
Un ferrotype, circa 1870

Le ferrotype est une technique photographique mise au point en 1852 par Adolphe-Alexandre Martin et qui supplanta peu à peu l'ambrotype à cause du faible coût des matériaux utilisés et de la rapidité du procédé.


Une fine plaque de tôle recouverte d'un vernis noir et d'une émulsion au collodion produisait après exposition et développement une image positive directe.


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  • Ferrotype — Fer ro*type, n. [L. ferrum iron + type.] A photographic picture taken on an iron plate by a collodion process; familiarly called tintype. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ferrotype — [fer′ō tīp΄, fer′ətīp΄] n. [ FERRO + TYPE] 1. a positive photograph taken directly on a thin plate of black enameled iron coated with a sensitized emulsion; tintype 2. the process of making such photographs vt. ferrotyped, ferrotyping to give a… …   English World dictionary

  • ferrotype — I. ˈferəˌtīp noun Etymology: ferro + type 1. : a positive photograph made by a collodion process on a thin iron plate and having a darkened surface (as of black enamel) called also tintype 2. : the process by which a ferrotype is made II.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ferrotype — noun Date: 1844 1. a positive photograph made by a collodion process on a thin iron plate having a darkened surface called also tintype 2. the process by which a ferrotype is made …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • ferrotype —    In photography, a positive image made directly on an iron plate varnished with a thin photosensitive film; also called a tintype. Or, the process by which they are made. The ferrotype process was introduced to the USA in 1855 …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • ferrotype — /ˈfɛroʊtaɪp/ (say ferohtuyp) verb (t) (ferrotyped, ferrotyping) 1. to put a glossy surface on (a print) by pressing it while wet on a metal sheet (ferrotype tin). –noun 2. a photograph taken on a sensitised sheet of enamelled iron or tin; a… …  

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  • ferrotype tin — noun see ferrotype plate * * * ferrotype tin or ferrotype plate, a smooth, enameled sheet of metal on which photographs are pressed and dried to add a glossy surface …   Useful english dictionary

  • ferrotype — noun an early photographic process in which the image is made on an iron plate having a sensitized surface film …   Wiktionary

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