- Born
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Cet article possède un paronyme, voir : Le Born. |

Sur les autres projets Wikimedia :
Born est un nom de famille notamment porté par :
- Bertran de Born (v.1140 - v.1215), troubadour et guerrier languedocien ;
- Ignaz von Born (1742-1791), minéralogiste et géologue allemand ;
- Max Born (1882-1970), mathématicien et physicien britannique ;
- Max Born (1951-), acteur britannique.
Born est un nom de lieu notamment porté par :
- Pays de Born, pays côtier français des Landes ;
- Born, village et ancienne commune des Pays-Bas ;
- Born, village luxembourgeois de la commune de Mompach ;
- Born, quartier et marché de Barcelone ;
- Born, cratère lunaire.
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Born de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Born — steht für: die historische oder historisierend poetische Bezeichnung für einen Brunnen born, eine davon abgeleitete Gewässer und Ortsbezeichnung Born (Familienname), der Familienname Born Born (Berg), ein Berg in der Schweiz Born Feinkost, ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
born — [ bɔrn ] adjective *** 1. ) never before noun when a baby is born, it comes out of its mother s body and starts its life. The time when you are born is your birth, and a mother gives birth to a baby: Her grandfather died before she was born. born … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Born — may refer to: * Childbirth * , a limited series comic book featuring the Punisher * Born Feinkost GmbH, a German food company * Born (crater), a lunar craterPlaces* Born (Netherlands), a town in the Netherlands * Born, Mecklenburg Vorpommern, a… … Wikipedia
born — born·holm; born·ite; dear·born; duis·burg ham·born; re·born; san·born·ite; stub·born·ly; stub·born·ness; un·born; pre·born; born; stub·born; born·it·ic; … English syllables
born — ► ADJECTIVE 1) existing as a result of birth. 2) (born of) existing as a result of (a situation or feeling). 3) having a natural ability to do a particular job or task: a born engineer. 4) ( born) having a specific nationality: a German born… … English terms dictionary
BORN (M.) — BORN MAX (1882 1970) Physicien allemand, naturalisé anglais (1939), revenu en Allemagne fédérale (1954), prix Nobel de physique (1954, avec W. Bothe), Born effectua des travaux dans tous les domaines de la physique théorique, plus… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Born — (b[^o]rn), p. p. & a. [See {Bear}, v. t.] 1. Brought forth, as an animal; brought into life; introduced by birth. [1913 Webster] No one could be born into slavery in Mexico. Prescott. [1913 Webster] 2. Having from birth a certain character; by or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Born 1A — (Born,Германия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Auf dem Branden 1a, 18375 Born, Германия … Каталог отелей
Born To Do It — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Born To Do It Álbum de Craig David Publicación 15 de agosto de 2000 (UK e Irlanda) 21 de agosto de 2000 (Europa, Asia y Australia) … Wikipedia Español
born — [bôrn] vt., vi. alt. pp. of BEAR1 adj. 1. brought into life or being 2. by birth: used in hyphenated compounds [French born] 3. having certain qualities or abilities innately, as if from birth; natural [a born athlete] 4. bei … English World dictionary
born — born, borne It is sometimes forgotten that born, relating to birth, is a past participle of the verb to bear, and that I was born on a Friday means ‘My mother bore me on a Friday’. Born is also used in figurative expressions such as an… … Modern English usage