


Titre original Incendiary
Réalisation Sharon Maguire
Scénario Sharon Maguire d’après le roman de Chris Cleave
Acteurs principaux Ewan McGregor
Michelle Williams
Matthew Macfadyen
Sociétés de production Capitol Films
Archer Street Productions
Sneak Preview Films
Pays d’origine Drapeau : Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni
Genre Drame
Sortie 2008
Durée 96 minutes

Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution

Incendiary est un film britannique réalisé par Sharon Maguire et sorti le 24 octobre 2008 au cinéma au Royaume-Uni. En France, le film est sorti directement en DVD le 18 janvier 2011. Incendiary est basé sur le roman éponyme écrit par Chris Cleave et sorti en 2005.





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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Incendiary — In*cen di*a*ry, a. [L. incendiarius, fr. incendium a fire, conflagration: cf. F. incendiaire. See {Incense} to inflame.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of or pertaining to incendiarism, or the malicious burning of valuable property; as, incendiary material;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Incendiary — Incendiary, meaning capable of causing fire , may refer to: * Incendiary device, designed to cause fires * Incendiary (novel), by Chris Cleave * Incendiary (film), by Sharon MaguireSee also arson …   Wikipedia

  • Incendiary — Solicita una imagen para este artículo. Título Incendiary Ficha técnica …   Wikipedia Español

  • incendiary — I adjective agitative, anarchistic, harmful, immoderate, inciting, incitive, inflammatory, instigative, intemperate, nihilistic, pernicious, poisonous, revolutionary, unbridled II index disorderly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • incendiary — [in sen′dē er΄ē; ] also [, in sen′dē ər ē] adj. [L incendiarius, setting on fire, an incendiary < incendium, a fire < incendere: see INCENSE1] 1. having to do with the willful destruction of property by fire 2. causing or designed to cause… …   English World dictionary

  • incendiary — [adj] causing trouble, damage dangerous, demagogic, dissentious, inflammatory, malevolent, provocative, rabble rousing*, seditious, subversive, treacherous, wicked; concepts 537,570 Ant. peacemaking incendiary [n] person who causes fire, trouble… …   New thesaurus

  • incendiary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a bomb or other device) designed to cause fires. 2) tending to stir up conflict or controversy. ► NOUN (pl. incendiaries) ▪ an incendiary device. DERIVATIVES incendiarism noun. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • Incendiary — In*cen di*a*ry (?; 277), n.; pl. {Incendiaries}. [L. incendiarius: cf. F. incendiaire. See {Incense} to inflame.] [1913 Webster] 1. Any person who maliciously sets fire to a building or other valuable or other valuable property. [1913 Webster] 2 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • incendiary — (n.) person who sets malicious fires, c.1400; (adj.) capable of being used to set fires, mid 15c., from L. incendiarius causing a fire, from incendium conflagration, from incendere set on fire, figuratively, incite, rouse, enrage, from in into,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • incendiary — adj *combustible, inflammable, flammable, inflammatory …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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