Griselda Pollock

Griselda Pollock

Griselda Pollock, née en 1949, est une critique d'art et de culture moderne et contemporain, et professeur en Histoire de l'Art et de Cultural Studies à l'Université de Leeds.

Théoricienne post-moderne, specialiste de l'avant-garde et de Van Gogh, son objectif est de créer des liens entre l'Histoire de l'art académique, l'art moderne, l'art contemporain, le féminisme et la critique contemporaine de l'art et de la culture. Pollock est specialiste de la théorie psychanalytique français, et elle est tres connu pour son travail sur les artistes Jean-François Millet, Mary Cassatt, Eva Hesse et Charlotte Salomon.


  • Millet, London Oresko Books, 1977.
  • (& Fred Orton) Vincent van Gogh: Artist of his Time, Phaidon Press, Oxford, 1978; US-edition: E. P. Dutton ISBN 0714818836
edited and re-published in: Orton & Pollock 1996, pp. 3-51
  • (& Fred Orton) Les Données Bretonnantes: La Prairie de Représentation, in: Art History III/3, 1980, pp. 314-344
re-published in: Orton & Pollock 1996, pp. 53-88
  • Mary Cassatt, London Jupiter Books, 1980
  • Artists mythologies and media genius, madness and art history, in: Screen XXI/3, 1980, pp. 57-96
  • Vincent van Gogh in zijn Hollandse jaren: Kijk op stad en land door Van Gogh en zijn tijdgenoten 1870-1890, exh. cat. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, 1980/1981 (no ISBN)
  • Old Mistresses; Women, Art and Ideology, London Routledge & Kegan (Griselda Pollock with Rozsika Parker), 1981.
  • (& Fred Orton) Cloisonism?, in: Art History V/3, 1982, pp. 341-348
re-published in: Orton & Pollock 1996, pp. 115-124
  • The Journals of Marie Bashkirtseff, London Virago (newly introduced with Rozsika Parker), 1985.
  • Framing Feminism: Art & the Womens Movement 1970-85, (Griselda Pollock with Rozsika Parker) 1987.
  • Vision and Difference: Femininity, Feminism, and Histories of Art, London Routledge and New York Methuen, 1987.
  • Agency and the Avant-Garde: Studies in Authorship and History by Way of Van Gogh, in Block 1989/15, pp. 5-15
re-published in: Orton & Pollock 1996, pp. 315-342
  • Dealing with Degas: Representations of Women and the Politics of Vision (co-edited Richard Kendall). London Pandora Books, 1992, (now Rivers Oram Press, London.
  • Avant-Garde Gambits: Gender and the Colour of Art History, London Thames and Hudson, 1993.
  • Trouble in the Archives. Special Issue Differences vol. 4 no. 3, 1992.
  • Generations and Geographies: Critical Theories and Critical Practices in Feminism and the Visual Arts, ed. Routledge, 1996. ISBN 0-415-14128-1
  • (& Fred Orton) Avant-Gardes and Partisans Reviewed, Manchester University Press, 1996 ISBN 0719043980
  • The Ambivalence of Pleasure, Getty Art History Oral Documentation Project, interview by Richard Cándida Smith, Getty Research Institute, 1997.
  • Mary Cassatt Painter of Modern Women, London Thames & Hudson: World of Art, 1998.
  • On not seeing Provence: Van Gogh and the landscape of consolation, 1888-1889, in: Framing France: The representation of landscape in France, 1870-1914, ed. Richard Thomson, Manchester University Press 1998, pp. 81-118 ISBN 0719049350
  • Aesthetics. Politics. Ethics Julia Kristeva 1966-96, Special Issue Guest Edited parallax, no. 8, 1998.
  • Differencing the Canon: Feminism and the Histories of Art, London, Routledge, 1999.
  • Looking Back to the Future: Essays by Griselda Pollock from the 1990s, New York, G&B New Arts, introduced by Penny Florence, 2000. ISBN 90-5701-132-8
  • Work and the Image, 2 vols. Edited By Griselda Pollock with Valerie Mainz, London:Ashgate Press, 2000.
  • Vision and Difference: Feminism, Femininity and the Histories of Art, Routledge Classics, 2003.
  • Psychoanalysis and the Image. (ed). Boston and Oxford: Blackwell, 2006. ISBN 1-4051-3461-5
  • Encountering Eva Hesse, edited by Griselda Pollock with Vanessa Corby, London and Munich: Prestel, 2006.
  • Museums after Modernism, edited by Griselda Pollock with Joyce Zemans Boston: Blackwells, 2007.
  • Encounters in the Virtual Feminist Museum Time, Space and the Archive, London: Routledge, 2007. ISBN 978-0-415-41374-9



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