- High-Tech
Hautes technologies
Les hautes technologies ou technologies de pointe, aussi connues sous l'anglicisme high-tech (pour high technology), sont des technologies considérées comme les plus avancées à une époque donnée. Faiblement employé avant les années 1970, l'usage de cette notion est partiale et cette définition permet aujourd'hui aux départements marketing de décrire tous les nouveaux produits comme de la high-tech.
Les domaines qui sont communément acceptés comme relevant de la haute-technologie sont aujourd'hui :
Ces domaines entretiennent des échanges constants avec les complexes militaro-industriels qui ont les moyens de financer des recherches de pointe, et qui en profitent en retour pour développer des systèmes d'armes de plus en plus sophistiqués, et notamment les armes de destruction massive, reposant la plupart du temps sur des principes nouveaux.
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High Tech — High Tech … Deutsch Wörterbuch
High tech — is technology that is at the cutting edge the most advanced technology currently available. The adjective form is hyphenated: high tech or high technology. (There is also an architectural style known as high tech.)There is no specific class of… … Wikipedia
high-tech — ˌhigh ˈtech also hi tech adjective high tech equipment, activities etc involve or use advanced technology: • High tech companies must keep their specialized personnel in order to explore emerging technologies. • Like most high tech products when… … Financial and business terms
high-tech — [ˌhaı ˈtek] adj [usually before noun] 1.) using high technology ▪ high tech industries ▪ a £1 million high tech security system ▪ high tech weapons →↑low tech 2.) high tech furniture, designs etc are made in a very modern style >high tech n… … Dictionary of contemporary English
high-tech — [ ajtɛk ] n. m. inv. • 1980 adj.; abrév. angl. de high technology « haute technologie » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Utilisation décorative, architecturale d objets et d éléments industriels. 2 ♦ Technique de pointe. Adjt Une médecine high tech. high tech [… … Encyclopédie Universelle
high tech — or high technology n. 1. highly specialized, complex technology, as in electronics: in full high technology ☆ 2. furnishings, fashions, etc. that in design or look suggest industrial use, as by being stark, metallic, or strictly utilitarian: Also … Universalium
high tech — or high technology n. 1. highly specialized, complex technology, as in electronics: in full high technology ☆ 2. furnishings, fashions, etc. that in design or look suggest industrial use, as by being stark, metallic, or strictly utilitarian: Also … English World dictionary
*high-tech — ● high tech adjectif invariable (abréviation de l anglais high technology, haute technologie) Se dit d un style de décoration intérieure caractérisé par l intégration de matériaux, de meubles ou d accessoires conçus pour un usage professionnel,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
high tech — adjective ** using the most modern or advanced technology available: high tech computer companies the car s high tech steering system … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
high-tech — high′ tech′ n. 1) cvb high technology 2) fur a style of interior design using industrial and commercial fixtures, materials, etc., or incorporating elements having the stark, utilitarian appearance characteristic of industrial design 3) fur of,… … From formal English to slang
high-tech — (also hi tech) ► ADJECTIVE 1) employing, requiring, or involved in high technology. 2) (of architecture and interior design) employing a functional style and industrial materials, such as steel and plastic … English terms dictionary