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Baillargé et Baillairgé

  • Charles-Philippe-Ferdinand Baillairgé (1826-1906) est un architecte canadien.
  • François Baillairgé (1759-1830) est un architecte, sculpteur et peintre canadien. Il est un des premiers canadiens a avoir étudier l'art dans les grandes académies d'Europe.
  • Jean Baillairgé (1726-1741) est un architecte canadien, père de François.
  • Pierre-Florent Baillairgé (1761-1812) est un sculpteur canadien, fils de François.
  • Thomas Baillairgé (1791-1851) est un architecte et sculpteur canadien, neveu de François.
Ce document provient de « Baillarg%C3%A9 ».

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Baillairgé de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:

  • Baillairgé — ou Baillargé famille d architectes et de sculpteurs canadiens d origine française …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Charles Baillairgé — Born September 29, 1826(1826 09 29) Quebec City, Quebec Died May 10, 1906(1906 05 10) …   Wikipedia

  • Jean Baillairgé — Jean Baillairgé, (31 October 1726 ndash; 6 September 1805 ), was a carpenter by trade and there is some reference to his being an architect. He was born in Blanzay, France and his death occurred at Quebec, Lower Canada.Jean arrived at Quebec on… …   Wikipedia

  • Louis de Gonzague Baillairgé — Louis de Gonzague Baillairgé, (18 February 1808 ndash; 20 March 1896), was the son of Pierre Florent Baillairgé and grandson of Jean Baillairgé. A descendant of of a family distinguished by several illustrious figures in the fields of wood… …   Wikipedia

  • Thomas Baillairgé — Thomas Baillairgé, (20 December 1791 ndash; 9 February 1859) was both a wood carver and architect, following the tradition of the family. He was the son of François Baillairgé and the grandson of Jean Baillairgé, both men being termed architects… …   Wikipedia

  • Charles-Philippe-Ferdinand Baillairgé — Pavillon Charles Baillairgé, ancienne prison de Québec, musée national des beaux arts du Québec Charles Philippe Ferdinand Baillairgé (1826 1906) était un architecte canadien[1]. Dernier de la lignée d architect …   Wikipédia en Français

  • François Baillairgé — Homme vu de dos, brandissant un fouet d après « Le Martyre de saint André ». François Baillairgé (21 janvier 1759 – 15 septembre …   Wikipédia en Français

  • François Baillairgé — François Baillairgé, (21 January 1759 ndash; 15 September 1830) was an architect who also pursued painting and wood sculpture. The son of Jean Baillairgé, François began an apprenticeship in his father s shop at the age of 14. There he studied… …   Wikipedia

  • George-Frédéric-Théophile Baillairgé — George Frédéric Théophile Baillairgé, (16 October 1824 ndash; 7 December 1909), was from afamily that traced its distinguished roots in Lower Canada to Jean Baillairgé. He had a good education, was fluently bilingual and then studied law for a… …   Wikipedia

  • Pierre-Florent Baillairgé — Pierre Florent Baillairgé, (29 June 1761 ndash; 9 December 1812), was from Quebec, the son of Jean Baillairgé, and did spend some time in the wood carving and joinery end of his father s business. His brother, François, already was there and the… …   Wikipedia

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