- Fail-Safe
Fail-Safe était un groupe musical de Montréal. Ils ont principalement occupé la scène montréalaise entre 1986 et 1988. Ils n'ont eu qu'un seul album homonyme. Très influencé par le groupe Black Flag mais moins rapide et plus émotif, ils avaient un côté plus jazz que metal.
Fail-Safe était composé de Iain Cook (singer), EwenMacDonald (bass), Peter Boucher 1965-2005(drums) et Angie (guitar).
Catégories : - Groupe de musique des années 1980
- Groupe de musique québécois
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Fail-Safe de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Fail-Safe — oder dt. Ausfallsicher ( Trotz Fehler sicher wörtlich: zusammengesetzt aus engl. fail – hier: ausfallen und safe – hier: gefahrlos ) bezeichnet jede Eigenschaft eines Systems, die im Fall eines Fehlers zu möglichst geringem Schaden führt. Bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
fail safe — To revert to a safe condition in the event of failure • • • Main Entry: ↑fail * * * fail safe «FAYL SAYF», adjective, verb, safed, saf|ing. or failed , fail|ing . –adj. 1. having a … Useful english dictionary
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fail-safe — fail′ safe adj. 1) elo equipped with a secondary system that ensures continued operation even if the primary system fails 2) mil denoting a system of safeguards in which bombers may not proceed past a prearranged point or nuclear weapons may not… … From formal English to slang
fail-safe — ► ADJECTIVE 1) causing machinery to revert to a safe condition in the event of a breakdown. 2) unlikely or unable to fail … English terms dictionary
fail-safe — [fāl′sāf΄] adj. [ FAIL, v. + SAFE, adj.] designating, of, or involving a procedure designed to prevent malfunctioning or unintentional operation, often specif. of nuclear armed aircraft, through an intricate system of protective devices … English World dictionary
fail-safe — [adj] guaranteed not to fail confident, covered, foolproof, protected, reliable, reliant, safeguarded, secure, sound, sure; concepts 535,542,544 … New thesaurus
fail-safe — I noun a mechanism capable of returning to a safe state in case there is a failure or malfunction • Hypernyms: ↑mechanism II adjective 1. guaranteed not to fail a fail safe recipe for cheese souffle • Similar to: ↑secure … Useful english dictionary