Joel Chandler Harris

Joel Chandler Harris
Joel Chandler Harris

Joel Chandler Harris (9 décembre 1845 – 3 juillet 1908) est un journaliste, auteur de fiction et de folklore américain, principalement connu pour les Contes de l'Oncle Rémus. Harris est à Eatonton en Géorgie il travailla comme apprenti dans une plantation pendant son adolescence. Par la suite il s'installa à Atlanta travaillant comme éditeur associé dans le quotidien Atlanta Constitution.

Enid Blyton s'est inspirée de ces histoires pour créer la série Jojo Lapin.



  • L'Oncle Rémus raconte. Scandéditions-La Farandole, 1979, 130 p. Coll. "Feu follet". ISBN 2-7047-0086-9
  • Le Bébé de goudron et 15 aventures de Frère Lapin / trad. Catherine Chicancard ; ill. Doris Smith. Paris : Livres du Dragon d'or, 1995, 64 p. Coll. "Livres pour toujours". ISBN 2-87881-139-9

Notes et références

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Joel Chandler Harris — (December 9,1848 – July 3, 1908) was an American journalist born in Eatonton, Georgia who wrote the Uncle Remus stories. [ [ 525 hl=y Joel Chandler Harris ] , New Georgia Encyclopedia, notes… …   Wikipedia

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  • Joel Chandler Harris — (* 8. Dezember 1848 in Eatonton, Georgia; † 3. Juli 1908 in Atlanta) war ein US amerikanischer Journalist und Schriftsteller aus dem Bundesstaat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Joel Chandler Harris —     Joel Chandler Harris     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Joel Chandler Harris     Folklorist, novelist, poet, journalist; born at Eatonton, Georgia, U.S.A., 1848; died at Atlanta, Georgia, 3 July, 1908. Chiefly known for his stories of negro folk… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Harris,Joel Chandler — Harris, Joel Chandler. 1848 1908. American writer and journalist who wrote Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings (1880) and its many sequels. * * * …   Universalium

  • Harris, Joel Chandler — • Folklorist, novelist, poet, journalist; born at Eatonton, Georgia, U.S.A., 1848; died at Atlanta, Georgia, 3 July, 1908 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Harris, Joel Chandler — born Dec. 9, 1848, Eatonton, Ga., U.S. died July 3, 1908, Atlanta, Ga. U.S. writer. He became known as a humorist in his pieces for various newspapers, including (1876–1900) the Atlanta Constitution. He created a vogue for a distinct type of… …   Universalium

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