Power Elite
- Power Elite
Power Elite (Power Elite) est un téléfilm américain réalisé par David Huey et diffusé en 2002 à la télévision.
Fiche technique
- Scénario : David Huey et Dom Magwili
- Durée : 94 min
- Pays :
- Olivier Gruner : Capitaine
- Mel Novak : Président Jonathan Caine
- Rebecca Ferratti : Amanda Davis
- Damian Foster : Taylor Malone
- J.D. Benitez : Hogan
- Kruzel : Général Boyette
- Tony Chow : Kenneth Gee
- Duncan McKay : Ian
- Rapid Chance : Dolph
- Andy Smythe : Sénateur Wheatley
- Kimberlee Dee : Beverly Caine
- Greg Dela Riva : Garde #1
- Azar Daniel : Garde #2
- David V. Cannedy : Garde #3
- Ron Hall : Terroriste
- Raphael Rochon : Assaillant masqué #1
- Joshua Erlich : Assaillant masqué #2
- Greg Roman : Assaillant masqué #3
- Liam Antles : Mercenaire #1
- Van Ayasit : Mercenaire #2
- David Steele : Mercenaire #3
- Vinh Lai : Mercenaire #4
- Maria Menozzi : Scientifique au Merridan Lab
- Marianne Parker : Otage au laboratoire
- Bob Pilar : Leader du Merridan Lab
- Tony Duerkop : Agent des services secrets
- Gennady Bochkovsky : Agent des services secrets #2
- Richard Big Rich Lara : Niles
- Long Nguyen : Kang Gee
- Chelsea McCarthy : Reporter
- Alexis Ryan : Reporter
- Sean Michaels : Reporter
- J. Sakata : Terroriste au métro
Lien externe
Power Elite sur l’Internet Movie Database - Version plus complète en anglais
Catégories : - Téléfilm américain des années 2000
- Téléfilm diffusé en 2002
- Téléfilm d'action
- Téléfilm d'aventure
- Téléfilm de guerre
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Power Elite de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Power elite — A power elite, in political and sociological theory, is a small group of people who control a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, and access to decision making of global consequence. The term was coined by Charles Wright Mills in his… … Wikipedia
power elite — Synonyms and related words: Establishment, VIP, aristocracy, baron, barons, big gun, big man, big name, bigwig, brass, brass hat, bureaucracy, celebrity, cream, dignitary, dignity, directorate, elder, elite, establishment, father, figure, great… … Moby Thesaurus
power élite — A concept developed by C. Wright Mills in his book of that name (published in 1956) and used by him to refer to the American ruling élite. According to his analysis this was an élite which was composed of business, government, and military… … Dictionary of sociology
power elite — a closely knit alliance of military, government, and corporate officials perceived as the center of wealth and political power in the U.S. [1950 55] * * * … Universalium
power elite — a closely knit alliance of military, government, and corporate officials perceived as the center of wealth and political power in the U.S. [1950 55] … Useful english dictionary
The Power Elite — is an influential book written by the sociologist, C. Wright Mills, in 1956. In it Mills called attention to the interwoven interests of the leaders of the military, corporate, and political elements of society and suggested that the ordinary… … Wikipedia
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élite — élite, élite theory It was the work of two nineteenth century Italians Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca that turned the rather commonplace observation that for much of recorded human history the few have ruled the many into an important… … Dictionary of sociology
élite theory — élite, élite theory It was the work of two nineteenth century Italians Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca that turned the rather commonplace observation that for much of recorded human history the few have ruled the many into an important… … Dictionary of sociology
Élite américaine — Élite Élite est un substantif de genre féminin, dérivé de l ancien français eslite (du latin eligere qui donnera élu). Étymologiquement, le terme se rattache donc à l idée d élection, non au sens du suffrage mais à celui de l approbation par… … Wikipédia en Français