- Brāhmana
Les Brāhmaṇas (sanskrit en devanāgarī: ब्राह्मण)[1], explications rituelles du Brahman fondamental, contenant des commentaires de prose sur les rituels. Ils ont été composés, estime-t-on entre le Xe et le VIIe siècle av. J.C. Ils tirent leur nom de l'interprétation qu'ils font du Brahman, entendu ici comme énergie contenue dans les mantra[2].
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BRAHMANA — BR HMA ビA Le Veda contient essentiellement trois types de textes: des poèmes et des strophes isolées, qui ensemble constituent ce que l’on nomme chandas (poésie); des formules rituelles (yajus ); enfin, de longs développements en prose, de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Brahmana — Brāhmana Textes classiques du monde indien Shruti Veda Rigveda Samaveda Yajur veda Atharvaveda Brahmanas Aranyakas Upanishad Smrit … Wikipédia en Français
Brahmăna — Brahmăna, 1) im Sanskrit so v.w. Brahmanen; 2) Theil der Vedas, welche den dogmatischen Theil der Indischen Religion enthalten … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Brahmana — Brāhmana, dogmatisch spekulative Traktate der ind. Literatur, die eine Art Kommentar zu den Veda (s.d.) im engern Sinne bilden … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
brahmana — brahmána ž zb. DEFINICIJA hind. brahmanistički svećenički priručnici, hinduske svete knjige koje tumače tekstove Veda (stvarane od o. 1000. pr. Kr. do 4. st.), sadržavaju i svjetovne teme ETIMOLOGIJA vidi brahman … Hrvatski jezični portal
Brahmana — The IAST|Brāhmaṇa s (Devanagari: sa. ब्राह्मणं) are part of the Hindu śruti literature. They are commentaries on the four Vedas, detailing the proper performance of rituals. Each Vedic shakha (school) had its own Brahmana, and it is not known how … Wikipedia
Brahmana — Schriften des Hinduismus Shruti Veda Rigveda Samaveda Yajurveda Atharvaveda Brahmanas Aranyakas Upanishaden … Deutsch Wikipedia
Brahmana — /brah meuh neuh/, n. Hinduism. one of a class of prose pieces dealing with Vedic rituals and sacrifices. Cf. Veda. [ < Skt brahmana] * * * Any of a number of discourses on the Vedas that explain their use in ritual sacrifices and the symbolism of … Universalium
Brahmana — Cualquiera de varios comentarios acerca de los Veda que explican el significado de los sacrificios rituales y el simbolismo de los actos de los sacerdotes. Se remontan a 900–600 BC, y constituyen las fuentes históricas más antiguas del ritual… … Enciclopedia Universal
brahmana — noun a) The brahmin varna in Hinduism. (Plural: brahmana.) b) A brahmin; a member of the brahmana (sense 1). Syn: brahman, brahmin … Wiktionary
Brahmana — Brahmanas are texts that delineate the work ings of the BRAHMAN in its oldest sense of the power, efficacy, or energy of Vedic ritual. They are considered SHRUTI or revelation and are part of the VEDAS. They accompany the MANTRA text of the… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism