Philo Farnsworth peu de temps après.
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
iconoscope — [ ikɔnɔskɔp ] n. m. • 1902; autre sens 1866; de icono et scope ♦ Audiovis. Forme primitive de la caméra électronique. ● iconoscope nom masculin L un des premiers tubes électroniques analyseurs d image, destiné aux caméras de télévision.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
iconoscope — ☆ iconoscope [ī kän′ə skōp΄ ] n. [ ICONO + SCOPE] a television camera electron tube, consisting of a vacuum tube enclosing a photosensitive plate on which the image is projected and an electron gun that scans the image with a narrow focused beam … English World dictionary
Iconoscope — The Iconoscope was the name given to an early television camera tube in which a beam of high velocity electrons scans a photoemissive mosaic. A research group at RCA headed by Vladimir Zworykin introduced the Iconoscope in 1934 [… … Wikipedia
iconoscope — ikonoskopas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. iconoscope vok. Ikonoskop, n rus. иконоскоп, m pranc. iconoscope, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
iconoscope — noun Etymology: from Iconoscope, a trademark Date: 1932 a camera tube containing an electron gun and a photoemissive mosaic screen of which each cell produces a charge proportional to the varying light intensity of the image focused on the screen … New Collegiate Dictionary
iconoscope — /uy kon euh skohp /, n. a television camera tube in which a beam of high velocity electrons scans a photoemissive mosaic. Cf. orthicon. [1930 35; formerly trademark; see ICONO , SCOPE] * * * … Universalium
iconoscope — noun an early television camera having a mosaic of photoactive cells … Wiktionary
iconoscope — (entrée créée par le supplément) (i ko no sko p ) s. m. Instrument destiné à donner du relief aux images planes examinées avec les deux yeux. ÉTYMOLOGIE Du grec, image, et, examiner … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
iconoscope — i·con·o·scope || aɪ kÉ‘nÉ™skəʊp / kÉ’n n. early tube of a television camera in which a picture is transformed into electrical impulses; section of a video camera wherein light is transformed into electric waves … English contemporary dictionary
iconoscope — A part of a video camera in which light is converted into electric waves … Glossary of Art Terms