Nicholas Culpeper

Nicholas Culpeper

Nicholas Culpeper (18 octobre 1616 - 10 janvier 1654) est un botaniste, herboriste, physicien et astrologue anglais.


  • Nicholas Culpeper, The British florist or, flower garden displayed; in which the most ornamental plants, will be accurately represented in their natural colours, with their names, class, order, characters, plans of growth, and times of flowering; together with the most approved methods of culture, Burslem, Printed by J. Tregortha, 1812, 43 p.
  • Culpeper's complete herbal and english physician; wherein several hundred herbs, with a display of their medicinal and occult properties, are physically applied to the cure of all disorders incident to mankind, Burslem, Printed by J. Tregortha, 1813, iv + 240 p.
  • Benjamin Woolley, The herbalist : Nicholas Culpeper and the fight for medical freedom, London, Harper Perennial, 2004, x + 402 + 13 p. (ISBN 0007126581)

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