Culture Beat

Culture Beat

Culture Beat est un groupe d'eurodance allemand créé en 1989 à Francfort par le disc jockey Torsten Fenslau.



1989 - 1993

Lorsqu'il fonde Culture Beat en 1989, cela fait 11 ans que Torsten Fenslau est deejay au Dorian Gray, une discothèque de Francfort.

Le premier EP, Der Erdbeermund (1989), fut interprété en allemand, en anglais (Cherry Lips) et en français (Les Lèvres Cerises) par Jo Van Nelsen. Cet opus fut remarqué en Allemagne et en Angleterre.

Peu après, Torsten Fenslau recruta le rappeur américain Jay suprême et la chanteuse Lana Earl. Cette formation vocale connut un certain succès en Hollande grâce aux titres I Like You (1990) et No Deeper Meaning (1991). Le premier album de Culture Beat, Horizon (mars 1991), passa toutefois complètement inaperçu.

1993 - 1997

Au début de l'année 1993, la chanteuse britannique Tania Evans remplace Lana Earl.

Mr. Vain (janvier 1993) est le premier single du duo Tania Evans - Jay Supreme. Il devint n°1 dans 13 pays dont l'Australie, l'Allemagne, l'Italie et l'Angleterre. Vendu à quelque 4,5 millions d'exemplaires dans le monde (meilleure vente de single en Europe pour l'année 1993), il est à ce jour le plus grand succès du groupe.

Cette consécration internationale fut confirmée lors de la sortie du second LP Serenity (juin 1993): il s'écoula à plus de 2 millions de copies et se classa dans le top 10 des ventes d'albums en Autriche, Allemagne, Australie, Suisse, Suède et Norvège.

Extraits de Serenity, les singles Got To Get It (septembre 1993) et Anything (décembre 1993) atteignirent le top 5 des ventes de disques en Irlande, Allemagne, Angleterre, Pays-Bas, Suède, France et/ou Autriche.

Le 6 novembre 1993, Torsten Fenslau décède dans un accident de voiture à Messel (district de Darmstadt, Allemagne). Il avait 29 ans. Son frère, Frank Fenslau, lui succède.

Frank fenslau réalise le troisième album, Inside Out (Novembre 1995), lequel aura le plus de succès en Allemagne et en Suisse.

Issus de cet LP, les singles Inside Out (Novembre 1995), Crying In The Rain (1996) et Take Me Away (juin 1996) se positionnèrent dans le top 10 des ventes de disques en Autriche, Finlande et/ou Allemagne.

1997 - 1999

En 1997, Frank Fenslau remplace Tania Evans par la chanteuse Kim Sanders. Peu de temps après, Jay Supreme quitta Culture Beat en plein enregistrement de l'album Metamorphosis (juin 1998), lequel ne retint l'attention du public qu'en Allemagne et en Suisse.

Les singles Pay No Mind (1998) et Rendez-Vous (1998), lesquels accompagnèrent la sortie du quatrième LP, eurent un certain succès en Allemagne et/ou Autriche.

2001 - 2011

Deux ans après le départ de Kim Sanders, la chanteuse Jacky Sangster intègre le groupe en 2001. Son premier single, Insanity (2001) est un échec commercial en Europe alors qu'il est n°1 en Israël.

Pour commémorer les dix ans de Mr. Vain, une remix intitulé Mr. Vain Recall est réalisé en 2003. Il entrera dans le top 10 des ventes de disques en Allemagne et Autriche. A l'heure actuelle, il demeure le dernier succès de Culture Beat.

Depuis la sortie du single Your Love (mai 2008), Culture Beat n'a plus aucune actualité musicale.

Le site officiel du groupe,, a été fermé en 2011.


Les Voix du groupe

  • Lana Earl (1989 - 1993)
  • Tania Evans (1993 - 1997)
  • Kim Sanders (1997 - 1999)
  • Jacky Sangster (2001 - aujourd'hui)
  • Jay Supreme (1989 - 1997)
  • Jo van Nelsen (1989)

Réalisateurs et producteurs artistiques

  • Frank Fenslau (1993 - aujourd'hui)
  • Torsten Fenslau (1989 - 1993)
  • Peter Gräber (1993 - aujourd'hui)
  • Juergen Katzmann (1989 - 1995)
  • Jens Zimmermann (1989 - 1995)
  • Peter Zweier (1989 - aujourd'hui)

Albums officiels

"Horizon" (1991)

  • CD / Europe & Allemagne
  1. "Horizon" - 9:10
  2. "It's Too Late" - 6:04
  3. "The Hyped Affect" - 6:00
  4. "Tell Me That You Wait" - 4:19
  5. "Black Flowers" - 5:46
  6. "I Like You" - 3:59
  7. "No Deeper Meaning" - 6:01
  8. "Serious" - 5:16
  9. "Der Erdbeermund" - 4:05
  10. "One Good Reason" - 5:10
  11. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airdrome Club Mix] - 8:28
  12. "Horizon" [Reprise] - 5:27
  • CD / Japon
  1. "Horizon" - 9:10
  2. "It's Too Late" - 6:04
  3. "The Hyped Affect" - 6:00
  4. "Tell Me That You Wait" - 4:19
  5. "Black Flowers" - 5:46
  6. "I Like You" - 3:59
  7. "No Deeper Meaning" - 6:01
  8. "Serious" - 5:16
  9. "Der Erdbeermund" - 4:05
  10. "One Good Reason" - 5:10
  11. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airdrome Club Mix] - 8:28
  12. "Horizon" [Reprise] - 5:27
  13. "I Like You" [Zulu Mix] - 7:08
  • CD / USA & Canada
  1. "Like You" [London Remix] - 6:30
  2. "The Hyped Affect" - 6:00
  3. "Cherry Lips (Der Erdbeermund)" - 4:03
  4. "Tell Me That You Wait" - 4:18
  5. "Black Flowers" - 5:44
  6. "No Deeper Meaning" - 6:00
  7. "One Good Reason" - 5:08
  8. "Serious" - 5:13
  9. "It's Too Late" - 6:04
  10. "Horizon" - 9:09
  11. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Remix] - 8:26
  12. "Cherry Lips (Der Erdbeermund)" [Remix] - 8:05
  • Vinyl / USA
  1. "I Like You" [London Remix] - 6:35
  2. "The Hyped Affect" - 5:57
  3. "No Deeper Meaning" - 6:00
  4. "Horizon" - 6:22
  5. "Tell Me That You Wait" - 4:11
  6. "Serious" - 6:14
  7. "Black Flowers" - 5:44
  8. "Cherry Lips" - 4:03
  9. "It's Too Late" - 6:03
  • Vinyl / Allemagne & Brésil
  1. "Horizon" - 9:09
  2. "It's Too Late" - 6:04
  3. "The Hyped Affect" - 5:57
  4. "Tell Me That You Wait" - 4:11
  5. "Black Flowers" - 5:44
  6. "I Like You" - 3:57
  7. "No Deeper Meaning" - 6:00
  8. "Serious" - 5:13
  9. "Der Erdbeermund" - 4:03

"Serenity" (1993)

positions dans les Charts internationaux

  • Suède: n°4
  • Australie:n°5
  • Autriche: n°7
  • Allemagne: n°8
  • Suisse: n°8
  • Norvège: n°10
  • Pays-Bas: n°12
  • Angleterre: n°13


  • CD / Allemagne, Canada & Japon
  1. "Serenity" [Prolog] - 2:16
  2. "Mr. Vain" - 5:37
  3. "Got To Get It" - 5:21
  4. "World In Your Hands" - 5:33
  5. "Adelante!" - 5:38
  6. "Rocket To The Moon" - 5:47
  7. "Anything" - 6:24
  8. "Key To Your Heart" - 4:09
  9. "The Other Side Of Me" - 4:52
  10. "The Hurt" - 4:15
  11. "Mother Earth" - 6:11
  12. "Serenity" [Epilog] - 7:51
  13. "Id Tania" - 0:06
  14. "Id Jay" - 0:09
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne, USA & Brésil
  1. "Serenity" [Prolog] - 2:16
  2. "Mr. Vain" - 5:37
  3. "Got To Get It" - 5:21
  4. "World In Your Hands" - 5:33
  5. "Adelante!" - 5:38
  6. "Rocket To The Moon" - 5:47
  7. "Anything" - 6:24
  8. "Key To Your Heart" - 4:09
  9. "The Other Side Of Me" - 4:52
  10. "The Hurt" - 4:15
  11. "Mother Earth" - 6:11
  12. "Serenity" [Epilog] - 7:51
  • CD / Australie

CD 1 : "Serenity"

  1. "Serenity" [Prolog] - 2:16
  2. "Mr. Vain" - 5:37
  3. "Got To Get It" - 5:21
  4. "World In Your Hands" - 5:33
  5. "Adelante!" - 5:38
  6. "Rocket To The Moon" - 5:47
  7. "Anything" - 6:24
  8. "Key To Your Heart" - 4:09
  9. "The Other Side Of Me" - 4:52
  10. "The Hurt" - 4:15
  11. "Mother Earth" - 6:11
  12. "Serenity" [Epilog] - 7:51
  13. "Id Tania" - 0:06
  14. "Id Jay" - 0:09

CD 2: "Bonus EP"

