- Bürs
Bürs est une commune autrichienne du district de Bludenz dans le Vorarlberg.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Bürs de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Bürs — Bürs … Deutsch Wikipedia
BURS — (bottom up rewrite system) theory tackles the problem of taking a complex expression tree or intermediate language term and finding a good translation to machine code for a particular architecture. Implementations of BURS often employ dynamic… … Wikipedia
burš — bȕrš m DEFINICIJA 1. reg. zast. oficirski sluga, posilni, ordonans 2. momak koji ispomaže, sluga na seoskom gazdinstvu (ob. u Njemačkoj) ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Bursche … Hrvatski jezični portal
Bürs — Infobox Ort in Österreich Art = Gemeinde Name = Bürs Wappen = Wappen at bürs.png lat deg = 47 | lat min = 08 | lat sec = 00 lon deg = 09 | lon min = 48 | lon sec = 00 Bundesland = Vorarlberg Bezirk = Bludenz Höhe = 570 Fläche = 24.62 Einwohner =… … Wikipedia
burs — dis·burs·al; dis·burs·er; re·im·burs·able; … English syllables
Bürs — Sp Biùrsas Ap Bürs L Austrija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
búrš — a m (ȗ) 1. nekdaj član nemškega visokošolskega društva: demonstracije dunajskih buršev; dvoboj z burši 2. v stari Avstriji vojak, dodeljen oficirju za pomoč na domu: poročnikov burš … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Burs ăda — (a. Geogr.), Stadt der Celtiberier im Tarraconensischen Spanien; vielleicht bei Castulo, wo man Münzen mit diesen Namen gefunden … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Burs (Dacia) — The Burs were a Dacian tribe living in Dacia in the first and second centuries of the Common Era, with their capital city at Buridava. They allied with other tribes in the region to support the efforts by Decebal, the Dacian king, to turn back… … Wikipedia
burs — is., Fr. bourse 1) Bir öğrencinin öğrenimini sürdürebilmesi veya bir kimsenin bilgi ve görgüsünü artırması için belli bir süre devlet veya özel kuruluşlarca ödenen aylık para Öğrenimini tamamlaması için devlet bursuyla Almanya ya gönderiliyor. N … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük