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't Zand
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Zand — may refer to:* Zand tribe * the Iranian Zand dynasty (1773 1794) * Zand, Netherlands ( zand in Dutch means sand and appears in various geographical names)or to these (near )homophones: * Zend Avesta or Zand Avesta: the commentaries ( Zend , or… … Wikipedia
ZAND, MICHAEL — (1927– ), philologist of Persian. Zand was born in Kamenets Podolski, but was taken to Moscow in 1930. In 1937 his father was killed during the Stalin purges. Zand studied at the University of Moscow and then, when he could not find employment… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Zand-i Wahman yasn — (persian:زند بهمن یشت)one of the middle Persian book,which is written in 6th century.The Bahman Yast, usually called the Zand of the Vohûman Yast, professes to be a prophetical work, in which Ahura mazda gives Zoroaster an account of what was to… … Wikipedia
Zand — see Zend … Useful english dictionary
Zand dynasty — Infobox Former Country native name =امپراتوری ایران conventional long name = Persian Empire common name = Persia continent = Asia region = Middle East country = Iran status = Empire year start = 1750 year end = 1794 date start = date end = event… … Wikipedia
Zand — Die Vakil Moschee in Schiraz, erbaut unter der Zand Dynastie Die Zand Prinzen waren eine iranische[1] Dynastie in Persien (1750 – 1794). Sie gingen aus dem kurdischen Stamm der Lak hervor.[2] Nach der Ermordung von Nadir Schah … Deutsch Wikipedia
Zand-Dynastie — Die Vakil Moschee in Schiraz, erbaut unter der Zand Dynastie Die Zand Prinzen waren eine iranische[1] Dynastie in Persien (1750 – 1794). Sie gingen aus dem kurdischen Stamm der Lak hervor.[2] Nach der Ermordung von Nadir Schah … Deutsch Wikipedia
Zand-Prinzen — Die Vakil Moschee in Schiraz, erbaut unter der Zand Dynastie Die Zand Prinzen waren eine iranische[1] Dynastie in Persien (1750 – 1794). Sie gingen aus dem kurdischen Stamm der Lak hervor.[2] Nach der Ermordung von … Deutsch Wikipedia
Zand Dynasty — ▪ Iranian dynasty (1750–79), Iranian dynasty that ruled southern Iran. Following the death of the Afshārid ruler Nāder Shāh (1747), Karīm Khān Zand (Karīm Khān Zand (Moḥammad)) became one of the major contenders for power. By 1750 he… … Universalium
Zand — Dynastie Zand Histoire de l Iran Civilisation proto élamite (3 200 2 700 av. J. C.) Civilisation de Jiroft (3 000 Ve siècle av. J. C. Royaume élamite … Wikipédia en Français
Zand tribe — The Zand tribe were a tribe of Lurs [cite journal |last=Perry |first=J. R. |authorlink= |coauthors= |year=2004 |month=January |title=Reviews |journal=Journal of Near Eastern Studies |volume=63 |issue=1 |pages=p. 72… … Wikipedia