  1. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Trance] - 6:22
  2. "Got To Get It" [Raw Deal Mix] - 5:34
  3. "No Deeper Meaning" [Airplay Single Edit] - 4:00
  4. "I Like You" [London Mix] - 6:53
  5. "Cherry Lips" [Magic Mix] - 6:57
  6. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airline Mix] - 8:30
  7. "No Deeper Meaning [Technology Mix] - 6:38
  • CD / Angleterre / 2010
  1. "Serenity" [Prolog] - 2:16
  2. "Mr. Vain" - 5:37
  3. "Got To Get It" - 5:21
  4. "World In Your Hands" - 5:33
  5. "Adelante!" - 5:38
  6. "Rocket To The Moon" - 5:47
  7. "Anything" - 6:24
  8. "Key To Your Heart" - 4:09
  9. "The Other Side Of Me" - 4:52
  10. "The Hurt" - 4:15
  11. "Mother Earth" - 6:11
  12. "Serenity" [Epilog] - 7:51
  13. "Id Tania" - 0:06
  14. "Id Jay" - 0:09
  15. "Mr. Vain" [Vain Mix] - 6:35
  16. "Got To Get It" [Radio Mix] - 3:59

"The Remix Album" (1994)

  • CD / Europe & Brésil
  1. "Der Erdbeermund" [Get Into Magic Mix] - 8:09
  2. "No Deeper Meaning" [Technology Mix] - 4:04
  3. "I Like You" [Zulu-Mix] - 7:08
  4. "Tell Me That You Wait" [First Class Mix] - 7:30
  5. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. House] - 6:18
  6. "Got To Get It" [Hypnotic Mix] - 7:17
  7. "Anything" [Trancemix] - 6:30
  8. "World In Your Hands" [MKM's Danish Flex Mix] - 6:23
  9. "Adelante!" [MKM's Danish Flex Mix] - 6:30
  10. "Adelante!" [Butcher Mix] - 7:57
  11. "DMC...Megamix" (Vorsprung Durch Culture Beat - A Tribute To Torsten Fenslau) - 6:33

"Inside Out" (1995)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Allemagne: n°22
  • Suisse: n°27
  • Finlande: n°33
  • Autriche: n°34
  • Pays-Bas: n°91


  • CD, CD Promo & Vinyl / Europe, Allemagne, Autriche, Canada, Japon & Mexique
  1. "Intro" - 2:24
  2. "Walk The Same Line" - 5:58
  3. "Get It Right" - 4:10
  4. "Troubles" - 5:27
  5. "Nothing Can Come..." - 4:53
  6. "Take Me Away" - 5:23
  7. "Miracle" - 5:34
  8. "Inside Out" - 5:54
  9. "Crying In The Rain" - 4:35
  10. "Do I Have You?" - 5:29
  11. "Under My Skin" - 4:58
  12. "Worth The Wait" - 5:06
  13. "In The Mood" - 5:32
  14. "Inside Out" [Not Normal Mix] - 2:27

"Metamorphosis" (1998)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Allemagne: n°12
  • Suisse: n°37


  • CD Promo / Allemagne
  1. "Pay No Mind" - 4:05
  2. "You Belong" - 5:06
  3. "Faith In Your Heart" - 5:16
  4. "Blue Skies" - 5:56
  5. "Rendez Vous" - 4:14
  6. "Guardian Angel" - 3:53
  7. "Pray For Redemption" - 4:47
  8. "Electrify Me" - 3:55
  9. "Language Of Love" - 4:39
  10. "This Is My Time" - 5:00
  11. "Do You Really Know" - 3:58
  12. "Pay No Mind" [String Edit] - 3:58
  • CD / Allemagne & Espagne
  1. "Pay No Mind" - 4:05
  2. "You Belong " - 5:03
  3. "Faith In Your Heart" - 5:16
  4. "Blue Skies" - 5:54
  5. "Rendez-Vous" - 4:10
  6. "Guardian Angel" - 3:51
  7. "Electrify Me" - 3:53
  8. "Pray For Redemption" - 4:45
  9. "This Is My Time" - 4:57
  10. "Do You Really Know" - 3:56
  11. "Language Of Love" - 4:37
  12. "Metamorphosis" - 9:08
  • CD / Europe
  1. "Pay No Mind" - 4:05
  2. "You Belong " - 5:03
  3. "Faith In Your Heart" - 5:16
  4. "Blue Skies" - 5:54
  5. "Rendez-Vous" - 4:10
  6. "Guardian Angel" - 3:51
  7. "Electrify Me" - 3:53
  8. "Pray For Redemption" - 4:45
  9. "This Is My Time" - 4:57
  10. "Do You Really Know" - 3:56
  11. "Language Of Love" - 4:37
  12. "Metamorphosis" - 9:08
  13. "The Hit-Medley" - 9:13

"Best of Culture Beat" (2003)

  • CD / Allemagne & Ukraine
  1. "Serenity" [Prolog] - 2:16
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Album Version] - 5:37
  3. "Got To Get It" [Album Version] - 5:21
  4. "Anything" [Album Version] - 6:24
  5. "World In Your Hands" [Album Version] - 5:33
  6. "Walk The Same Line" [Album Version] - 5:58
  7. "Inside Out" [Album Version] - 5:54
  8. "Take Me Away" [Album Version] - 5:23
  9. "Crying In The Rain" [Album Version] - 4:35
  10. "Pay No Mind" [Album Version] - 4:05
  11. "Rendez-Vous" [Album Version] - 4:10
  12. "I Like You" [Album Version] - 3:57
  13. "No Deeper Meaning" [Album Version] - 6:00
  14. "Der Erdbeermund" [Album Version] - 4:03
  15. "DMC... Megamix [Vorsprung Durch Culture Beat - A Tribute To Torsten Fenslau] - 6:33

Singles officiels

"Der Erdbeermund" / "Cherry Lips" / "Les Lèvres Cerises" (1989)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Allemagne: n°11
  • Angleterre: n°55


  • English 7" Edit ou English Version - 3:56
  • German 7" Edit ou Vocal ou Album Version - 4:05
  • Instrumental ou 7" Version - 4:05
  • Magic Remix - 6:55
  • Instrumental Magic ou Extended Instrumental - 7:00
  • Magic Intro Mix ou Magic Vocal - German - 8:05
  • French Version - 8:07
  • Get Into Magic Mix ou Get Into Magic Vocal Mix - 8:09
  • Instrumental Magic - 8:09
  • English Version ou Magic Vocal Mix ou Magic Vocal Mix - English - 8:10


  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Der Erdbeermund" [Get Into Magic Mix] - 8:09
  2. "Der Erdbeermund" [Instrumental Magic] - 8:09
  3. "Der Erdbeermund" - 4:05
  • Vinyl & Vinyl Promo / Allemagne
  1. "Der Erdbeermund" [Get Into Magic Mix] - 8:09
  2. "Der Erdbeermund" [Instrumental Magic] - 8:09
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Der Erdbeermund" [Magic Remix] - 6:55
  2. "Der Erdbeermund" [Magic Intro Mix] - 8:05
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Der Erdbeermund" - 4:05
  2. "Der Erdbeermund" [Instrumental] - 4:05
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [Instrumental Magic] - 8:09
  2. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [Magic Remix] - 6:55
  3. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [7" Version] - 4:05
  • Vinyl 7" / Angleterre
  1. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [7" Version] - 4:05
  2. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [Vocal] - 4:05
  • Vinyl 12" / Angleterre
  1. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [Instrumental Magic] - 8:09
  2. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [Get Into Magic Vocal Mix] - 8:09
  • Vinyl / Angleterre
  1. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [Magic Intro Mix] - 8:05
  2. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [Magic Remix] - 6:55
  • Vinyl / Angleterre
  1. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Tongue)" [English Version] - 8:07
  2. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Tongue)" [French Version] - 8:07
  • CD Promo / USA
  1. "Cherry Lips" [German 7" Edit] - 4:05
  2. "Cherry Lips" [English 7" Edit] - 4:05
  3. "Cherry Lips" [Magic Vocal Mix] - 8:10
  4. "Cherry Lips" [Instrumental Magic] - 6:59
  5. "Cherry Lips" [Magic Vocal - German] - 8:05
  6. "Cherry Lips" [Magic Remix] - 6:57
  • Vinyl / France
  1. "Cherry Lips" - 3:55
  2. "Cherry Lips" [Instrumental] - 4:05
  • CD / USA
  1. "Cherry Lips" [Instrumental] - 4:02
  2. "Cherry Lips" [Extended Instrumental] - 7:00
  3. "Cherry Lips" [English Version] - 3:56
  4. "Cherry Lips" [Magic Vocal - German] - 8:05
  • Vinyl & Vinyl Promo / USA & Australie
  1. "Cherry Lips" [Magic Vocal Mix - English] - 8:10
  2. "Cherry Lips" [Instrumental Magic] - 8:05
  3. "Cherry Lips" [Magic Vocal - German] - 8:05
  4. "Cherry Lips" [Magic Remix] - 6:57
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Cherry Lips (Der Erdbeermund)" - 8:09
  2. "Cherry Lips (Der Erdbeermund)" [Instrumental Magic] - 8:09
  • Vinyl / Pays-Bas & Autriche
  1. "Cherry Lips (Der Erdbeermund)" [English Version] - 3:55
  2. "Cherry Lips (Der Erdbeermund)" [Instrumental] - 4:05
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Les lèvres Cerises" - 8:09
  2. "Cherry Lips" - 8:09

"I Like You" (1990)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Pays-Bas: n°22
  • Allemagne: n°30


  • Instrumental - 3:58
  • Single Version - 3:58
  • Jungle Mix ou Jungle-Edit - 6:20
  • London Mix - 6:37
  • Smoking Mix ou Smokin' Mix - 6:58
  • Zulu Mix - 7:05


