Le FRUC, ou Forcément Révolutionnaire Utopique et Créatif, est un lieu d'art contemporain situé au centre de Montpellier, France, appartenant aux artistes Sylvia Hansmann et Stéphan Barron.
Hangar de pierres du début du XXe siècle, "réorganisé", mêlant habitation, création, jardin et lieu d'exposition dont les plans furent conçus par l'architecte Jean-Pierre Campredon, donnant ce qu'il appelle "une architecture écologique urbaine".
La première partie du bâtiment, d'une surface de 100m2, laissé brut, aménagé en lieu d'exposition accueille des artistes internationaux.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article FRUC de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
fruc — fruc·tes·cence; fruc·tif·er·ous; fruc·ti·fi·ca·tion; fruc·ti·fi·ca·tive; fruc·ti·fi·er; fruc·ti·form; fruc·ti·fy; fruc·tiv·o·rae; fruc·tiv·o·rous; fruc·tol·y·sis; fruc·to·san; fruc·tose; fruc·to·side; fruc·tu·ous; fruc·tus; in·fruc·tes·cence;… … English syllables
fruc|ti|fy — «FRUHK tuh fy», verb, fied, fy|ing. –v.i. to bear fruit: »Figurative. The trace of genius on the air ought to be fructifying, or at any rate heady; but somehow it is nothing of the kind (London Times). ╂[< Old French fructifier, learned… … Useful english dictionary
Fruc|ti|dor — «frook tee DR», noun. the twelfth month of the French Revolutionary calendar, from August 18 to September 16. ╂[< French Fructidor < Latin frūctus, ūs fruit (literally) an enjoyment (see etym. under fruit (Cf. ↑fruit)) + Greek dôron gift] … Useful english dictionary
fruc|tif|er|ous — «fruhk TIHF uhr uhs», adjective. bearing or producing fruit. ╂[< Latin frūctifer (< frūctus, ūs fruit + ferre to bear) + English ous] … Useful english dictionary
fruc|ti|fi|ca|tion — «FRUHK tuh fuh KAY shuhn», noun. 1. the act or fact of forming or bearing fruit. 2. the fruit of a plant. 3. the organs of fruiting or reproduction in lower plants, such as the reproductive parts of ferns and mosses … Useful english dictionary
fruc|tiv|o|rous — «fruhk TIHV uhr uhs», adjective. feeding on fruits; frugivorous: »Some vertebrates are herbivorous…some fructivorous, and a few even omnivorous (White and Renner). ╂[< Latin frūctus fruit + vorāre devour + English ous] … Useful english dictionary
fruc|tose — «FRUHK tohs», noun. a sugar present in many fruits and in honey; fruit sugar; levulose. In honey it is present as one of the two products of the hydrolysis of sucrose. Fructose is much sweeter than glucose or sucrose. Formula: C6H12O6 ╂[<… … Useful english dictionary
fruc|tu|ous — «FRUHK chu uhs», adjective. 1. producing fruit. 2. Figurative. productive of results; profitable. SYNONYM(S): advantageous, beneficial. ╂[< Latin frūctuōsus producing fruit < frūctus, ūs fruit] … Useful english dictionary
fruc·tose — /ˈfrʌkˌtoʊs/ noun [noncount] : a very sweet kind of sugar that is found in fruit juices and honey … Useful english dictionary
u|su|fruc|tu|ar|y — «YOO zyu FRUHK chu EHR ee, syu », adjective, noun, plural ar|ies. –adj. 1. of or having to do with a usufruct. 2. like a usufruct. –n. a person who has the usufruct of property. ╂[< Late Latin ūsūfrūctuārius < Latin ūsūfrūctus < ūsus… … Useful english dictionary