- Exoenzyme
Une exoenzyme, ou enzyme extracellulaire, est une enzyme qui est secrétée par une cellule et qui fonctionne en dehors de celle-ci, dans le milieu extracellulaire. Ces enzymes se retrouvent impliquées dans la dégradation de macromolécules qui ne pourraient entrer dans la cellule autrement.
Ce terme fait aussi souvent référence aux enzymes hydrolytiques digestives secrétées par les champignons.
Exemple d'exoenzymes :
- Amylase
- ECA : synthèse d'angiotensine-II
- Lipoprotéine lipase : relargage de lipides à partir de lipoprotéines circulantes
- Enzymes digestives : dégradation des nutriments ingérés
- Quelques facteurs de coagulation : e.g. thrombine
Voir aussi
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Exoenzyme de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Exoenzyme — An exoenzyme, or extracellular enzyme, is an enzyme that is secreted by a cell and that works outside that cell. It is usually used for breaking up large molecules that would not be able to enter the cell otherwise. It is an enzyme that organisms … Wikipedia
exoenzyme — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1908 an extracellular enzyme … New Collegiate Dictionary
exoenzyme — (1) An enzyme attached to the outer surface of a cell (an ectoenzyme) or released from the cell into the extracellular space. (2) An enzyme that only cleaves the terminal residue from a polymer (in contrast to an endoenzyme) … Dictionary of molecular biology
exoenzyme — /ek soh en zuym/, n. Biochem. an enzyme, as pepsin, that functions outside the cell producing it. Also called ectoenzyme. Cf. endoenzyme. [1920 25; EXO + ENZYME] * * * … Universalium
exoenzyme — noun Any enzyme, generated by a cell, that functions outside of that cell … Wiktionary
exoenzyme — SYN: extracellular enzyme. * * * exo·en·zyme .ek sō en .zīm n an extracellular enzyme compare ENDOENZYME * * * n. an enzyme that acts outside the cell that produced it. Examples of exoenzymes are the digestive enzymes. * * * exo·en·zyme… … Medical dictionary
exoenzyme — n. enzyme active outside of the cell which produces it … English contemporary dictionary
exoenzyme — exo·enzyme … English syllables
exoenzyme — n. an enzyme that acts outside the cell that produced it. Examples of exoenzymes are the digestive enzymes … The new mediacal dictionary
exoenzyme — |eksə|w+ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary exo + enzyme : an enzyme that acts outside the cell (as in yeasts) : an extracellular enzyme distinguished from endoenzyme … Useful english dictionary