Comrade X
- Comrade X
Camarade X
Camarade X (Comrade X) est un film américain réalisé par King Vidor en 1940, produit par la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
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Catégories : Film américain | Film sorti en 1940 | Film de comédie | Film d'espionnage | Titre de film en C | Film de Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | Film en noir et blanc | Film réalisé par King Vidor
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Comrade X de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Comrade X — Original movie poster Directed by King Vidor Produced by Gottfried R … Wikipedia
Comrade — Com rade (? or ?; 277), n. [Sp. camarada, fr. L. camara, a chamber; hence, a chamber fellowship, and then a chamber fellow: cf. F. camarade. Cf. {Chamber}.] A mate, companion, or associate. [1913 Webster] And turned my flying comrades to the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
comrade — ► NOUN 1) (among men) a companion who shares one s activities or is a fellow member of an organization. 2) (also comrade in arms) a fellow soldier. 3) a fellow socialist or communist. DERIVATIVES comradely adjective comradeship noun … English terms dictionary
comrade — index cohort, colleague, confederate, consociate, consort, contributor (contributor), copartner ( … Law dictionary
comrade — 1590s, one who shares the same room, from M.Fr. camarade (16c.), from Sp. camarada chamber mate, originally chamberful, from L. camera (see CAMERA (Cf. camera)). In Spanish, a collective noun referring to one s company. In 17c., sometimes… … Etymology dictionary
comrade — *associate, companion, crony Analogous words: *friend, intimate, confidant: colleague, *partner, confederate, ally … New Dictionary of Synonyms
comrade — [n] ally associate, bosom buddy, buddy, chum, colleague, comate, companion, compatriot, compeer, confederate, confidant, confidante, co worker, crony, friend, intimate, mate, pal, partner, sidekick; concept 423 Ant. enemy, foe, opponent … New thesaurus
comrade — [käm′rad΄, käm′rəd] n. [Fr camarade < Sp camarada, chamber mate < L camera: see CAMERA] 1. a friend; close companion 2. a person who shares interests and activities in common with others; partner; associate: used as a form of address, as in … English World dictionary
Comrade — Comrades redirects here. For other uses, see Comrades (disambiguation). This article is about the word. For the 2011 film, see Comrade (film). Comrade means friend , colleague , or ally . The word comes from French camarade. The term is… … Wikipedia
comrade — This word is similar to ‘chum’ in some respects. Both words originally meant ‘chamber mate’ and both came to have the general meaning of ‘friend’. ‘Comrade’, however, was early associated with comrades in arms, fellow soldiers who shared one’s … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
comrade — n. 1) one s fallen comrades 2) a comrade in arms 3) an old comrade * * * [ kɒmr(e)ɪd] a comrade in arms an old comrade one s fallen comrades … Combinatory dictionary