
Album par Kyuss
Sortie 23 septembre 1991
Enregistrement Palm Springs, Californie
Durée 46:36
Genre Rock alternatif, Stoner rock
Producteur Catherine Enny, Ron Krown
Label Dali Records
Albums de Kyuss
Sons of Kyuss (1990)
Blues for the red sun (1992)

Wretch est le premier album sorti sous le nom de Kyuss, sorti en 1991.

Tous les titres de l'album ont été composés par les membres du groupe.


John Garcia : voix
Josh Homme : guitare
Nick Oliveri : basse
Brant Bjork : batterie


  1. (Beginning Of What's About To Happen) Hwy 74 – 3'10
  2. Love Has Passed Me By – 3'10
  3. Son Of A Bitch – 6'00
  4. Black Widow – 2'40
  5. Katzenjammer - 2'20
  6. Deadly Kiss - 5'02
  7. The Law - 7'50
  8. Isolation – 2'45
  9. I'm Not – 4'30
  10. Big Bikes – 5'04
  11. Stage III – 4'05

Informations sur le contenu de l'album

5 titres de cet album (Deadly Kiss, Isolation, Love Has Passed Me By, Black Widow et Katzenjammer) figuraient sur l'album Sons of Kyuss.

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  • Wretch — Wretch, n. [OE. wrecche, AS. wrecca, wr[ae]cca, an exile, a wretch, fr. wrecan to drive out, punish; properly, an exile, one driven out, akin to AS. wr[ae]c an exile, OS. wrekkio a stranger, OHG. reccheo an exile. See {Wreak}, v. t.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wretch — Studioalbum von Kyuss Veröffentlichung 23. September 1991 Aufnahme 1989 1991 Label …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Wretch — Álbum de Kyuss Publicación 23 de septiembre de 1991 Género(s) Heavy metal Stoner metal Duración 46:36 Discográfica …   Wikipedia Español

  • wretch — [retʃ] n [: Old English; Origin: wrecca person driven out ] 1.) someone that you feel sorry for ▪ He was a lonely, miserable wretch. 2.) someone you are annoyed with ▪ Stop pulling my hair, you wretch! …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wretch — [ retʃ ] noun count 1. ) someone who is in a difficult situation and who you feel sorry for: The poor wretch lay crying by the side of the road. 2. ) HUMOROUS someone you do not like or who annoys you: Why did you marry that wretch? a ) LITERARY… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • wretch´ed|ly — wretch|ed «REHCH ihd», adjective. 1. very unfortunate or unhappy. 2. very unsatisfactory; miserable: »a wretched hut. SYNONYM(S): pitiful, shabby. 3. very bad: »a wretched traitor. SYNONYM(S): despicable, base, mean …   Useful english dictionary

  • wretch|ed — «REHCH ihd», adjective. 1. very unfortunate or unhappy. 2. very unsatisfactory; miserable: »a wretched hut. SYNONYM(S): pitiful, shabby. 3. very bad: »a wretched traitor. SYNONYM(S): despicable, base, mean …   Useful english dictionary

  • wretch — (n.) O.E. wrecca wretch, stranger, exile, from P.Gmc. *wrakjan (Cf. O.S. wrekkio, O.H.G. reckeo a banished person, exile, Ger. recke renowned warrior, hero ), related to O.E. wreccan to drive out, punish (see WREAK (Cf. wreak)). Sense of vile,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • wretch — ► NOUN 1) an unfortunate person. 2) informal a contemptible person. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

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