In Plenty and In Time of Need

In Plenty and In Time of Need
In Plenty and In Time of Need (en)

Dans l'abondance et dans le besoin

Hymne national de Drapeau de Barbade Barbade
Paroles Irving Burgie
Musique C. Van Roland Edwards
Adopté en 1966
Fichiers audio
In Plenty and In Time of Need (instrumental)
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In Plenty and In Time of Need, est l'hymne national de la Barbade.

Il a été adopté en 1966 lorsque le pays est devenu indépendant. Les paroles sont de Irving Burgie et la musique a été composée par C. Van Roland Edwards.


Paroles officielles (en)

In plenty and in time of need
When this fair land was young
Our brave forefathers sowed the seed
From which our pride was sprung
A pride that makes no wanton boast
Of what it has withstood
That binds our hearts from coast to coast
The pride of nationhood

We loyal sons and daughters all
Do hereby make it known
These fields and hills beyond recall
Are now our very own
We write our names on history's page
With expectations great
Strict guardians of our heritage
Firm craftsmen of our fate

The Lord has been the people's guide
For past three hundred years.
With Him still on the people's side
We have no doubts or fears.
Upward and onward we shall go,
Inspired, exulting, free,
And greater will our nation grow
In strength and unity.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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