  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "I Like You" [London Mix] - 6:37
  2. "I Like You" [Single Version] - 3:58
  3. "I Like You" [Smoking Mix] - 6:58
  • Vinyl / Angleterre, Europe, Canada & Australie
  1. "I Like You" [London Mix] - 6:40
  2. "I Like You" [Smoking Mix] - 6:58
  • Vinyl & Vinyl Promo / USA
  1. "I Like You" [London Mix] - 6:54
  2. "I Like You" [Smokin' Mix] - 6:58
  3. "I Like You" [Jungle Mix] - 6:19
  4. "I Like You" [Zulu Mix] - 7:05
  5. "I Like You" [Single Version] - 3:57
  • CD Promo / USA
  1. "I Like You" [Single Version] - 3:57
  2. "I Like You" [London Mix] - 6:54
  3. "I Like You" [Smokin' Mix] - 6:58
  4. "I Like You" [Jungle Mix] - 6:19
  5. "I Like You" [Zulu Mix] - 7:05
  • Vinyl / Europe
  1. "I Like You" - 3:58
  2. "I Like You" [Instrumental] - 3:58
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "I Like You" - 3:58
  2. "I Like You" [London Mix] - 6:40
  3. "Cherry Lips (Der Erdbeermund)" [Instrumental Magic] - 8:09
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "I Like You" [Zulu Mix] - 7:08
  2. "I Like You" [Jungle-Edit] - 6:20

"No Deeper Meaning" (1991)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Pays-Bas: n°5


  • Departure Mix - 1:58
  • Airplay Single Mix ou Airplay Mix - 4:00
  • Beat Mix - 4:00
  • Technology Mix - 4:04
  • LP Version - 6:00
  • Technology Mix - 6:38
  • Club Mix - 6:40
  • 51 W. 52nd Street Mix ou 51 West 52 Street Mix ou 51 West 52nd Street Mix - 6:55
  • House Mix - 7:00


  • Vinyl / Pays-Bas
  1. "No Deeper Meaning" [Club Mix] - 6:40
  2. "No Deeper Meaning" [House Mix] - 7:00
  • CD & Vinyl / USA & Australie
  1. "No Deeper Meaning" [Club Mix] - 6:40
  2. "No Deeper Meaning" [House Mix] - 7:00
  3. "No Deeper Meaning" [Airplay Single Mix] - 4:00
  4. "No Deeper Meaning" [51 W. 52nd Street Mix] - 6:55
  5. "No Deeper Meaning" [Technology Mix] - 6:38
  6. "No Deeper Meaning" [LP Version] - 6:00
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "No Deeper Meaning" [Airplay Mix] - 4:00
  2. "No Deeper Meaning" [Beat Mix] - 4:00
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "No Deeper Meaning" [51 West 52 Street Mix] - 6:55
  2. "No Deeper Meaning" [Technology Mix] - 4:04
  3. "No Deeper Meaning" [Departure Mix] - 1:58
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "No Deeper Meaning" [51 West 52nd Street Mix] - 6:55
  2. "No Deeper Meaning" [Technology Mix] - 6:01
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "No Deeper Meaning" [Club Mix] - 6:40
  2. "No Deeper Meaning" [Airplay Mix] - 4:00
  3. "No Deeper Meaning" [House Mix] - 7:00

"Tell Me That You Wait" (1991)


  • Single Version - 4:06
  • Alternate Single Version - 4:07
  • Flying Radio Mix - 4:15
  • Business Class Mix - 4:27
  • Economy Class Mix - 4:37
  • Business Class Mix - 7:23
  • First Class Mix - 7:30
  • Airdrome - Club Mix - 8:25
  • Airline 12" Mix ou Airline Mix - 8:30


  • CD Promo / USA
  1. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Single Version] - 4:06
  2. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Alternate Single Version] - 4:07
  3. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airline 12" Mix] - 8:30
  4. "Tell Me That You Wait" [First Class Mix] - 7:30
  5. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airdrome - Club Mix] - 8:25
  • Vinyl / Allemagne, Europe & Australie
  1. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airline Mix] - 8:30
  2. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airdrome - Club Mix] - 8:25
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airline Mix] - 8:30
  2. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airdrome - Club Mix] - 8:25
  3. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Flying Radio Mix] - 4:15
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Tell Me That You Wait" [First Class Mix] - 7:30
  2. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Business Class Mix] - 4:27
  3. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Single Version] - 4:08
  4. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airdome Club Mix] - 8:24
  5. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Airline Mix] - 8:33
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Tell Me That You Wait" [First Class Mix] - 7:30
  2. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Business Class Mix] - 7:23
  3. "Tell Me That You Wait" [Economy Class Mix] - 4:37

"Mr Vain" (1993)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Allemagne: n°1
  • Angleterre: n°1
  • Australie: n°1
  • Autriche: n°1
  • Irlande: n°1
  • Italie: n°1
  • Pays-Bas: n°1
  • Norvège: n°1
  • Suisse: n°1
  • Suède: n°2
  • France: n°3
  • Nouvelle-Zélande: n°10
  • USA: n°17


  • Lone Star Edit3:30
  • Intense Radio Edit - 3:52
  • Special Radio Edit ou Radio Edit - 4:17
  • Mr. Intense - 5:28
  • Album Version - 5:37
  • Mr. Liebrand - 5:40
  • Mr. House - 6:18
  • Mr. Trance - 6:20
  • Vain Mix - 6:35
  • Mr. Hardcore - 6:38
  • Mr. Club - 6:39
  • Mr. Rave - 6:42
  • Decent Mix - 7:06


  • CD & Vinyl, Vinyl promo / Angleterre, Allemagne & Japon
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Vain Mix] - 6:35
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Decent Mix] - 7:06
  3. "Mr. Vain" [Special Radio Edit] - 4:17
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Vain Mix] - 6:35
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Decent Mix] - 7:06
  • Vinyl / Angleterre & Europe
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Vain Mix] - 6:35
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Decent Mix] - 7:06
  3. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [Instrumental Magic] - 8:09
  • Vinyl / USA
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Vain Mix] - 6:35
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Club] - 6:39
  3. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Intense] - 5:28
  4. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Liebrand] - 5:40
  5. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Hardcore] - 6:38
  • CD / USA
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Radio Edit] - 4:17
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Intense Radio Edit] - 3:52
  3. "Mr. Vain" [Vain Mix] - 6:35
  4. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Intense] - 5:28
  5. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Hardcore] - 6:38
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne & Pays-Bas
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Special Radio Edit] - 4:17
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Vain Mix] - 6:35
  • Vinyl Promo / Espagne
  1. "Mr. Vain" - 5:37
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Special Radio Edit] - 4:17
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Vain Mix] - 6:35
  3. "Der Erdbeermund (Cherry Lips)" [Single Version] - 4:05
  4. "I Like You" [Single Version] - 3:58
  • CD / Australie
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Special Radio Edit] - 4:17
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Vain Mix] - 6:42
  3. "Mr. Vain" [Decent Mix] - 7:06
  4. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Rave] - 6:42
  5. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Hardcore] - 6:37
  • CD Promo / USA
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Lone Star Edit] – 3:30
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne & Pays-Bas
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. House] - 6:18
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Rave] - 6:42
  3. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Trance] - 6:20
  4. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Hardcore] - 6:37

"Got To Get It" (1993)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • USA: n°1
  • Irlande: n°2
  • Pays-Bas: n°2
  • Allemagne: n°4
  • Angleterre: n°4
  • Suède: n°5
  • Norvège: n°6
  • Australie: n°7
  • Autriche: n°7
  • Suisse: n°7
  • France: n°10
  • Nouvelle-Zélande: n°13


  • Edit w/o Rap - 3:03
  • Radio Mix ou Radio Edit ou Original Radio Edit - 3:39
  • Video Edit - 3:52
  • Radio Remix ou Remix Radio Edit - 4:18
  • Album Version - 5:21
  • DMC Mix - 5:27
  • Raw Deal Mix - 5:34
  • TNT Party Zone Mix - 5:40
  • Club To House Mix - 5:52
  • Club Mix - 6:01
  • Basic House Mix - 6:22
  • Get House Mix - 6:30
  • Funlab Mix - 6:35
  • Extended Album Mix - 6:39
  • Last Minute MiX - 6:56
  • Hypnotic Mix - 7:17
  • Crobar Mix - 7:30
  • Resolution Mix - 7:35


