- Clumsy
"Clumsy" est le tout dernier single de Fergie, extrait de l'album The Dutchess. C'est une chanson pop et RnB avec quelques influences soul.
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Catégories : - Single musical sorti en 2007
- Chanson de Fergie
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Clumsy — ist ein Popsong mit Hip Hop Elementen der US amerikanischen Sängerin und Rapperin Fergie. Clumsy wurde für Fergies Solo Debütalbum The Dutchess aufgenommen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Daten 2 Musikvideo 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Clumsy — «Clumsy» Sencillo de Fergie del álbum The Dutchess Formato CD Single Descarga Digital Airplay Grabación 2006 Género(s) Pop, R B … Wikipedia Español
Clumsy — «Clumsy» Сингл Ферги из альбома The Dutchess Выпущен 25 сентября 2007 Формат CD Записан 2006 Жанр … Википедия
Clumsy — Clum sy, a. [Compar. {Clumsier}; superl. {Clumsiest}.] [OE. clumsed benumbed, fr. clumsen to be benumbed; cf. Icel. klumsa lockjaw, dial. Sw. klummsen benumbed with cold. Cf. 1st {Clam}, and 1st {Clamp}.] 1. Stiff or benumbed, as with cold.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clumsy — (or clumsiness) may refer to: Behaviour Accident proneness, the likelihood that certain people suffer accidents Dyspraxia, a disorder which brings about clumsiness A euphemism for someone with Motor skills disorder Music Clumsy (Our Lady Peace… … Wikipedia
clumsy — [klum′zē] adj. clumsier, clumsiest [ME clumsid, numb with cold, pp. of clumsen, to benumb < ON base akin to Swed dial klummsen, to benumb with the cold; akin to CLAM: for IE base see CLIMB] 1. lacking grace or skill in movement; awkward 2.… … English World dictionary
clumsy — index incompetent, inept (incompetent), ponderous, uncouth, unpolitic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
clumsy — (adj.) 1590s, from M.E. clumsid numb with cold (14c.), pp. of clumsen to benumb, from O.N. klumsa, intensive of kluma to make motionless. Related: Clumsily; clumsiness … Etymology dictionary
clumsy — *awkward, gauche, maladroit, inept Analogous words: *rude, rough, green, callow, uncouth: loutish, clownish, boorish (see under BOOR): *stiff, wooden, tense, rigid Antonyms: dexterous, adroit: facile Contrasted words: deft (see DEXTEROUS):… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
clumsy — [adj] not agile; awkward all thumbs*, blundering, blunderous, bulky, bumbling, bungling, butterfingered*, clownish, crude, elephantine, gauche, gawkish, gawky, graceless, ham handed*, heavy, heavy handed, helpless, hulking, ill shaped,… … New thesaurus
clumsy — ► ADJECTIVE (clumsier, clumsiest) 1) awkward in movement or performance. 2) difficult to use; unwieldy. 3) tactless. DERIVATIVES clumsily adverb clumsiness noun. ORIGI … English terms dictionary