Gauntlet IV
- Gauntlet IV
Gauntlet IV est un jeu vidéo d'action développé et édité par Tengen en 1993 sur Megadrive. Adaptation de Gauntlet (1985), le jeu implémente des modes de jeu supplémentaires.
Système de jeu
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La série
- 1985 - Gauntlet
- 1986 - Gauntlet II
- 1990 - Gauntlet: The Third Encounter
- 1991 - Gauntlet III: The Final Quest
- 1993 - Gauntlet IV
- 1998 - Gauntlet Legends
- 1999 - Gauntlet Dark Legacy
- 2005 - Gauntlet Seven Sorrows
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Gauntlet IV de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Gauntlet — or gantlet may mean:* Gauntlet (glove), protective gloves used as a form of armour * Gauntlet (marking), the white markings on one or more of the legs of an animal such as a cat or rabbit, making them look like they have a long white glove on *… … Wikipedia
Gauntlet — Éditeur Atari Games Développeur Atari Games Concepteur Ed Logg … Wikipédia en Français
Gauntlet — es una serie arcade de juegos de mazmorras desarrollado por Atari Games. Los juegos de la serie pueden referirse a: Gauntlet (1985) Gauntlet II (1986) Gauntlet: The Third Encounter (1990) Gauntlet III: The Final Quest (1991) Gauntlet IV (1993)… … Wikipedia Español
gauntlet — Ⅰ. gauntlet [1] ► NOUN 1) a stout glove with a long loose wrist. 2) a glove worn as part of medieval armour, made of leather with protective steel plates. ● take up (or throw down) the gauntlet Cf. ↑throw down the gauntlet … English terms dictionary
Gauntlet — Gaunt let, n. [F. gantelet, dim. of gant glove, LL. wantus, of Teutonic origin; cf. D. want, Sw. & Dan. vante, Icel. v[ o]ttr, for vantr.] 1. A glove of such material that it defends the hand from wounds. [1913 Webster] Note: The gauntlet of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gauntlet — (engl.: Fehdehandschuh) bezeichnet unter anderem folgende Dinge: ein Computerspiel aus dem Jahr 1985, siehe Gauntlet (Computerspiel) das russische Luftabwehrraketensystem SA 15 Gauntlet, siehe Tor M1 einen Film von 1977, siehe Der Mann, der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
gauntlet — There are two distinct words here: (1) ‘a stout glove’ used in the expression throw down the gauntlet (= accept a challenge), from an Old French diminutive of gant meaning ‘glove’, and (2) used in the phrase run the gauntlet (= undergo a… … Modern English usage
gauntlet — gauntlet1 [gônt′lit, gänt′lit] n. [ME < OFr gantelet, dim. of gant, a glove < Frank * want, a mitten, akin to EFris wante] 1. a medieval glove, usually of leather covered with metal plates, worn by knights in armor to protect the hand in… … English World dictionary
Gauntlet — Gaunt let, n. (Mil.) See {Gantlet}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gauntlet — Ⅰ. gaunt·let1 also gant·let (gônt’lĭt, gänt’ ) n. 1. A protective glove, usually extending over some of the forearm, worn as part of medieval armor. 2. Any of various protective gloves, usually with an extended or flared cuff, as used in certain… … Word Histories