  • Vinyl Promo / Allemagne
  1. "Got To Get It" [Hypnotic Mix] - 7:17
  2. "Got To Get It" [Crobar Mix] - 7:30
  3. "Got To Get It" [Funlab Mix] - 6:35
  4. "Got To Get It" [Last Minute MiX]- 6:56
  5. "Got To Get It" [Raw Deal Mix] - 5:34
  6. "Got To Get It" [Club To House Mix] - 5:52
  7. "Got To Get It" [DMC Mix] - 5:27
  8. "Got To Get It" [Resolution Mix] - 7:35
  9. "Got To Get It" [Get House Mix] - 6:30
  • Vinyl / USA
  1. "Got To Get It" [Radio Edit] - 3:39
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Radio Edit] - 4:17
  • Vinyl & Vinyl Promo / Angleterre, Europe & Allemagne
  1. "Got To Get It" [Raw Deal Mix]- 5:34
  2. "Got To Get It" [Club Mix] - 6:01
  3. "Got To Get It" [Extended Album Mix] - 6:39
  4. "Got To Get It" [Hypnotic Mix] - 7:17
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne & Angleterre
  1. "Got To Get It" [Radio Mix] - 3:39
  2. "Got To Get It" [Club Mix] - 6:01
  • Vinyl / Pays-Bas
  1. "Got To Get It" [Radio Mix] - 3:39
  2. "Got To Get It" [Video Edit] - 3:52
  • CD / Australie
  1. "Got To Get It" [Raw Deal Mix] - 5:34
  2. "Got To Get It" [Club Mix] - 6:01
  3. "Got To Get It" [Extended Album Mix] - 6:39
  4. "Got To Get It" [Hypnotic Mix] - 7:17
  5. "Got To Get It" [Radio Mix] - 3:39
  6. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Club] - 6:39
  • CD / Europe
  1. "Got To Get It" [Raw Deal Mix] - 5:34
  2. "Got To Get It" [Club Mix] - 6:01
  3. "Got To Get It" [Extended Album Mix] - 6:39
  4. "Got To Get It" [Hypnotic Mix] - 7:17
  5. "Got To Get It" [Radio Mix] - 3:39
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "Got To Get It" [Radio Edit] - 3:59
  2. "Got To Get It" [Raw Deal Mix] - 5:34
  3. "Got To Get It" [Club Mix] - 6:01
  4. "Got To Get It" [Extended Album Mix] - 6:39
  5. "Got To Get It" [Hypnotic Mix] - 7:17
  • CD / USA
  1. "Got To Get It" [Radio Edit] - 3:39
  2. "Got To Get It" [Radio Remix] - 4:09
  3. "Got To Get It" [Raw Deal Mix] - 5:34
  4. "Got To Get It" [Funlab Mix] - 6:35
  5. "Got To Get It" [Hypnotic Mix] - 7:17
  • CD Promo / USA
  1. "Got To Get It" [Original Radio Edit] - 3:39
  2. "Got To Get It" [Edit w/o Rap] - 3:03
  3. "Got To Get It" [Remix Radio Edit] - 4:18
  • Vinyl / USA
  1. "Got To Get It" [Raw Deal Mix] - 5:34
  2. "Got To Get It" [Club To House Mix] - 5:52
  3. "Got To Get It" [Hypnotic Mix] - 7:17
  4. "Got To Get It" [Resolution Mix] - 7:35
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Got To Get It" [Funlab Mix] - 6:36
  2. "Got To Get It" [Club To House Mix] - 5:52
  3. "Got To Get It" [TNT Party Zone Mix] - 5:41
  4. "Got To Get It" [Basic House Mix] - 6:22
  5. "Got To Get It" [Last Minute Mix] - 6:56
  6. "Got To Get It" [Radio Remix] - 4:09
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Got To Get It" [Funlab Mix] - 6:35
  2. "Got To Get It" [Club To House Mix] - 5:52
  3. "Got To Get It" [TNT Party Zone Mix] - 5:40
  4. "Got To Get It" [Basic House Mix] - 6:22

"Anything" (1993)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Autriche: n°3
  • Allemagne: n°4
  • France: n°4
  • Irlande: n°4
  • Angleterre: n°5
  • Pays-Bas: n°6
  • Suisse: n°7
  • USA: n°7
  • Australie: n°12
  • Suède: n°15


  • Ralphi's Radio Remix - 3:40
  • Radio Converted ou Radio Converted Mix - 3:56
  • MTV Mix - 4:35
  • TNT Party Zone Mix ou T'n't Partyzone Chicken Beat Mix - 5:26
  • Ralphi's Anything You Want Mix - 6:00
  • Not Normal Mix - 6:06
  • Tribal - 6:09
  • Introless ou Introless Mix - 6:11
  • Album Version - 6:24
  • Trancemix - 6:29
  • Tribal House Mix - 6:30
  • SSL Main Mix - 6:35
  • Ralphi's Club Mix W/O Rap - 7:03
  • Grosser Club Mix - 7:36


  • CD / Europe & Australie
  1. "Anything" [Grosser Club Mix] - 7:36
  2. "Anything" [Introless] - 6:12
  3. "Anything" [Tribal House Mix] - 6:30
  4. "Anything" [Radio Converted] - 3:57
  5. "Anything" [MTV Mix] - 4:35
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "Anything" [Radio Converted] - 3:56
  2. "Anything" [Grosser Club Mix] - 7:34
  3. "Anything" [Tribal House Mix] - 6:29
  4. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Hardcore] - 6:38
  • CD Promo / Allemagne
  1. "Anything" [Radio Converted] - 3:56
  • Vinyl / Europe
  1. "Anything" [Grosser Club Mix] - 7:34
  2. "Anything" [Introless] - 6:11
  • CD / USA
  1. "Anything" [Radio Converted Mix] - 3:56
  2. "Anything" [Ralphi's Radio Remix] - 3:40
  3. "Anything" [Grosser Club Mix] - 7:34
  4. "Anything" [TNT Party Zone Mix] - 5:26
  5. "Anything" [Ralphi's Anything You Want Mix] - 6:00
  6. "Culture Beat DMC Megamix" - 6:33
  • Vinyl / USA
  1. "Anything" [Album Version] - 6:24
  2. "Anything" [Ralphi's Club Mix W/O Rap] - 7:03
  3. "Anything" [TNT Party Zone Mix] - 5:26
  4. "Anything" [Ralphi's Anything You Want Mix] - 6:00
  5. "Anything" [Introless Mix] - 6:11
  6. "Anything" [SSL Main Mix] - 6:35
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Anything" [Grosser Club Mix] - 7:34
  2. "Anything" [Tribal House Mix] - 6:29
  3. "Anything" [MTV Mix] - 4:35
  4. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. Intense] - 5:25
  • Vinyl Promo / Angleterre
  1. "Anything" [Grosser Club Mix] - 7:34
  2. "Anything" [Tribal House Mix] - 6:29
  3. "Anything" [MTV Mix] - 4:35
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne & Europe
  1. "Anything" [Radio Converted] - 3:56
  2. "Anything" [MTV Mix] - 4:35
  • Vinyl Promo / Angleterre
  1. "Anything" [Radio Converted] - 3:55
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Intense Radio Edit] - 3:52
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne & Europe
  1. "Anything" [Trancemix] - 6:29
  2. "Anything" [Not Normal Mix] - 6:06
  3. "Anything" [T'n't Partyzone Chicken Beat Mix] - 5:26
  4. "Anything" [Tribal] - 6:09

"World In Your Hands" (1994)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Irlande: n°13
  • Pays-Bas: n°13
  • Allemagne: n°18
  • Angleterre: n°20
  • Autriche: n°20
  • Suisse: n°29
  • Nouvelle-Zélande: n°37
  • France: n°42


  • Radio Edit - 4:10
  • Album Version - 5:33
  • M.S. Dance Mix - 6:11
  • MKM's Danish Flex Mix - 6:23
  • Tribal Mix - 6:58
  • Club In Trance-Mix - 7:08
  • Extended Album Version - 7:24
  • Groovy Mix - 7:27
  • Extended Version - 7:32
  • Not Normal Mix - 7:35


  • CD / Europe
  1. "World In Your Hands" [Radio Edit] - 4:11
  2. "World In Your Hands" [Tribal Mix] - 6:56
  3. "World In Your Hands" [Extended Version] - 7:32
  4. "World In Your Hands" [Extended Album Version] - 7:23
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "World In Your Hands" [Tribal Mix] - 6:56
  2. "World In Your Hands" [Groovy Mix] - 7:27
  3. "World In Your Hands" [Extended Album Version] - 7:23
  4. "World In Your Hands" [Radio Edit] - 4:11
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "World In Your Hands" [Tribal Mix] - 6:56
  2. "World In Your Hands" [Extended Version] - 7:32
  • Vinyl / Pays-Bas
  1. "World In Your Hands" [Tribal Mix] - 6:52
  2. "World In Your Hands" [Groovy Mix] - 7:27
  3. "Anything" [Trancemix] - 6:30
  4. "World In Your Hands" [Radio Edit] - 4:10
  • CD / Australie
  1. "World In Your Hands" [Radio Edit] - 4:10
  2. "World In Your Hands" [Tribal Mix] - 6:52
  3. "World In Your Hands" [Groovy Mix] - 7:27
  4. "World In Your Hands" [Extended Version] - 7:32
  5. "World In Your Hands" [Extended Album Version] - 7:23
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "World In Your Hands" [Radio Edit] - 4:10
  2. "World In Your Hands" [Tribal Mix] - 6:58
  3. "World In Your Hands" [Extended Album Version] - 7:24
  4. "Anything [Trance Mix]" - 6:30
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "World In Your Hands" [Radio Edit] - 4:11
  2. "World In Your Hands" [Tribal Mix] - 6:56
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "World In Your Hands" [MKM's Danish Flex Mix] - 6:23
  2. "World In Your Hands" [M.S. Dance Mix] - 6:11
  • CD / Europe
  1. "World In Your Hands" [MKM's Danish Flex Mix] - 6:23
  2. "World In Your Hands" [M. S. Dance-Mix] - 6:11
  3. "World In Your Hands" [Club In Trance-Mix] - 7:08
  4. "World In Your Hands" [Not Normal Mix] - 7:35

"Inside Out" (1995)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Allemagne: n°5
  • Autriche: n°10
  • Suisse: n°11
  • Belgique (Flandre): n°14
  • Finlande: n°15
  • Belgique (Wallonie): n°19
  • Suède: n°23
  • Pays-Bas: n°30
  • Angleterre: n°32
  • Nouvelle-Zélande: n°44
  • France: n°46


