- Echiuroidea
Liste des familles
- Bonelliidae Lacaze-Duthiers, 1858
- Echiuridae Quatrefages, 1847
Liens externes
Portail de la zoologie
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Echiuroidea — Ech i*u*roi de*a, n. pl. [NL., fr. echiurus, the name of one genus (Gr. e chis an adder + o yra tail) + oid.] (Zo[ o]l.) A division of Annelida which includes the genus {Echiurus} and allies. They are often classed among the Gephyrea, and called… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
echiuroidea — ech·i·u·roi·dea … English syllables
echiuroidea — ˌekēyəˈrȯidēə noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Echiurus + oidea : a group of marine worms of obscure position though commonly classed as a division of Gephyrea and distinguished by a sensitive but nonretractile proboscis … Useful english dictionary
armed Gephyreans — Echiuroidea Ech i*u*roi de*a, n. pl. [NL., fr. echiurus, the name of one genus (Gr. e chis an adder + o yra tail) + oid.] (Zo[ o]l.) A division of Annelida which includes the genus {Echiurus} and allies. They are often classed among the Gephyrea … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Echiuroinea — ou Echiuroidea … Wikipédia en Français
echiuroid — /ek ee yoor oyd/, n. 1. any wormlike invertebrate of the phylum Echiuroidea, found in sand and mud of tropical and subtropical seas, having at the mouth a ciliated, often elongated prostomium. adj. 2. belonging or pertaining to the Echiuroidea.… … Universalium
echiuroid — I. u̇ˌrȯid noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin Echiuroidea : one of the Echiuroidea II. | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective : of or relating to the Echiuroidea … Useful english dictionary
echiuroid — noun Etymology: New Latin Echiuroidea or Echiura, ultimately from Greek echis viper + oura tail Date: circa 1889 any of a phylum (Echiura syn. Echiuroidea) of marine worms of uncertain taxonomic affinities that have a sensitive but nonretractile… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Echiura — Echiura … Wikipédia en Français
List of animal classes — The following is a list of the classes in each phylum of the kingdom Animalia.Acanthocephala*Archiacanthocephala *Eoacanthocephala *PalaeacanthocephalaAcoelomorpha*AcoelomorphaAnnelida*Branchiobdellae *Hirudinea *Oligochaeta… … Wikipedia