Heavy Machinery
- Heavy Machinery
Heavy Machinery est un jeu vidéo de course et d'action qui devait sortir sur 32X. Le jeu a été développé par Scavenger.
Le jeu s'appelait initialement Nitro Wreaks. Sa sortie a été annulé alors qu'il était pratiquement terminé.
Système de jeu
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Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Heavy Machinery de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
heavy machinery — ➔ machinery * * * heavy machinery UK US noun [U] PRODUCTION ► large pieces of machinery or equipment, especially those used in the building industry: »Workers brought in heavy machinery to clear trees and make access to the site easier … Financial and business terms
heavy machinery — /ˌhevi mə ʃi:nəri/ noun large machines … Dictionary of banking and finance
machinery — ma‧chin‧e‧ry [məˈʆiːnəri] noun [uncountable] 1. MANUFACTURING FARMING equipment that uses power such as electricity or petrol: • agricultural machinery • industrial machinery ˌheavy maˈchinery … Financial and business terms
Heavy equipment (construction) — Heavy machinery redirects here. For the album by Anders Johansson, Jens Johansson and Allan Holdsworth, see Heavy Machinery (album). Heavy equipment vehicles of various types parking near a highway construction site … Wikipedia
machinery — ma|chin|e|ry S3 [məˈʃi:nəri] n [U] 1.) machines, especially large ones agricultural/industrial/factory etc machinery ▪ The use of heavy machinery has damaged the site. ▪ an expensive piece of machinery 2.) a system or set of processes for doing… … Dictionary of contemporary English
heavy — heav|y1 W1S1 [ˈhevi] adj comparative heavier superlative heaviest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(weight)¦ 2¦(amount/degree/severity)¦ 3¦(needing physical effort)¦ 4¦(needing mental effort)¦ 5 heavy going 6 be heavy on something 7 heavy with something … Dictionary of contemporary English
heavy — heav|y1 [ hevi ] adjective *** ▸ 1 with a lot of weight ▸ 2 many things ▸ 3 with physical effort ▸ 4 showing anger ▸ 5 smell: sweet & strong ▸ 6 not attractive ▸ 7 with a lot of force etc. ▸ 8 uncomfortable or tired ▸ 9 very severe ▸ 10… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
heavy — I UK [ˈhevɪ] / US adjective Word forms heavy : adjective heavy comparative heavier superlative heaviest *** 1) a heavy object weighs a lot She was struggling with a heavy suitcase. Careful – that box is pretty heavy. You should soon be able to… … English dictionary
heavy*/*/*/ — [ˈhevi] adj 1) a heavy object weighs a lot Ant: light She was struggling with a heavy suitcase.[/ex] He was too heavy for the nurses to lift.[/ex] 2) used for saying that there is a lot of something, or that something is done a lot Traffic is… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
heavy industry — ➔ industry * * * heavy industry UK US noun [C or U] PRODUCTION ► industry that manufactures large pieces of equipment or machinery, or that use large pieces of equipment or machinery to manufacture products: »Glasgow used to be a centre for… … Financial and business terms