  • Not Normal Mix ou Not Normal U.S. (Only Tania) Mix - 2:29
  • No Rap Mix - 3:26
  • Not Loveland Master Radio Mix ou Not Loveland Master Radio Edit 1 - 3:27
  • DNS Radio Mix - 3:50
  • Radio Edit ou Radio Mix ou Radio Version - 3:55
  • DNS Mix - 5:01
  • Doug Laurent Mix ou Doug Laurent Remix - 5:48
  • Album Version ou Extended Version ou Extended Version (Doug Laurent) ou Doug Laurent Extended Version ou Extended Mix - 5:56
  • Extended Rapless Version - 6:04
  • Doug Laurent Euro Mix - 6:16
  • Mikado Mix ou Mikado Remix - 6:19
  • Quadriga Mix - 6:19
  • Felix Gauder Mix - 6:28
  • Temple Of Light Mix - 6:50
  • Laurent Euro Mix - 7:00
  • DJ Tom & Norman Mix - 7:21
  • Private Area Mix - 7:42
  • Andrew Brix Good Vibes Mix - 7:52
  • Transformed Brainstorm Mix - 7:57
  • Not Loveland Master "Shake Ya Dub" ou Not Loveland ("Shake Ya Dub") Mix ou Not Loveland Master "Shake Ya Dub" Mix ou Not Loveland 'Shake Ya Dub - 7:59
  • Kai Mc Donald Mix - 8:00
  • Not Loveland Master Mix 12" ou Not Loveland Master Mix - 8:58
  • Kai McDonald Eternia Mix - 9:48


  • CD / Europe
  1. "Inside Out" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Inside Out" [Extended Version] - 5:56
  3. "Inside Out" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 5:48
  4. "Inside Out" [Temple Of Light Mix] - 6:50
  5. "Inside Out" [Mikado Mix] - 6:19
  6. "Inside Out" [Transformed Brainstorm Mix] - 7:57
  7. "Inside Out" [Not Normal Mix] - 2:29
  • Vinyl / Angleterre
  1. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Mix 12"] - 8:58
  2. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master 'Shake Ya Dub'] - 7:59
  3. "Inside Out" [Radio Version] - 3:55
  4. "Inside Out" [Doug Laurent Extended Version] - 5:56
  5. "Inside Out" [Temple Of Light Mix] - 6:50
  6. "Inside Out" [Transformed Brainstorm Mix] - 7:57
  • Vinyl promo / Angleterre
  1. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Mix 12"] - 8:58
  2. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master 'Shake Ya Dub'] - 7:59
  3. "Inside Out" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  • Vinyl & Vinyl Promo / Allemagne
  1. "Inside Out" [Extended Mix] - 5:56
  2. "Inside Out" [Doug Laurent Remix] - 5:48
  3. "Inside Out" [Temple Of Light Mix] - 6:50
  4. "Inside Out" [Transformed Brainstorm Mix] - 7:57
  5. "Inside Out" [Mikado Remix] - 6:19
  6. "Inside Out" [Not Normal Mix] - 2:29
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "Inside Out" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Radio Mix] - 3:27
  3. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Mix 12"] - 8:58
  4. "Inside Out" [Extended Version (Doug Laurent)] - 5:56
  5. "Inside Out" [Temple Of Light Mix] - 6:50
  6. "Inside Out" [Transformed Brainstorm Mix] - 7:57
  • CD / Japon
  1. "Inside Out" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Inside Out" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 5:50
  3. "Inside Out" [Mikado Mix] - 6:20
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Inside Out" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Inside Out" [Extended Version] - 5:56
  • CD promo / Europe
  1. "Inside Out" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  • Vinyl promo / USA
  1. "Inside Out" [Extended Version] - 5:56
  2. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Mix 12"] - 8:58
  3. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland ("Shake Ya Dub") Mix] - 7:59
  4. "Inside Out" [Transformed Brainstorm Mix] - 7:57
  • Vinyl promo / USA
  1. "Inside Out" [Extended Version] - 5:56
  2. "Inside Out" [Extended Rapless Version] - 6:04
  3. "Inside Out" [DNS Mix] - 5:02
  4. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Mix 12"] - 8:58
  5. "Inside Out" [Transformed Brainstorm Mix] - 7:57
  6. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master "Shake Ya Dub" Mix] - 7:59
  7. "Inside Out" [Private Area Mix] - 7:42
  8. "Inside Out" [Temple Of Light Mix] - 6:50
  9. "Inside Out" [DJ Tom & Norman Mix] - 7:21
  10. "Inside Out" [Not Normal Mix] - 2:29
  • CD / USA
  1. "Inside Out" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Radio Mix] - 3:38
  3. "Inside Out" [DNS Radio Mix] - 3:50
  4. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Mix 12"] - 8:58
  • CD promo / USA
  1. "Inside Out" [Radio Mix] - 3:55
  2. "Inside Out" [No Rap Mix] - 3:26
  3. "Inside Out" [Not Normal U.S. (Only Tania) Mix] - 2:54
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Mix] - 8:58
  2. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland 'Shake Ya Dub] - 8:00
  • Vinyl & Vinyl promo / Allemagne & Angleterre
  1. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Radio Mix] - 3:36
  2. "Inside Out" [DJ Tom & Norman Mix] - 7:22
  3. "Inside Out" [Andrew Brix Good Vibes Mix] - 7:52
  4. "Inside Out" [Kai McDonald Eternia Mix] - 9:48
  5. "Inside Out" [Doug Laurent Euro Mix] - 6:16
  6. "Inside Out" [DNS Mix] - 5:01
  7. "Inside Out" [Felix Gauder Mix] - 6:28
  8. "Inside Out" [Private Area Mix] - 7:39
  • CD / Europe
  1. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Radio Edit 1] - 3:36
  2. "Inside Out" [DNS Radio Mix] - 3:50
  3. "Inside Out" [Doug Laurent Euro Mix] - 6:16
  4. "Inside Out" [Felix Gauder Mix] - 6:28
  5. "Inside Out" [DNS Mix] - 5:01
  6. "Inside Out" [Private Area Mix] - 7:39
  7. "Inside Out" [Andrew Brix Good Vibes Mix] - 7:52
  8. "Inside Out" [DJ Tom & Norman Mix] - 7:22
  9. "Inside Out" [Kai McDonald Eternia Mix] - 9:48
  10. "Inside Out" [Quadriga Mix] - 6:19
  11. "Inside Out" [Not Loveland Master Mix 12] - 8:58
  • Vinyl / Pays-Bas
  1. "Inside Out" [Laurent Euro Mix] - 7:00
  2. "Inside Out" [Kai Mc Donald Mix] - 8:00

"Crying In The Rain" (1996)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Allemagne: n°8
  • Autriche: n°14
  • Suisse: n°16
  • Suède: n°23
  • Angleterre: n°29
  • Pays-Bas: n°45


  • Sweetbox Funky 7" Mix - 3:22
  • Not Normal Mix ou Not Normal Mix (Special acoustic Version) - 3:36
  • Aboria Euro Radio ou Aboria Euro Radio Mix - 3:46
  • Let The Love House 7" Mix - 3:52
  • Radio Edit - 3:54
  • Album Version - 4:35
  • Jim Clarke Mix - 5:36
  • Extended Version - 5:38
  • Doug Laurent Mix - 6:09
  • Temple Of Light Mix - 6:31
  • Aboria Euro Mix ou Aboria Euro 12" Mix - 6:44
  • Brainformed Mix ou Brainformed Remix - 6:58
  • Celvin Rotane Mix - 6:58
  • Let The Love House 12" Mix ou Let The Love House - 7:01
  • Sweetbox Funky 12" Mix ou Sweetbox Funky 12" - 7:13
  • Grober Club Mix - 7:58
  • Stonebridge & Nick Nice Club Mix - 8:10


