Francis Birch
- Francis Birch
Albert Francis Birch (22 août 1903 — 30 janvier 1992) est un géophysicien américain. Il a contribué à établir l'équation qui porte son nom.
Portail de la géodésie et de la géophysique
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Francis Birch — may refer to:* Francis Birch (cryptographer) (1889 1956), British cryptographer * Francis Birch (geophysicist) (1903 1992), American geophysicist … Wikipedia
Francis Birch — Albert Francis Birch (* 22. August 1903 in Washington, D. C.; † 30. Januar 1992 in Cambridge, Massachusetts) war ein US amerikanischer Geophysiker. Er wurde bekannt durch experimentelle Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Eigenschaften von Mineralen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Francis Birch (geophysicist) — Albert Francis Birch (22 August 1903 30 January 1992) was the Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology at Harvard University from 1949 to 1974. A geophysicist best known for his experimental work on the properties of Earth forming minerals at high… … Wikipedia
Francis Birch (cryptographer) — Francis Lyall (Frank) Birch (5 December 1889 – 14 February 1956) was a British cryptographer. He was educated at Eton and King’s College, Cambridge. He was awarded an O.B.E (1919) and C.M.G. (1945). In WWI he was in the RNVR, and served in the… … Wikipedia
Albert Francis Birch — (* 22. August 1903 in Washington, D.C.; † 30. Januar 1992 in Cambridge, Massachusetts) war ein US amerikanischer Geophysiker. Er wurde bekannt durch experimentelle Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Eigenschaften von … Deutsch Wikipedia
Birch (disambiguation) — Birch is the name of any tree of the genus Betula .Birch may also refer to: *the birch is a metonym for Birching, a form of corporal punishment with a birch rodurname* A. A. Birch, Jr. * Adam Birch * Arthur Birch an Australian chemist (1915 1995) … Wikipedia
Birch — ist der Name folgender Personen: Adam Birch (* 1979), US amerikanischer Profiwrestler Adolf Birch Hirschfeld (1849–1917), Romanist Albert Francis Birch (1903–1992), US amerikanischer Geophysiker Andreas Christian Birch (1795–1868), dänischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Birch's Law — establishes a linear relation of the compressional wave velocity Vp of rocks and minerals of a constant average atomic weight ar{ M} with density ho as: V p = a (ar{ M}) + b ho .Francis Birch published two papers in 1961 which later became… … Wikipedia
Birch–Murnaghan equation of state — In continuum mechanics, an equation of state suitable for modeling solids is naturally rather different from the ideal gas law. A solid has a certain equilibrium volume V0, and the energy increases quadratically as volume is increased or… … Wikipedia
Francis Leggatt Chantrey — Autoportrait, 1810 Naissance 7 avril … Wikipédia en Français