- Nigeria Stock Exchange All Share
Le Nigeria Stock Exchange All Share est un indice boursier de la bourse du Nigeria, composé des 202 principales capitalisations boursières du pays.
Au 11 août 2011, l'indice se composait des titres suivants:
Symbole Société Poids indiciel Secteur 7UP NL 7 UP Bottling Co 0.35 % Consommation non cyclique ABBEYBDS NL Abbey Building Society 0.09 % Finance ABPLAST NL Abplast Products 0.02 % Matériaux ACADEMY NL Academy Press 0.01 % Consommation cyclique ACCESS NL Access Bank 1.44 % Finance ADSWITCH NL Adswitch 0.003 % Industrie AFRIBANK NL Afribank Nigeria 0.13 % Finance AFRINSUR NL African Alliance Insurance 0.13 % N/A AFRPAINT NL African Paints Nigeria 0.01 % Matériaux AFROIL NL Afroil N/A Énergie AFROMEDI NL Afromedia Nigeria Ltd 0.03 % Consommation cyclique AGLEVENT NL AG Leventis & Co 0.08 % Industrie AIICO NL Aiico Insurance 0.07 % Finance AIRSERVI NL Airline Services and Logistics 0.02 % Industrie ALUMACO NL Alumaco 0.01 % Matériaux ALEX NL Aluminum Extrusion Industries 0.04 % Matériaux ANINO NL Anino International 0.0001 % N/A ARBICO NL Arbico N/A Finance ASHAKACE NL Ashaka Cement 0.71 % Matériaux ASOSAVIN NL ASO Savings and Loans 0.07 % Finance ABCTRANS NL Associated Bus Co 0.01 % Industrie AVONCROW NL Avon Crowncaps & Containers 0.07 % Matériaux PLATINUM NL Bank PHB 0.17 % Finance BECOPETR NL Beco Petroleum Product 0.03 % Énergie BERGER NL Berger Paints Nigeria 0.03 % Matériaux BETAGLAS NL Beta Glass Co 0.1 % Consommation cyclique BIGTREAT NL Big Treat N/A Consommation non cyclique BOCGAS NL BOC Gases Nigeria 0.04 % Matériaux CILEASIN NL C&I Leasing 0.02 % Industrie CADBURY NL Cadbury Nigeria 0.27 % Consommation non cyclique CAPHOTEL NL Capital Hotel 0.16 % Consommation cyclique CAPOIL NL Capital Oil 0.04 % Énergie CAPALBET NL Cappa & d'Alberto N/A Industrie CCNN NL Cement Co Northern Nigeria 0.14 % Matériaux CHAMPION NL Champion Breweries 0.06 % Consommation non cyclique CHAMS NL Chams Nigeria 0.04 % Technologies de l'information CHELLARA NL Chellarams 0.08 % Consommation cyclique CAP NL Chemical and Allied Products 0.12 % Matériaux CHEVRON NL Chevron Oil Nigeria 0.26 % Énergie CONFDINS NL Confidence Insurance 0.002 % Finance CONOIL NL Conoil 0.34 % Énergie HMARKINS NL Consolidated Hallmark Insurance 0.05 % Finance CONTINSU NL Continental Reinsurance 0.16 % Finance CORNERST NL Cornerstone Insurance 0.07 % Finance COSTAIN NL Costain West Africa 0.04 % Industrie COURTVIL NL Courteville Investments 0.02 % Finance CRUSADER NL Crusader Nigeria 0.03 % Finance CUSTODYI NL Custodian and Allied Insurance 0.19 % Finance CUTIX NL Cutix 0.02 % Industrie DAAR NL DAAR Communication 0.06 % Télécommunications DANGCEM NL Dangote Cement 27.27 % Matériaux DANGFLOU NL Dangote Flour Mills 1.2 % Consommation non cyclique DANGSUGA NL Dangote Sugar Refinery 2.04 % Consommation non cyclique DEAPCAP NL Deap Capital Management and Trust 0.05 % Finance DIAMONDB NL Diamond Bank 0.91 % Finance DNMEYER NL DN Meyer 0.01 % Matériaux DUNLOP NL Dunlop Nigeria 0.04 % Consommation cyclique ETRAN NL E-Tranzact International 0.31 % N/A ECOBANK NL Ecobank Nigeria 0.31 % Finance ETI NL Ecobank Transnational Inc 1.8 % Finance EKOCORP NL Ekocorp 0.04 % Santé ELLAHLAK NL Ellah Lakes 0.01 % Consommation non cyclique EQUTYASU NL Equity Assurance 0.06 % Finance ETERNAOI NL Eterna Oil & Gas 0.06 % Énergie EVANSMED NL Evans Medical 0.01 % Santé FIDELITY NL Fidelity Bank 0.75 % Finance FIDSON