I'nogo tied
- I'nogo tied
I'noGo tied
Parmi les Inuits d'Alaska, le i'noGo tied (maison des esprits) fait référence à une amulette de chance et de protection, faite à partir de blanc de baleine recouvert de fourrure de phoque.
Portail des mythes et légendes
Catégorie : Mythologie inuit
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article I'nogo tied de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
I'noGo Tied — Parmi les Inuits d Alaska, le i noGo tied (maison des esprits) fait référence à une amulette de chance et de protection, faite à partir de blanc de baleine recouvert de fourrure de phoque. Mythologie inuit Créatures et esprits Féminin : A… … Wikipédia en Français
I'noGo tied — Parmi les Inuits d Alaska, le i noGo tied (maison des esprits) fait référence à une amulette de chance et de protection, faite à partir de blanc de baleine recouvert de fourrure de phoque. v · Mythologie inuite Créatures et esprits… … Wikipédia en Français
I'noGo tied — Among the Inuit of Alaska, the i noGo tied ( house of spirits ) refers to a luck and protection amulet made from blubber encased in seal fur … Wikipedia
Nanook — For other uses, see Nanook (disambiguation). In Inuit mythology, Nanook or Nanuq[1] (Inuktitut syllabics: ᓇᓄᖅ[2]), which is from the Inuit language for polar bear, was the master of bears, meaning he decided if hunters had followed all applicable … Wikipedia
Negafook — depicted in a Yup ik mask In Inuit mythology, Negafook (or Negagfok) is a god of weather systems, particularly wintry cold ones … Wikipedia
Malina — For other uses, see Malina (disambiguation). Malina is a solar deity in Inuit mythology. She is found most commonly in the legends of Greenland that link her closely with the lunar deity Anningan, her brother. Malina is constantly fleeing from… … Wikipedia
Nerrivik — In Inuit mythology, Nerrivik was the sea mother and provider of food for the Inuit people. She was the patron of fisherman and hunters. In Canada, she was known as either Sedna or Arnapkapfaaluk and in Greenland, she was Arnakuagsak. Myth… … Wikipedia
Nootaikok — In Inuit mythology, Nootaikok was a god who presided over icebergs and glaciers. v · … Wikipedia
Nujalik — In Inuit mythology, Nujalik is the goddess of hunting on land. For reference, Sedna is the goddess of sea hunting (whaling, fishing, etc.). v … Wikipedia
Nuliajuk — is a goddess of the Netsilik Eskimo. According to Rasmussen [1] she lives on the bottom of the sea and controls sea mammal (seals, walruses, and sea lions) : whenever humans have neglected to observe ritual prohibitions, she imprisons the… … Wikipedia