Barbarian II
- Barbarian II

Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
"Barbarian" signifie "barbare" en anglais.
- Conan the Barbarian est le nom original de Conan le Barbare, personnage de fiction créé par Robert E. Howard.
- Barbarian est un film américain réalisé par Henry Crum en 2003.
- Les Barbarians est un film américano-italien de 1987 ayant pour vedette les frères Barbarian
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Barbarian — is a pejorative term for an uncivilized person, either in a general reference to a member of a nation or ethnos perceived as having an inferior level of civilization, or in an individual reference to a brutal, cruel, warlike, insensitive person… … Wikipedia
Barbarian — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Barbarian puede referirse a: Barbarian, es un videojuego desarrollado por Psygnosis en 1987 Barbarian, (Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior) es un videojuego desarrollado por Palace Software en 1987 Barbarian, es un… … Wikipedia Español
barbarian — adj Barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, savage are comparable when applying to people or characteristics of people that are not fully civilized. Barbarian frequently applies to a state about midway between full civilization and tribal savagery {some… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
barbarian — barbarian, barbaric, barbarous 1. These words had their origins in people s ideas about foreign languages. The Greek word barbaros, ‘barbarian’, which is the ultimate source of all these words, meant someone who spoke words sounding like ba ba.… … Modern English usage
Barbarian — steht für: Zwei Computerspiele des Unternehmens Palace Software: Barbarian (Computerspiel) Zwei Computerspiele des Unternehmens Psygnosis: Barbarian (Psygnosis) Ein US amerikanisch rumänischer Barbarenfilm aus dem Jahr 2003: Barbarian (Film) Ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
barbarian — [bär ber′ē ən] n. [< L barbarus,BARBAROUS] 1. Obs. an alien or foreigner: in the ancient world applied esp. to non Greeks, non Romans, or non Christians 2. a member of a people or group with a civilization regarded as primitive, savage, etc. 3 … English World dictionary
Barbarian — Bar*ba ri*an, n. [See {Barbarous}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A foreigner. [Historical] [1913 Webster] Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me. 1… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Barbarian — Bar*ba ri*an, a. Of, or pertaining to, or resembling, barbarians; rude; uncivilized; barbarous; as, barbarian governments or nations. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
barbarian — (adj.) mid 14c., from M.L. barbarinus (Cf. O.Fr. barbarin Berber, pagan, Saracen, barbarian ), from L. barbaria foreign country, from Gk. barbaros foreign, strange, ignorant, from PIE root *barbar echoic of unintelligible speech of foreigners (Cf … Etymology dictionary
barbarian — [adj] crude, savage barbaric, barbarous, boorish, brutal, coarse, cruel, inhuman, lowbrow, merciless, philistine, primitive, rough, rude, uncivil, uncivilized, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unsophisticated, untamed, vicious, vulgar, wild;… … New thesaurus