Ace Golf
- Ace Golf
Ace Golf est un jeu vidéo de sport sorti en 2002 sur GameCube. Le jeu a été développé par Telenet Japan puis édité par Eidos Interactive.
Système de jeu
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Catégories : - Jeu vidéo sorti en 2002
- Jeu vidéo de golf
- Jeu GameCube
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Ace Golf de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Golf (card game) — Golf is not one, but two different card games where players try to earn the lowest number of points (as in golf, the sport) over the course of nine deals (or holes to further use golfing teminology). The first is a form of solitaire with a… … Wikipedia
Ace — 〈[ɛıs] n.; s [ɛısız], s [ɛısız]; Sp.〉 1. 〈Tennis〉 = Ass3 (4) 2. 〈Golf〉 das Erreichen des Loches mit einem Schlag [engl., „Ass“] * * * ACE [Abk. für engl. angiotensin converting enzyme = Angiotensin umwandelndes Enzym]; Syn.: Kininase II,… … Universal-Lexikon
ace — [ās] n. [ME as, aas < L as, unit, unity, AS2] 1. a playing card, domino, etc. marked with one large, centered pip 2. Racket Sports Handball a) a score made by a serve that one s opponent fails to touch b) such a serve 3 … English World dictionary
ace — [ ɛs ] n. m. • 1928; mot angl. ♦ Anglic. Au tennis, Balle de service qui fait le point, l adversaire n ayant pu la toucher. ⊗ HOM. Ès, esse, 1. s. ● ace nom masculin (mot anglais signifiant as) Au tennis, balle de service que l adversaire ne peut … Encyclopédie Universelle
ace — ► NOUN 1) a playing card with a single spot on it, the highest card in its suit in most games. 2) informal a person who is very good at a particular activity. 3) Tennis a service that an opponent is unable to return. 4) Golf a hole in one. ►… … English terms dictionary
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Ace — 〈[ɛıs] n.; Gen.: s [ sız], Pl.: s [ sız]; Sport〉 1. = Ass (4) 2. 〈Golf〉 das Erreichen des Loches mit einem Schlag [Etym.: engl., »Ass«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Ace Lightning — infobox television show name = Ace Lightning caption = format = Childrens, Action, Comedy runtime = 30 minutes creator = Jim Corston Rick Siggelkow starring = Thomas Wansey Marc Minardi and Michael Riley opentheme = There s A Hero by Four Square… … Wikipedia
Golf glossary — The following is a glossary of the terminology used in the sport of golf. Where words in a sentence are also defined elsewhere in this article, they appear in italics. A :; Ace: when a player hits the ball directly from the tee into the cup with… … Wikipedia
ace — /ays/, n., v., aced, acing, adj. n. 1. a playing card or die marked with or having the value indicated by a single spot: He dealt me four aces in the first hand. 2. a single spot or mark on a playing card or die. 3. (in tennis, badminton,… … Universalium