George Medal
- George Medal
George Medal
La George Medal a été créée par le roi britannique George VI, afin de pouvoir récompenser les membres du Commonwealth qui accompliraient des actions héroïques en temps de paix. Le premier propos de cette médaille est de récompenser les civils. Elle n'est attribuée à des militaires uniquement pour les honorer d'une action qui ne serait pas couverte par les décorations militaires existantes.
La loi royale créant cette George Medal fut publiée en janvier 1941.
Destinataires notables
Catégorie : Décoration militaire britannique
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article George Medal de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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George Medal — George Medal, Avers Die George Medal ist nach dem Georgs Kreuz die zweithöchste zivile Auszeichnung des Vereinigten Königreichs und des Commonwealth. Sie wird für außerordentlichen Mut verliehen. Sie besteht aus Silber und hat einen Durchmesser… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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George Medal — an award given to British civilians for doing something brave. It is a round silver medal. The George Medal is considered a great honour, though not as great as the George Cross. The two awards were introduced at the same time. * * * … Universalium
George Medal — George Med|al, the an honour in the form of a red ↑ribbon with five blue ↑stripes. It is given for similar acts of bravery as the George Cross but is not such a high honour … Dictionary of contemporary English
George Medal — /dʒɔdʒ ˈmɛdl/ (say jawj medl) noun a medal for heroism, awarded mainly to civilians. {founded by King George VI in 1940} …
(the) George Medal — the George Medal [the George Medal] an award given to British ↑civilians for doing something brave. It is a round silver medal. The George Medal is considered a great honour, though not as great as the ↑George Cross. The two awards were… … Useful english dictionary
George Cross — Infobox Military Award name= George Cross caption= Obverse of the medal. Ribbon: 38 mm, dark blue. awarded by= Commonwealth Realms type= Civil decoration. eligibility= Commonwealth subjects. for= ... acts of the greatest heroism or of the most… … Wikipedia
George Cross — the highest award given to British civilians for doing something very brave, such as risking danger to help other people. It is a silver medal in the shape of a cross. The George Cross is not given to many people, and is considered a great honour … Universalium