NL Fidson Healthcare 0.04 % Santé FIRSTINL NL FinBank 0.13 % Finance FIRSTALU NL First Aluminium Nigeria 0.02 % Matériaux FIRSTBAN NL First Bank of Nigeria 4.52 % Finance FCMB NL First City Monument Bank 1.51 % Finance FLOURMIL NL FLOUR MILLS OF NIGERIA 2.22 % Consommation non cyclique FO NL Forte Oil 0.29 % Énergie FTNCOCOA NL FTN Cocoa Processors 0.02 % Consommation non cyclique GCAPPA NL G Cappa N/A Industrie GLAXOSMI NL GlaxoSmithKline Nigeria 0.37 % Santé GOLDBREW NL Golden Guinea Breweries N/A N/A GOLDINSU NL Goldlink Insurance 0.03 % Finance GNI NL Great Nigerian Insurance 0.01 % Finance VANLEER NL Greif Nigeria 0.01 % Matériaux GTASSURE NL Guaranty Trust Assurance 0.16 % Finance GUARANTY NL Guaranty Trust Bank 4.29 % Finance GUINEAIN NL Guinea Insurance 0.01 % Finance GUINNESS NL Guinness Nigeria 4.88 % Consommation non cyclique HALLMARK NL Hallmark Paper Products N/A Matériaux HONYFLOU NL Honeywell Flour Mill 0.5 % Consommation non cyclique IHS NL IHS Nigeria 0.19 % Industrie IKEJAHOT NL Ikeja Hotel 0.05 % Consommation cyclique INTERCON NL Intercontinental Bank 0.2 % Finance WAPIC NL Intercontinental Wapic Insurance 0.04 % Finance INTERLIN NL Interlinked Technologies 0.003 % Matériaux INTBREW NL International Breweries 0.19 % Consommation non cyclique INTENEGI NL International Energy Insurance 0.05 % Finance IAINSURE NL Investment & Allied Assurance N/A N/A IPWA NL IPWA 0.01 % Matériaux JAPAULOI NL Japaul Oil & Maritime Services 0.09 % Énergie JOHNHOLT NL John Holt 0.04 % Industrie JOSBREW NL JOS International Breweries 0.02 % Consommation non cyclique JULI NL Juli 0.01 % Santé JBERGER NL Julius Berger Nigeria 0.94 % Industrie WAPCO NL Lafarge Cement WAPCO Nigeria 1.9 % Matériaux LASACO NL Lasaco Assurance 0.06 % Finance LAWUNION NL Law Union & Rock Insurance of Nigeria PL 0.03 % Finance LENNARDS NL Lennards Nigeria N/A Consommation cyclique LINKASSU NL Linkage Assurance 0.04 % Finance LIVESTOC NL Livestock Feeds 0.01 % Consommation non cyclique LONGMAN NL Longman Nigeria 0.06 % Consommation cyclique MTI NL Mass Telecom Innovation Nigeria 0.04 % Télécommunications MAYBAKER NL MAY & Baker Nigeria 0.06 % Santé MCNICHOL NL McNichols Consolidated N/A N/A MOBIL NL Mobil Nigeria 0.71 % Énergie MORISON NL Morison Industries 0.02 % Consommation non cyclique MTECH NL MTECH Communication N/A Technologies de l'information MULTITRE NL Multi-Trex Integrated Foods 0.1 % N/A MULTIVER NL Multiverse 0.03 % Matériaux MBENEFIT NL Mutual Benefits Assurance 0.04 % Finance NAMPAK NL NAMPAK NIGERIA 0.01 % Matériaux NASCON NL National Salt Co Nigeria 0.17 % N/A NSLTECH NL National Sports Lottery 0.07 % Consommation cyclique NCR NL NCR Nigeria 0.01 % Technologies de l'information NEIMETH NL Neimeth International Pharmaceuticals PL 0.02 % Santé NEM NL NEM Insurance Co Nigeria 0.04 % Finance NESTLE NL Nestle Foods Nigeria 4.77 % Consommation non cyclique NIGSEWIN NL NIG SEW Mach Manuf Co N/A N/A NIGERINS NL Niger Insurance Co 0.04 % Finance ENAMELWA NL Nigeria Enamelware Co 0.04 % Consommation cyclique NESF NL Nigeria Energy Sector Fund 0.02 % N/A NIWICABL NL Nigeria Wire And Cable 0.003 % Industrie NAHCO NL Nigerian Aviation Handling Co 0.13 % Industrie BAGCO NL Nigerian Bag Manufacturing Co 0.19 % Matériaux NBC NL Nigerian Bottling Co 0.85 % Consommation non cyclique NB NL Nigerian Breweries 9.44 % Consommation non cyclique NIGROPES NL Nigerian Ropes 0.03 % Industrie NIGWIRE NL Nigerian Wire