  • CD / Europe
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Radio Edit] - 3:54
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Extended Version] - 5:38
  3. "Crying In The Rain" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:09
  4. "Crying In The Rain" [Brainformed Mix] - 6:54
  5. "Crying In The Rain" [Let The Love House 7" Mix] - 3:52
  6. "Crying In The Rain" [Sweetbox Funky 7" Mix] - 3:22
  7. "Crying In The Rain" [Not Normal Mix] - 3:30
  8. "Out Of Touch" - 4:08
  • CD / France
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Aboria Euro Radio] - 3:46
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Aboria Euro Mix] - 6:41
  • Vinyl / France
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Aboria Euro Mix] - 6:42
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Extended Version] - 5:35
  3. "Crying In The Rain" [Radio Edit] - 3:53
  • Vinyl promo / Angleterre
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Radio Edit] - 3:54
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Extended Version] - 5:38
  3. "Crying In The Rain" [Sweetbox Funky 7" Mix] - 3:22
  4. "Crying In The Rain" [Sweetbox Funky 12" Mix] - 7:13
  • Vinyl promo / Angleterre
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Celvin Rotane Mix] - 6:58
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Temple Of Light Mix] - 6:31
  3. "Crying In The Rain" [Sweetbox Funky 12" Mix] - 7:13
  4. "Crying In The Rain" [Aboria Euro 12" Mix] - 6:44
  • Vinyl promo / Allemagne
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Extended Version] - 5:35
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Radio Edit] - 3:52
  3. "Crying In The Rain" [Brainformed Remix] - 6:58
  • Vinyl promo / Allemagne
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Sweetbox Funky 12" Mix] - 7:13
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Let The Love House 12" Mix] - 7:01
  3. "Crying In The Rain" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:06
  4. "Crying In The Rain" [Not Normal Mix] - 3:36
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Extended Version] - 5:35
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Radio Edit] - 3:52
  3. "Crying In The Rain" [Brainformed Mix] - 6:58
  4. "Crying In The Rain" [Sweetbox Funky 12" Mix] - 7:13
  5. "Crying In The Rain" [Let The Love House] - 7:01
  6. "Crying In The Rain" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:06
  7. "Crying In The Rain" [Not Normal Mix] - 3:36
  8. "Crying In The Rain" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:06
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Radio Edit] - 3:54
  2. "Mr Vain" [Mr House] - 6:18
  3. "Got To Get It" [Hypnotic Mix] - 7:17
  4. "Anything" [Trancemix] - 6:30
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Radio Edit] - 3:52
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Extended Version] - 5:35
  3. "Crying In The Rain" [Sweetbox Funky 12"] - 7:13
  4. "Crying In The Rain" [Brainformed Mix] - 6:58
  5. "Crying In The Rain" [Let The Love House 12" Mix] - 7:01
  6. "Crying In The Rain" [Not Normal Mix (Special acoustic Version)] - 3:36
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Radio Edit] - 3:54
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Not Normal Mix (Special Accoustic Version)] - 3:30
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Crying In The Rain [Aboria Euro 12" Mix] - 6:44
  2. "Crying In The Rain [Temple Of Light Mix] - 6:31
  3. "Crying In The Rain [Celvin Rotane Mix] - 6:58
  4. "Crying In The Rain [Stonebridge & Nick Nice Club Mix] - 8:10
  5. "Crying In The Rain [Grober Club Mix] - 7:58
  6. "Crying In The Rain [Jim Clarke Mix] - 5:36
  • CD / Allemagne, Europe & Mexique
  1. "Crying In The Rain [Aboria Euro Radio Mix] - 3:49
  2. "Crying In The Rain [Temple Of Light Mix] - 6:31
  3. "Crying In The Rain [Celvin Rotane Mix] - 6:58
  4. "Crying In The Rain [Stonebridge & Nick Nice Club Mix] - 8:10
  5. "Crying In The Rain [Großer Club Mix] - 7:58
  6. "Crying In The Rain [Jim Clarke Mix] - 5:36
  7. "Crying In The Rain [Aboria Euro 12" Mix] - 6:43
  • Vinyl / France
  1. "Crying In The Rain" (Brainformed Mix] - 6:51
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Sweetbox Funky 7" Mix] - 3:19
  3. "Crying In The Rain" [Let The Love House 7" Mix] - 3:50

"Take Me Away" (1996)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Finlande: n°6
  • USA: n°7
  • Belgique (Flandre): n°15
  • Suède: n°24
  • Allemagne: n°26
  • Belgique (Wallonie): n°28
  • Suisse: n°33
  • Autriche : n°39
  • Pays-Bas: n°48
  • Angleterre: n°52


  • Special A Capella Version (Not Normal Mix) - 3:23
  • Radio Edit Of The Sweetbox Hotbants Mix ou Sweetbox Hotpants Radio - 3:34
  • Aboria Euro Radio - 3:41
  • Radio Edit ou Original Radio Edit - 3:55
  • Album Version - 5:23
  • Tokapi's House Of Summer Mix - 5:34
  • Hard To Be Hip Mix - 5:54
  • Doom Mix - 6:02
  • Sweetbox Hotpants Mix - 6:02
  • Doug Laurent Mix - 6:10
  • Aboria Euro Mix - 6:11
  • GEDO Mix - 6:13
  • Extended Mix - 6:59
  • M'N'S Full On Vocal Mix - 6:59
  • M'N'S Gazelled Up Mix - 7:37


  • CD / Europe & Mexique
  1. "Take Me Away" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Take Me Away" [Extended Mix] - 6:59
  3. "Take Me Away" [Doom Mix] - 6:02
  4. "Take Me Away" [Sweetbox Hotpants Mix] - 6:02
  5. "Take Me Away" [Aboria Euro Mix] - 6:11
  6. "Take Me Away" [Special A Capella Version (Not Normal Mix)] - 3:23
  7. "Hamana" - 5:21
  • Vinyl / Angleterre
  1. "Take Me Away" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Mr. House] - 6:16
  3. "Got To Get It" [Hypnotic Mix] - 7:15
  4. "Anything" [Trancemix] - 6:30
  • Vinyl promo / Angleterre
  1. "Take Me Away" [Sweetbox Hotpants Mix] - 6:02
  2. "Take Me Away" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:10
  3. "Take Me Away" [M'N'S Gazelled Up Mix] - 7:37
  4. "Take Me Away" [M'N'S Full On Vocal Mix] - 6:59
  • Vinyl & vinyl promo / Allemagne & France
  1. "Take Me Away" [Extended Mix] - 6:55
  2. "Take Me Away" [Sweetbox Hotpants Mix] - 5:58
  3. "Take Me Away" [Aboria Euro Mix] - 6:10
  4. "Take Me Away" [Doom Mix] - 5:58
  5. "Take Me Away" [Hamana] - 5:17
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "Take Me Away" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Take Me Away" [Extended Mix] - 6:59
  3. "Take Me Away" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:10
  4. "Take Me Away" [M'N's Gazelled Up Mix] -7:37
  5. "Take Me Away" [Sweetbox Hotpants Mix] - 6:02
  6. "Take Me Away" [Gedo Mix] - 6:16
  • CD promo / Allemagne
  1. "Take Me Away" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Take Me Away" [Special A Capella Version (Not Normal Mix)] - 3:23
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Take Me Away" [Radio Edit Of The Sweetbox Hotbants Mix] - 3:34
  2. "Take Me Away" [Original Radio Edit] - 3:55
  • Vinyl / USA
  1. "Take Me Away" [Extended Mix] - 6:55
  2. "Take Me Away" [Aboria Euro Mix] - 6:07
  3. "Take Me Away" [Sweetbox Hotpants Mix] - 5:58
  4. "Take Me Away" [M'N'S Gazelled Up Mix] - 7:21
  • CD / USA
  1. "Take Me Away" [Radio Edit] - 3:37
  2. "Take Me Away" [Aboria Euro Radio] - 3:41
  3. "Take Me Away" [Sweetbox Hotpants Radio] - 3:33
  4. "Take Me Away" [Extended Mix] - 6:55
  5. "Take Me Away" [Aboria Euro Mix] - 6:07
  6. "Take Me Away" [Sweetbox Hotpants Mix] - 5:58
  7. "Take Me Away" [M'N'S Gazelled Up Mix] - 7:21
  8. "Take Me Away" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:07
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Take Me Away" [M'N'S Gazelled Up Mix] - 7:35
  2. "Take Me Away" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:07
  • CD & Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Take Me Away" [M'N'S Gazelled Up Mix] - 7:35
  2. "Take Me Away" [M'N'S Full On Vocal Mix] - 6:56
  3. "Take Me Away" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:07
  4. "Take Me Away" [GEDO Mix] - 6:13
  5. "Take Me Away" [Tokapi's House Of Summer Mix] - 5:34
  6. "Take Me Away" [Hard To Be Hip Mix] - 5:54

"Walk The Same Line" (1996)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Autriche: n°38
  • Suède: n°40
  • Allemagne: n°64


  • Not Normal Mix (Classical Mix) - 2:53
  • Radio Edit - 3:56
  • Thors 66 Beat Mix - 5:18
  • Euro Mix - 5:21
  • Sweetbox Club Mix - 5:30
  • Perky Park Mix - 5:31
  • Album Version ou Extended Version - 5:59
  • Classical House Mix - 6:12
  • Aboria Mix - 6:22
  • Mode 2 Joy Mix - 6:28
  • Brainstorm Mix - 7:31


  • CD / Europe
  1. "Walk The Same Line" [Radio Edit] - 3:56
  2. "Walk The Same Line" [Extended Version] - 5:59
  3. "Walk The Same Line" [Euro Mix] - 5:21
  4. "Walk The Same Line" [Mode 2 Joy Mix] - 6:28
  5. "Walk The Same Line" [Not Normal Mix (Classical Mix)] - 2:53
  6. "Show You Heaven" - 4:58
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Walk The Same Line" [Extended Version] - 5:59
  2. "Walk The Same Line" [Aboria Mix] - 6:22
  3. "Walk The Same Line" [Mode 2 Joy Mix] - 6:29
  4. "Walk The Same Line" [Brainstorm Mix] - 7:31
  5. "Walk The Same Line" [Euro Mix] - 5:22
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Walk The Same Line" [Radio Edit] - 3:58
  2. "Walk The Same Line" [Euro Mix] - 5:22
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Walk The Same Line" [Radio Edit] - 3:58
  2. "Walk The Same Line" [Not Normal Mix (Classical Mix)] - 2:56
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Walk The Same Line" [Sweetbox Club Mix] - 5:30
  2. "Walk The Same Line" [Perky Park Mix] - 5:31
  3. "Walk The Same Line" [Classical House Mix] - 6:12
  4. "Walk The Same Line" [Thors 66 Beat Mix] - 5:18
  • CD / Europe
  1. "Walk The Same Line" [Aboria Mix] - 6:23
  2. "Walk The Same Line" [Sweetbox Club Mix] - 5:33
  3. "Walk The Same Line" [Perky Park Mix] - 5:34
  4. "Walk The Same Line" [Classical House Mix] - 6:15
  5. "Walk The Same Line" [Thors 66 Beat Mix] - 5:21
  6. "Walk The Same Line" [Brainstorm Mix] - 7:34

"Pay No Mind" (1998)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Allemagne: n°27
  • Autriche: n°37


  • Radio Edit - 3:41
  • Not Normal Mix (String Version) - 3:57
  • Album Version - 4:05
  • Ocean Pacific Remix - 4:31
  • Extended Version - 5:19
  • DJ Taucher Remix - 7:59
  • Aboria GC Remix - 10:24


