Black Brant
- Black Brant
Tir d'une Black Brant à Wallops Island
La Black Brant est une fusée-sonde canadienne construite depuis 1959 en plusieurs versions.
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Sites de lancements
- Churchill, au Manitoba
- Resolute Bay, au Nunavut
- East Quody, à Terre-Neuve
- Esrange, en Suéde
- Gillam, au Manitoba
- Natal, au Brésil
- Barking Sands, sur une île américaine du Pacifique
- Poker Flat, en Alaska
- Wallops Island, en Virginie
- Eglin, en Floride
- Vanderberg, en Californie
- White Sands, au Nouveau-Mexique
- Andoya, en Norvège
- Kiruna, en Norvège
- Chilca, au Pérou
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Black Brant de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Black Brant — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Lanzamiento de un Black Brant Cohete sonda canadiense diseñado en 1957 por Bristol Aerospace y utilizado para estudios ionosféricos con el fin de mejorar las comunicaciones militares. Se utilizaron 801 entre 1962 y… … Wikipedia Español
Black Brant — Ракета Black Brant XII Black Brant канадская метеорологическая ракета. Разработана компанией Bristol Aerospace. Первый запуск был осуществлён в сентябре 1959 года. Ракета Black Brant способна поднять полезную … Википедия
Black Brant — Start einer Black Brant 12 Forschungsrakete Black Brant ist die Bezeichnung einer kanadischen Höhenforschungsrakete. Die Rakete wird von Bristol Aerospace, einem Tochterunternehmen des kanadischen Luft und Raumfahrtunternehmens Magellan Aerospace … Deutsch Wikipedia
Black Brant — Taxobox name = Black Brant status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 image width = 240px image caption = Black Brant regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Anseriformes familia = Anatidae genus = Branta species = B. bernicla… … Wikipedia
black brant — noun : a small brownish black goose (Branta nigricans) having a white bar across the front of the neck and white on belly, flanks, and tail coverts, breeding along the north coast of No. America, and wintering along the west coast from Puget… … Useful english dictionary
Black Brant (rocket) — The Black Brant is a Canadian designed sounding rocket built by Bristol Aerospace in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Over 800 Black Brants of various versions have been launched since they were first produced in 1961, and the type remains one of the most… … Wikipedia
List of Black Brant launches — This is a list of launches made by the Black Brant sounding also*Black Brant (rocket)External links* [ Encyclopedia Astronautica Black Brant] … Wikipedia
Brant Goose — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) … Wikipedia
brant — /brant/, n., pl. brants, (esp. collectively) brant. any of several species of small, dark colored geese of the genus Branta, esp. B. bernicla, breeding in high northern latitudes and migrating south in the autumn. Also called brant goose; esp.… … Universalium
Brant — /brant/, n. 1. Joseph (Thayendanegea), 1742 1807, Mohawk Indian chief who fought on the side of the British in the American Revolution. 2. a male given name. * * * ▪ bird also called Brent Goose (Branta bernicla), water bird that… … Universalium