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  • IPR — steht für: Internationales Privatrecht Geistiges Eigentum (Intellectual property right) iPr steht für: Isopropyl, ein Rest in der Organischen Chemie mit der Summenformel C3H7 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • IPR — is a three letter abbreviation with multiple meanings, including: *Instant Product Replacement *InterPro Reference *Intellectual Property Rights *Inflow Performance Relation *Indie Press Revolution *Institute of Pacific Relations *Independent… …   Wikipedia

  • IPR's — Intellectual Property Rights are intangible rights in goods which give the holder exclusive rights to do certain acts while preventing others from doing so. Broadly, patents protect inventions; design rights protect the appearance of an article;… …   Law dictionary

  • IPR — [ ,aı pi ar ] noun plural Intellectual Property Rights: someone s rights relating to ideas, products, and work that they created and that can be protected by a COPYRIGHT, PATENT, or TRADEMARK …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • IPR/CS — Inward Processing Relief/Continental Shelf special arrangements are available for the transfer of Inward Processing Relief ( IPR) goods to or from locations on the Continental shelf outside UK territorial waters. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • IPR — abbreviation Usage: often not capitalized inches per revolution * * * inches per revolution. Also, i.p.r. * * * IPR UK [ˌaɪ piː ˈɑːr] US [ˌaɪ pi ˈɑr] noun [plural] Intellectual Property Rights: someone’s rights relating to ideas, products, and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • IPR-Helpdesk — The IPR Helpdesk, also known as Intellectual Property Rights Helpdesk, is a project funded by the European Commission (EC) and a source and guide to patent information. [ Paul Pechan, Gert E. de Vries, Genes on the Menu: Facts for Knowledge based …   Wikipedia

  • IPR — intelligence production requirement …   Military dictionary

  • ipr — inches per revolution. Also, i.p.r. * * * …   Universalium

  • IPR — imidozaline preferring receptor; immediate phase reaction; independent professional review; Institute for Process Control and Robotics [Germany]; insulin production rate; interval patency rate; intraparenchymal resistance; ipratropium; iproniazid …   Medical dictionary

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