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  • Flanker — may refer to:*The NATO reporting name for the Sukhoi Su 27 and derivatives [cite web | url = http://www.designation systems.net/non us/soviet.html | title = Designations of Soviet and Russian Military Aircraft and Missiles | accessdate = 2006 05… …   Wikipedia

  • Flanker — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En cada equipo de rugby hay dos posiciones denominadas flanker. Los flankers forman parte de la tercera línea, junto al número 8 en las formaciones de melé y son los jugadores que suelen portar los dorsales 6… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Flanker — steht für: Flanker (Football), Offense Position im American Football Suchoi Su 27, Sowjetischer Jäger Flanker (Rugby), eine Position rechts bzw. links außen im Gedränge. Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unt …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Flanker — Flank er, n. One who, or that which, flanks, as a skirmisher or a body of troops sent out upon the flanks of an army toguard a line of march, or a fort projecting so as to command the side of an assailing body. [1913 Webster] They threw out… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flanker — Flank er, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Flankered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Flankering}.] [See {Flank}, v. t.] 1. To defend by lateral fortifications. [Obs.] Sir T. Herbert. [1913 Webster] 2. To attack sideways. [Obs.] Evelyn. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flanker — [flaŋk′ər] n. 1. Mil. a) a fortified position at either flank for protection or attack b) any of several soldiers detailed to protect the flanks of a marching column ☆ 2. Football an offensive back who takes a position closer to the sideline than …   English World dictionary

  • flanker — noun Date: 1940 a football player stationed wide of the formation slightly behind the line of scrimmage as a pass receiver called also flanker back …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • flanker — /flang keuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that flanks. 2. Mil. one of a body of soldiers placed on the flank of an army to guard a line of march. 3. Fort. a fortification projecting so as to defend another work or to command the flank of an… …   Universalium

  • flanker — n. 1 Mil. a fortification guarding or menacing the flank. 2 anything that flanks another thing. 3 (in Rugby and American Football) a flank forward. 4 sl. a trick; a swindle (pulled a flanker) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flanker (rugby union) — For other uses, see Flanker. An example rugby union team formation illustrating the players relative positions. A flanker is a position in the sport of rugby union. Flankers play in the forwards,[1] and are generally classifie …   Wikipedia

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