Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
ITS est un sigle, qui signifie
- Information technology software
- Infection transmissible sexuellement
- Institut du Travail Social : centres de formation.
- International temperature scale (litt. « échelle de température internationale »), un ensemble de points de référence pour aider à la réalisation d'une échelle de température la plus uniforme possible
- Incompatible Timesharing System : un système d'exploitation
- Internationalization Tag Set : un jeu de balises XML pour aider à l'internationalisation de documents
- Internal Transcribed Spacer (litt. « Espaceur Interne transcrit ») Région d'ARN ribosomique non fonctionnel. Largement utilisé pour la taxonomie et la phylogénie moléculaire.
- Intelligent Transportation System (litt. « Systèmes de Transport Intelligents ») : L’expression « transports intelligents » désigne les applications des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication au domaine des transports.
- Identité, Tradition, Souveraineté : groupe politique au Parlement Européen.
- Intensité, Teinte et Saturation : un système utilisé en colorimétrie.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article ITS de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
its — [ ıts ] determiner *** Its is the possessive form of it. 1. ) belonging or relating to a thing, idea, place, animal, etc. when it has already been mentioned or when it is obvious which one you are referring to: The chair lay on its side. We were… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ITS — ITS, it s or its can mean:* its , the possessive adjective and possessive pronoun form of the personal pronoun it * it s , a contraction of it is or it has * The It s man, a man with torn clothes and unkempt beard who appeared at the beginning of … Wikipedia
its — /its/, pron. the possessive form of it (used as an attributive adjective): The book has lost its jacket. I m sorry about its being so late. [1590 1600; earlier it s, equiv. to IT1 + S1] Usage. While it is possible to use ITS as a predicate… … Universalium
its — W1S1 [ıts] determiner [possessive form of it ] [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: it] used to refer to something that belongs to or is connected with a thing, animal, baby etc that has already been mentioned ▪ Salzburg is famous for its beautiful… … Dictionary of contemporary English
its — /Its/ determiner the possessive form of it: The baby had fallen out of its crib. | I must admit the plan does have its merits … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
its — its, it s Its is the possessive form of it (The cat licked its paws) and it s is a shortened form of it is (It s raining again) or occasionally it has (I don t know if it s come) … Modern English usage
its — ► POSSESSIVE DETERMINER 1) belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned or easily identified. 2) belonging to or associated with a child or animal of unspecified sex. USAGE A common error in writing is to confuse the possessive… … English terms dictionary
Its — ([i^]ts), poss. pron. Possessive form of the pronoun it. See {It}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
its / it's — Its is the possessive form of it, like hers, his, and theirs: The dog licked its foot after stepping in maple syrup. It s is short for it is , a contraction of those two words: Well, I guess it s [it is] time to wash the dog again … Confused words
its / it's — Its is the possessive form of it, like hers, his, and theirs: The dog licked its foot after stepping in maple syrup. It s is short for it is , a contraction of those two words: Well, I guess it s [it is] time to wash the dog again … Confused words
its — [its] pron. [Early ModE analogical formation < it + ʼ s; written it s until early 19th c.: the ME & OE form was his] that or those belonging to it: the possessive form of IT1, used without a following noun possessive pronominal adj. of,… … English World dictionary