  • CD / Espagne, Danemark & Europe
  1. "Pay No Mind" [Radio Edit] - 3:41
  2. "Pay No Mind" [Not Normal Mix (String Version)] - 3:57
  3. "Pay No Mind" [Extended Version] - 5:19
  4. "Pay No Mind" [DJ Taucher Remix] - 7:59
  5. "Pay No Mind" [Aboria GC Remix] - 10:24
  6. "Pay No Mind" [Ocean Pacific Remix] - 4:31
  • Vinyl / Espagne
  1. "Pay No Mind" [Extended Version] - 5:19
  2. "Pay No Mind" [DJ Taucher Remix] - 7:59
  3. "Pay No Mind" [Aboria GC Remix] - 10:24
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Pay No Mind" [Extended Version] - 5:19
  2. "Pay No Mind" [DJ Taucher Remix] - 7:59
  3. "Pay No Mind" [Aboria GC Remix] - 10:24
  4. "Pay No Mind" [Ocean Pacific Remix] - 4:31
  • CD / Europe
  1. "Pay No Mind" [Radio Edit] - 3:41
  2. "Pay No Mind" [Not Normal Mix (String Version)] - 3:57

"Rendez-Vous" (1998)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Autriche: n°38
  • Suède: n°48
  • Allemagne: n°53
  • France: n°88


  • Radio Edit - 3:55
  • Jazz Version (Not Normal Mix) - 3:55
  • Superstring Short Edit - 4:03
  • Album Version - 4:14
  • Extended Version - 5:13
  • B-Low Mix - 5:50
  • Saturday Night Mix - 6:09
  • Superstring Remix - 8:23


  • CD / Allemagne, Danemark & Espagne
  1. "Rendez-Vous" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Rendez-Vous" [Jazz Version (Not Normal Mix)] - 3:55
  3. "Rendez-Vous" [Extended Version] - 5:13
  4. "Rendez-Vous" [Saturday Night Mix] - 6:09
  5. "Rendez-Vous" [Superstring Remix] - 8:23
  6. "Rendez-Vous" [Superstring Short Edit] - 4:03
  7. "Rendez-Vous" [B-Low Mix] - 5:50
  • Vinyl & Vinyl promo / Allemagne
  1. "Rendez-Vous" [Superstring Remix] - 8:23
  2. "Rendez-Vous" [Extended Version] - 3:55
  3. "Rendez-Vous" [Saturday Night Mix] - 6:09
  • Vinyl / France
  1. "Rendez-Vous" [Superstring Short Edit] - 4:03
  2. "Rendez-Vous" [Saturday Night Mix] - 6:09
  3. "Rendez-Vous" [Superstring Remix] - 8:23
  4. "Rendez-Vous" [B. Low Mix] - 5:50
  • CD & CD promo / France Allemagne & Europe
  1. "Rendez-Vous" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Rendez-Vous" [Jazz Version (Not Normal Mix)] - 3:55
  • Vinyl / Espagne
  1. "Rendez-vous" [Extended Version] - 5:13
  2. "Rendez-vous" [Superstring Remix] - 8:23
  3. "Rendez-vous" [Saturday Night Mix] - 6:09
  4. "Rendez-vous" [Jazz Version (Not Normal Mix)] - 3:55
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Rendez-Vous" [Superstring Remix] - 8:23

"You Belong" (1998)

¨Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Allemagne: n°77


  • Unplugged (Not Normal Mix) - 3:14
  • Radio Edit - 3:41
  • The Eternal Groove Remix Radio Cut - 3:49
  • Superstring Remix Radio Cut - 4:04
  • Album Version - 5:03
  • The Eternal Groove Remix - 5:29
  • B-Flat Remix - 6:53
  • Superstring Remix - 7:18


  • CD promo / Allemagne
  1. "You Belong" [Radio Edit] - 3:40
  2. "You Belong" [Unplugged (Not Normal Mix)] - 3:13
  • Vinyl & Vinyl promo / Allemagne
  1. "You Belong" [Superstring Remix] - 7:18
  2. "You Belong" [B-Flat Remix] - 6:53
  3. "You Belong" [The Eternal Groove Remix] - 5:29
  4. "You Belong" [Radio Edit] - 3:41
  • CD / Espagne & Allemagne
  1. "You Belong" [Radio Edit] - 3:41
  2. "You Belong" [Unplugged (Not Normal Mix)] - 3:14
  3. "You Belong" [The Eternal Groove Remix Radio Cut] - 3:49
  4. "You Belong" [Superstring Remix Radio Cut] - 4:04
  5. "You Belong" [The Eternal Groove Remix] - 5:29
  6. "You Belong" [B-Flat Remix] - 6:53
  7. "You Belong" [Superstring Remix] - 7:18
  8. "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" - 3:24

"Insanity" (2001)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Israël: n°1
  • Allemagne: n°66


  • Kay Cee Edit - 3:18
  • Culture Beat Club Edit - 3:49
  • Album Version - 4:19
  • Kay Cee Remix - 7:27
  • Tom Novy Remix - 8:10
  • Culture Beat Club Remix - 8:44
  • Der Poet Remix - 9:23


  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Insanity" [Radio Edit] - 3:26
  2. "Insanity" [Culture Beat Club Remix] - 8:44
  3. "Insanity" [Kay Cee Remix] - 7:28
  4. "Insanity" [Tom Novy Remix] - 8:10
  5. "Insanity" [Der Poet Remix] - 9:26
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Insanity" [Kay Cee Remix] - 7:27
  2. "Insanity" [Culture Beat Club Remix] - 8:44
  3. "Insanity" [Tom Novy Remix] - 8:10
  4. "Insanity" [Der Poet Remix] - 9:23
  5. "Insanity" [Album Version] - 4:19
  • CD / Angleterre
  1. "Insanity" [Kay Cee Remix] - 7:27
  2. "Insanity" [Culture Beat Club Remix] - 8:44
  3. "Insanity" [Tom Novy Remix] - 8:10
  4. "Insanity" [Der Poet Remix] - 9:23
  5. "Insanity" [Album Version] - 4:19
  6. "Insanity" [Culture Beat Club Edit] - 3:49
  7. "Insanity" [Kay Cee Edit] - 3:18

"Mr Vain Recall" (2003)

Positions dans les charts internationaux

  • Allemagne: n°7
  • Autriche: n°8
  • Suède: n°30
  • Suisse: n°46
  • Angleterre: n°51
  • Pays-Bas: n°66


  • Radio Edit - 3:30
  • Recall Mix - 6:05
  • Doug Laurent Mix - 6:34
  • CJ Stone Mix ou C.J. Stone Mix Without Rap - 6:42
  • C.J. Stone Mix With Rap ou C.J. Stone Mix (With Rap) - 7:22


  • Vinyl & Vinyl promo / Allemagne & Angleterre
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Recall Mix] - 6:05
  2. "Mr. Vain" [C.J. Stone Mix With Rap] - 7:22
  3. "Mr. Vain" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:34
  • Vinyl & Vinyl promo / Allemagne
  1. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Recall Mix] - 6:05
  2. "Mr. Vain Recall" [CJ Stone Mix] - 6:44
  3. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:34
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Radio Edit] - 3:30
  2. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Recall Mix] - 6:05
  3. "Mr. Vain Recall" [C.J. Stone Mix With Rap] - 7:22
  4. "Obsession" [Short Cut] - 3:00
  5. "Headbangers" - 3:00
  • CD promo / Allemagne
  1. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Recall Mix] - 6:05
  2. "Mr. Vain Recall" [C.J. Stone Mix Without Rap] - 6:42
  3. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:34
  4. "Mr. Vain Recall" [C.J. Stone Mix With Rap] - 7:22
  • CD & CD promo / Angleterre
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Radio Edit] - 3:30
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Recall Mix] - 6:05
  3. "Mr. Vain" [C.J. Stone Mix (With Rap)] - 7:22
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Mr. Vain" [Radio Edit] - 3:30
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Recall Mix] - 6:05
  • CD promo / Angleterre
  1. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Radio Edit] - 3:30
  2. "Mr. Vain Recall" [C.J. Stone Mix With Rap] - 7:22
  3. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:36
  4. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Recall Mix] - 6:05

"Can't Go On Like This (No No)" (2004)


  • Video Mix - 3:17
  • CJ Stone Vocal Mix ou CJ Stone Remix - 6:37
  • Massimo Nocito Mix - 7:10
  • CJ Stone Club Mix - 7:16


  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Can't Go On Like This (No, No)" [Video Mix] - 3:17
  2. "Can't Go On Like This (No, No)" [CJ Stone Vocal Mix] - 6:37
  3. "Can't Go On Like This (No, No)" [Massimo Nocito Mix] - 7:10
  4. "Can't Go On Like This (No, No)" [CJ Stone Club Mix] - 7:16
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Can't Go On Like This (No, No)" [CJ Stone Remix] - 6:37
  2. "Can't Go On Like This (No, No)" [Massimo Nocito Remix] - 7:10

"Your Love" (2008)


  • Radio Edit - 3:38
  • D&K Edit - 3:40
  • Club Edit - 4:03
  • D&K Mix - 6:01
  • Extended Mix - 6:05
  • Club Mix - 6:18


  • CD & MP3 / Allemagne
  1. "Your Love" [Radio Edit] - 3:38
  2. "Your Love" [Club Edit] - 4:03
  3. "Your Love" [D&K Edit] - 3:40
  4. "Your Love" [Extended Mix] - 6:05
  5. "Your Love" [Club Mix] - 6:18
  6. "Your Love" [D&K Mix] - 6:01
  • Vinyl / Allemagne
  1. "Your Love" [Extended Mix] - 6:03
  2. "Your Love" [Club Mix] - 6:16

