- Buu
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
BUU peut faire référence à :
- Buyo dans le Haut-Sassandra, en Côte d’Ivoire, selon la liste des codes AITA des aéroports
Buu peut faire référence à :
- Majin Buu, le nom anglais de Boo, un personnage du dessin animé Dragon Ball,
- budu, selon la norme ISO 639-3 des codes des langues,
Catégories : Homonymie | Sigle de 3 caractères | Code AITA des aéroports
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Buu de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Buu — may refer to: *Majin Buu, a character in Dragon Ball media * Bam s Unholy Union , an MTV show starring Bam Margera *The symbol for Biununium, the theoretical Element #211 on the Extended Periodic Tableee also*BU (disambiguation) *Boo… … Wikipedia
BUU — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
Buu — boéu, bou, buu nm boeuf Gascogne, occitan … Glossaire des noms topographiques en France
buu — bù·u inter. CO esprime disapprovazione per un esibizione, un discorso e sim.; anche s.m.inv.: all ennesima stecca si udirono i buu della platea {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: voce onom … Dizionario italiano
Buu Phong Temple — is a historic 17th century Buddhist temple in Dong Nai Province in southern Vietnam, north of Ho Chi Minh City.cite web| url=http://www.buddhismtoday.com/viet/pgvn/chua/002 danhlamnuocviet3.htm |language=Vietnamese |title=Các chùa Nam… … Wikipedia
Buu (Dragon Ball) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Boo. Boo Personnage de Dragon Ball … Wikipédia en Français
Buu Hoi — Prince Nguyễn Phúc Bửu Hội (1915–January 28, 1972) of the Nguyễn Dynasty was a diplomat for South Vietnam and a cancer researcher who published more than 1000 papers. Contents 1 Family 2 Education 3 Scientific work … Wikipedia
Buu Dong — In this Vietnamese name, the family name is Nguyễn, but is often simplified to Nguyen in English language text. According to Vietnamese custom, this person should properly be referred to by the given name Bửu Đồng. John Baptiste Bửu Đồng (surname … Wikipedia
Buu Son Ky Huong — According to the historian Hue Tam Ho Tai, the phrase “Bửu Sơn Kỳ Hương” (literally Strange Fragrance from the Precious Mountain, from the Sino Vietnamese ) was coined by writers belonging to the Buddhist sect known as the Hòa Hảo, founded in… … Wikipedia
Bửu Đồng — Father John Baptiste Bửu Đồng ( surname Nguyen) was a prestiguous Vietnamese Roman Catholic priest from the city of Huế who was executed by the Viet Cong during the Tet Offensive of 1968. LifeDong was a popular parish priest of Su Lo An, a… … Wikipedia