Industries 0.001 % Industrie NIG/GERM NL Nigerian-German Chemicals 0.02 % Santé NNFM NL Northern Nigeria Flour Mills 0.06 % Consommation non cyclique OANDO NL Oando 0.52 % Énergie OASISINS NL Oasis Insurance 0.04 % Finance OCEANIC NL Oceanic Bank International 0.42 % Finance OKOMUOIL NL Okomu Oil Palm 0.13 % Consommation non cyclique OMATEK NL Omatek Ventures 0.02 % Technologies de l'information PAINTCOM NL Paints & Coatings Manufacture N/A Matériaux PHARMDEK NL Pharma-Deko 0.01 % Santé PNG NL Pinnacle Point Group Ltd N/A Finance POLYPROD NL Poly Products Nigeria 0.004 % Matériaux PORT NL Portland Paints & Products Nigeria 0.03 % N/A PREMBREW NL Premier Breweries 0.002 % Consommation non cyclique PREMPAIN NL Premier Paints 0.01 % Matériaux PRESCO NL Presco 0.11 % Consommation non cyclique PRESTIGE NL Prestige Assurance Co 0.0004 % Finance MANDRID NL PS Mandrides 0.003 % Consommation non cyclique PZ NL PZ Cussons Nigeria 1.96 % Consommation non cyclique RTBRISCO NL R T Briscoe 0.0004 % Consommation cyclique REDSTARE NL Red Star Express 0.03 % Industrie REGALINS NL Regency Alliance Insurance 0.05 % Finance RESORTS NL Resort Savings & Loans 0.1 % Finance ROADS NL Roads Nigeria 0.001 % Industrie ROKANA NL Rokana Industries 0.0003 % Consommation non cyclique ROYALEX NL Royal Exchange Assurance 0.03 % Finance SCOA NL S C O A Nigeria 0.06 % Industrie SKYEBANK NL Skye Bank 0.95 % Finance SKYESHEL NL Skye Shelter Fund 0.03 % Finance SMURFIT NL Smart Products Nigeria 0.0006 % Matériaux SOVRENIN NL Sovereign Trust Insurance 0.04 % Finance SPRINGBK NL Spring Bank 0.14 % Finance STACO NL Staco Insurance 0.04 % Finance IBTCCB NL Stanbic IBTC Bank 2.59 % Finance STDINSUR NL Standard Alliance Insurance 0.06 % Finance STARCOMM NL Starcomms 0.05 % Télécommunications STERLNBA NL Sterling Bank 0.27 % Finance STOKVIS NL Stokvis Nigeria N/A N/A STUDPRES NL Studio Press Nigeria 0.004 % Industrie TANTALIZ NL Tantalizers 0.02 % Consommation non cyclique THOMASWY NL Thomas Wyatt Nigeria 0.005 % Matériaux TOTAL NL Total Nigeria 1.04 % Énergie TOURIST NL Tourist Co of Nigeria 0.07 % Consommation cyclique TRANSEXP NL Trans-Nationwide Express 0.01 % Industrie TRANSCOR NL Transnational Corp of Nigeria 0.32 % Finance TRIPPLEG NL Tripple GEE and Co 0.02 % Industrie UACN NL UAC of Nigeria 0.73 % Industrie UACPROP NL UACN Property Development Co 0.36 % Finance UDEOFSON NL Udeofson Garment Factory Nigeria N/A N/A UNIC NL Unic Insurance 0.02 % Finance UNILEVER NL Unilever Nigeria 1.56 % Consommation non cyclique UBN NL Union Bank Nigeria 0.42 % Finance UNIONDAC NL Union Diagnostic & Clinical Services 0.03 % Santé UNIONDIC NL Union Dicon Salt N/A Consommation non cyclique UNHOMES NL Union Homes Savings & Loans 0.06 % Finance UNIONVEN NL Union Ventures & Petroleum N/A N/A UBA NL United Bank for Africa 1.8 % Finance UNTL NL United Nigeria Textiles 0.01 % Consommation cyclique UNITYBNK NL Unity Bank 0.14 % Finance UNITYKAP NL Unity Kapital Assurance N/A N/A UNIVINSU NL Universal Insurance Co 0.12 % Finance UPL NL University Press 0.02 % Consommation cyclique UTC NL UTC Nigeria 0.01 % Industrie VITAFOAM NL Vitafoam Nigeria 0.07 % Consommation cyclique VONO NL Vono Products 0.01 % Consommation cyclique WAAP NL WA Aluminium Products N/A N/A WAGLASS NL WA Glass Industries 0.002 % Matériaux WEMABANK NL Wema Bank 0.11 % Finance ZENITHBA NL Zenith Bank 4.88 % Finance Voir aussi
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