Singles promotionnels et inédit

"DMC... Megamix" (1994)

  • CD promo / Angleterre
  1. "DMC...Megamix" [Vorsprung Durch Culture Beat] - 6:33
  • Vinyl promo / Angleterre
  1. "DMC...Megamix" [Vorsprung Durch Culture Beat] - 6:33
  2. "Adelante!" [MKM's Danish Flex Mix] 6:30

"Adelante!" (1994)


  • The Voice - Radio Mix - 3:51
  • Album Version - 5:38
  • MKM's Danish Flex Mix - 6:30
  • Butcher Mix - 7:57


  • Vinyl promo / Allemagne
  1. "Adelante!" [Butcher Mix] - 7:57
  2. "Adelante!" [MKM's Danish Flex Mix] - 6:30
  3. "DMC-Megamix" [Vorsprung durch Culture Beat] - 6:33

"Mr. Vain (Remix)" (1996)


  • FM 802 Rock Kids 802 Mix - 4:25
  • Tribal Mix - 4:47
  • Hyper Rave Mix - 5:32


  • CD / Japon
  1. "Mr. Vain" [FM 802 Rock Kids 802 Mix] - 4:25
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Hyper Rave Mix] - 5:32
  3. "Mr. Vain" [Tribal Mix] - 4:47
  4. "Anything" - 6:26
  5. "Mr. Vain" [Album Version] - 5:39
  6. "Culture Beat Megamix" - 6:38

"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" (1998)

  • CD promo / Allemagne
  1. "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" - 3:24

Albums et single non officiels

"The Best" (?)

  • Vinyl / Brésil
  1. "I Like You" - 5:38
  2. "No Deeper Meaning" - 5:47
  3. "Got To Get It" - 6:07
  4. "Mr Vain" - 5:37
  5. "Tell Me That You Wait" - 6:11
  6. "Anything" - 6:24

"Boombastic Hits" (1996)

  • CD / Europe
  1. "Take Me Away" [Sweetbox Hotpants Mix] – 6:00
  2. "Mr. Vain" [Vain Mix] - 6:34
  3. "Inside Out" [Dance Mix] - 5:54
  4. "Got To Get It" [Raw Deal Mix] - 5:34
  5. "Adelante" [The Voice - Radio Mix] - 3:51
  6. "Crying In The Rain" [Radio Mix] - 3:52
  7. "World In Your Hands" [Tribal Mix] - 6:55
  8. "Anything" [Converted 7' Mix] - 3:56
  9. "Get It Right" [Vocal Mix] - 4:11
  10. "Take Me Away" [Extended Mix] - 6:56
  11. "World In Your Hands" [MKM's Danish Flex Mix] – 5:34
  12. "Hamana" [Paradox Mix Mix] - 5:18

"Mr. Vain Returns" (2005)

  • Vinyl / ?
  1. "Mr. Vain Returns" [Mr. Vocal] - 6:31
  2. "Mr. Vain Returns" [Mr. Dub] - 4:59
  3. "Mr. Vain" [DJ Avid Rework] - 5:51

Faces B

"Out Of Touch" (1996)

Extrait du single "Crying In The Rain"

  • CD / Europe
  1. "Crying In The Rain" [Radio Edit] - 3:54
  2. "Crying In The Rain" [Extended Version] - 5:38
  3. "Crying In The Rain" [Doug Laurent Mix] - 6:09
  4. "Crying In The Rain" [Brainformed Mix] - 6:54
  5. "Crying In The Rain" [Let The Love House 7" Mix] - 3:52
  6. "Crying In The Rain" [Sweetbox Funky 7" Mix] - 3:22
  7. "Crying In The Rain" [Not Normal Mix] - 3:30
  8. "Out Of Touch" - 4:08

"Hamana" (1996)

Extrait du single "Take Me Away"

  • CD / Europe & Mexique
  1. "Take Me Away" [Radio Edit] - 3:55
  2. "Take Me Away" [Extended Mix] - 6:59
  3. "Take Me Away" [Doom Mix] - 6:02
  4. "Take Me Away" [Sweetbox Hotpants Mix] - 6:02
  5. "Take Me Away" [Aboria Euro Mix] - 6:11
  6. "Take Me Away" [Special A Capella Version (Not Normal Mix)] - 3:23
  7. "Hamana" - 5:21
  • Vinyl & vinyl promo / Allemagne & France
  1. "Take Me Away" [Extended Mix] - 6:55
  2. "Take Me Away" [Sweetbox Hotpants Mix] - 5:58
  3. "Take Me Away" [Aboria Euro Mix] - 6:10
  4. "Take Me Away" [Doom Mix] - 5:58
  5. "Take Me Away" [Hamana] - 5:17

"Show You Heaven" (1996)

Extrait du single "Walk The Same Line"

  • CD / Europe
  1. "Walk The Same Line" [Radio Edit] - 3:56
  2. "Walk The Same Line" [Extended Version] - 5:59
  3. "Walk The Same Line" [Euro Mix] - 5:21
  4. "Walk The Same Line" [Mode 2 Joy Mix] - 6:28
  5. "Walk The Same Line" [Not Normal Mix (Classical Mix)] - 2:53
  6. "Show You Heaven" - 4:58

"Obsession" (2003)

Extrait du single "Mr. Vain Recall"

  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Radio Edit] - 3:30
  2. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Recall Mix] - 6:05
  3. "Mr. Vain Recall" [C.J. Stone Mix With Rap] - 7:22
  4. "Obsession" [Short Cut] - 3:00
  5. "Headbangers" - 3:00

"Headbangers" (2003)

Extrait du single "Mr. Vain Recall"

  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Radio Edit] - 3:30
  2. "Mr. Vain Recall" [Recall Mix] - 6:05
  3. "Mr. Vain Recall" [C.J. Stone Mix With Rap] - 7:22
  4. "Obsession" [Short Cut] - 3:00
  5. "Headbangers" - 3:00

Titres inédits

"Running" (2004)

Ce titre devait faire partie d'un album studio jamais commercialisé.

"Wish" (2004)

Ce titre devait faire partie d'un album studio jamais commercialisé.

Collaborations vocales

Queen Dance Traxx I : "Under Pressure" (1996)

  • CD / Allemagne, Pays-Bas, Brésil, Italie, USA & Angleterre
  1. Captain Jack : "Another One Bites The Dust" - 3:48
  2. Scatman John : "The Invisible Man" - 3:26
  3. Mr. President : "A Kind Of Magic" - 3:45
  4. Ex-It : "I Want It All" - 3:52
  5. Culture Beat : "Under Pressure" - 4:20
  6. Worlds Apart : "I Was Born To Love You" - 3:48
  7. Masterboy : "I Want To Break Free" - 3:24
  8. Blümchen : "Bicycle Race" - 4:39
  9. Magic Affair : "Bohemian Rhapsody" - 6:34
  10. E-Rotic : "Who Wants To Live Forever" - 6:22
  11. U96 : "Flash's Theme" - 5:36
  12. DJ Bobo : "Radio Ga Ga" - 3:47
  13. Voice : "Scandal" - 3:45
  14. Interactive : "We Will Rock You" - 4:32
  15. Music Instructor : "Friends Will Be Friends" - 3:50
  16. Acts United : "We Are The Champions" - 3:16
  • CD / Allemagne
  1. Captain Jack : "Another One Bites The Dust" - 3:48
  2. Scatman John : "The Invisible Man" - 3:26
  3. Mr. President : "A Kind Of Magic" - 3:45
  4. Ex-It : "I Want It All" - 3:52
  5. Culture Beat : "Under Pressure" - 4:20
  6. Worlds Apart : "I Was Born To Love You" - 3:48
  7. Masterboy : "I Want To Break Free" - 3:24
  8. Blümchen : "Bicycle Race" - 4:39
  9. Magic Affair : "Bohemian Rhapsody" - 6:34
  10. E-Rotic : "Who Wants To Live Forever" - 6:22
  11. U96 : "Flash's Theme" - 5:36
  12. DJ Bobo : "Radio Ga Ga" - 3:47
  13. Voice : "Scandal" - 3:45
  14. Interactive : "We Will Rock You" - 4:32
  15. Music Instructor : "Friends Will Be Friends" - 3:50
  16. Acts United : "We Are The Champions" - 3:16
  17. Dune : "Who Wants To Live Forever" - 3:54

Hand In Hand For Children e. V: "Children" (1996)

Avec les voix de Backstreet Boys, Boyzone, Captain Jack, Culture Beat, DJ Bobo, Fun Factory, Keksi & Die Falschen Freunde, Masterboy, Mr. President, Noble Savages, Rednex, Sashka et Worlds Apart

  • CD / Allemagne
  1. "Children" [Radio Mix] - 3:33
  2. "Children" [Airplay Mix] - 4:04
  3. "Children" [Instrumental Version] - 3:33
  4. "Personal Statements Of Groups" - 5:25

Singles remixés par Culture Beat

Deputies Of Love : "Deputy Of Love" (1991)

  • Technomix - 6:32
  • Clubmix - 5:52
  • Technomental - 6:31

Shift : "Remember The Time" (1993)

  • Time Mix - 5:51
  • Joy Mix - 6:19

The Shamen : "Comin'On" (1993)

  • Culture Mix - 6:21
  • Beat Mix - 6:35

Kim Sanders : "Show Me" (1993)

  • Culture Mix - 6:00
  • Beat Mix - 6:15

Voir aussi

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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