Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
YEC est un sigle pouvant faire référence à :
- Young Earth creationism, mouvement religieux créationniste américain
- Ying e Chi, une association de cinéastes indépendants de Hong Kong
YEC est un code pour :
Yec est une abréviation pour :
- Yec'hed mat ! , équivalent breton de l'expression française "Santé !" lorsque l'on porte un toast.
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article YEC de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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YEC — is a three letter acronym that might stand for:* Young Earth creationism * Yukon Energy Corporation * Yorkshire Engine Company * Ying e Chi, a non profit organization of independent filmmakers in Hong Kong … Wikipedia
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Yorkshire Engine Company — The Yorkshire Engine Company (YEC) was a small independent locomotive manufacturer in Sheffield, England. The Company was formed in 1865 and continued to produce locomotives and carry out general engineering work until 1965. Mainly known for… … Wikipedia
Yukon Energy Corporation — (YEC) is a Canadian Crown corporation in the Yukon.YEC is a subsidiary of Yukon Development Corporation and was established in 1987 to take over the Yukon assets of the Northern Canada Power Commission. YEC generates virtually all of the Yukon s… … Wikipedia
Thomas Hill (Rotherham) Ltd — Thomas Hill (Rotherham) Limited was a company which repaired and sold steam road vehicles, diesel and electric road vehicles and railway locomotives. It later made its name building and rebuilding diesel locomotives.HistoryThe Company was founded … Wikipedia
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