- Victor-Emmanuel
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Victor-Emmanuel II — de Savoie Dynastie depuis 1820 Maison de Savoie Casa di Savoia … Wikipédia en Français
VICTOR-EMMANUEL II — (1820 1878) roi de Sardaigne (1849 1861) et d’Italie (1861 1878) Dernier roi de Piémont, premier souverain de l’État unitaire, Victor Emmanuel de Savoie a été placé par l’historiographie officielle de la monarchie au rang des «pères de la patrie» … Encyclopédie Universelle
Victor Emmanuel — may refer to: *Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia *Victor Emmanuel II of Italy *Victor Emmanuel III of Italy *Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples *Vittorio Emanuele Orlando;See also *Víctor Manuel is a Spanish singer … Wikipedia
Victor Emmanuel I. — Victor Emmanuel I., König von Sardinien, geb. 1759, regierte 1802 bis 1821, wo er zu Gunsten seines Bruders Karl Felix resignirte, st. 1824; s. Sardinien … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Victor Emmanuel II. — Victor Emmanuel II., geb. 14. März 1820, vermählt 1842 mit der (1855 gestorbenen) Erzherzogin Adelheid, einer Tochter des Erzherzogs Rainer, aus welcher Ehe 5 Kinder leben, König seit 23. März 1849; s. Sardinien … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Victor Emmanuel II — 1820 78; king of Sardinia (1849 61) & 1st king of Italy (1861 78) … English World dictionary
Victor Emmanuel II — 1820 78, king of Sardinia 1849 78; first king of Italy 1861 78. * * * Italian Vittorio Emanuele born March 14, 1820, Turin, Piedmont, Kingdom of Sardinia died Jan. 9, 1878, Rome, Italy King of Sardinia (1849–61) and first king of a united Italy… … Universalium
Victor Emmanuel II — Vittorio Emanuele II (1820–1878) Born in Turin on 19 March 1820, this last king of Sardinia and first king of a united Italy grew up in Tuscany and Piedmont. He was the son of Charles Albert and Maria Teresa of Tuscany. As a young man, he… … Historical Dictionary of modern Italy
Victor Emmanuel II — (1820–1878) The King of Piedmont Sardinia (1849–1861) and Italy (1861–1878), Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy assumed the throne of Piedmont after the Austrians defeated his father Charles Albert at the Battle of Novara in March 1849 and forced him … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
Victor Emmanuel — Vic′tor Emman′uel [[t]ˈvɪk tər[/t]] n. 1) big Victor Emmanuel II, 1820–78, king of Sardinia 1849–78; first king of Italy 1861–78 2) big Victor Emmanuel III, 1869–1947, king of Italy 1900–46 … From formal English to slang