- Transect
Un transect est une ligne virtuelle ou physique que l'on met en place pour étudier un phénomène où l'on comptera les occurrences.
Cet échantillonnage (systématique ou aléatoire) peut donner lieu à l'utilisation de quadrats.
En forêt
Le transect (diagramme en profil) est une ligne virtuelle qui montre le profil du terrain ainsi que les profils des arbres et couronnes.
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Transect de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
transect — index dichotomize Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
transect — (v.) to cut across, 1630s, from L. trans across (see TRANS (Cf. trans )) + sectus, pp. of secare to cut (see SECTION (Cf. section)) … Etymology dictionary
transect — technical ► VERB ▪ cut across or make a transverse section in. ► NOUN ▪ a straight line or narrow cross section along which observations or measurements are made. DERIVATIVES transection noun. ORIGIN from TRANS (Cf. ↑trans ) + Latin secare divide … English terms dictionary
transect — [tran sekt′] vt. [< TRANS + L sectus, pp. of secare, to cut: see SAW1] to cut across or divide by cutting transection n … English World dictionary
Transect — A transect is a path along which one records and counts occurrences of the phenomenon of study (e.g. plants noting each instance).It requires an observer to move along a fixed path and to count occurrences along the path and, at the same time,… … Wikipedia
Transect — Urbanísticamente el transect es un sistema analítico que conceptúa el mutuo refuerzo los elementos a fin de crear una serie de hábitats naturales específicos con ajustes urbanos a la forma de vida. El transect integra la metodología ambiental… … Wikipedia Español
transect — 1) to divide by cutting transversely 2) a sample area in a long continuous strip. See also strip transect and visual transect … Dictionary of ichthyology
Transect (urban) — The urban to rural transect is an urban planning model created by Andrés Duany. The transect defines a series of zones that transition from sparse rural farmhouses to the dense urban core. Each zone is fractal in that it contains a similar… … Wikipedia
transect — I. transitive verb Etymology: trans + intersect Date: 1634 to cut transversely • transection noun II. noun Date: 1905 a sample area (as of vegetation) usually in the form of a long continuous strip … New Collegiate Dictionary
transect — n. [L. trans , across; secare, to cut] A cross section or profile of an area for study, as with organisms and/or vegetation … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology