- Ultrastructure
L'ultrastructure concerne un domaine de dimensions qui se situe entre le domaine atomique - moléculaire et le domaine accessible au microscope optique. Le microscope électronique est l'instrument de choix pour l'exploration de ce domaine aussi bien en biologie qu'en physique. L'ultrastructure de la plupart des constituants cellulaires est connue à l'heure actuelle. On a ainsi pu constater à quel point la matière vivante fait appel à des structures fines identiques ou semblables.
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
ultrastructure — ● ultrastructure nom féminin Structure de cellules ou de tissus observés au microscope électronique. ultrastructure [yltʀastʀyktyʀ] n. f. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; de ultra (microscopique), et structure. ❖ ♦ Biol. Structure cellula … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ultrastructure — (or ultra structure) is the detailed structure of a biological specimen, such as a cell, tissue, or organ, that can be observed by electron microscopy. It refers in general to the study of cellular structures that are too small to be seen with an … Wikipedia
ultrastructure — [ul′trəstruk΄chər] n. the minute, elemental structure of protoplasm that can be seen only with an electron microscope ultrastructural adj … English World dictionary
Ultrastructure cellulaire — Ultrastructure L ultrastructure concerne un domaine de dimensions qui se situe entre le domaine atomique moléculaire et le domaine accessible au microscope optique. Le microscope électronique est l instrument de choix pour l exploration de ce… … Wikipédia en Français
ultrastructure — noun Date: 1939 biological structure and especially fine structure (as of a cell) not visible through an ordinary microscope • ultrastructural adjective • ultrastructurally adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
ultrastructure — n. [L. ultra, beyond; struere, to construct] The fine structure of cells seen with an ultramicroscope or an electron microscope … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
ultrastructure — General term to describe the level of organization that is below the level of resolution of the light microscope. In practice, a shorthand term for ‘structure observed using the electron microscope’, although other techniques could give… … Dictionary of molecular biology
ultrastructure — ultrastructural, adj. /ul treuh struk cheuhr/, n. Cell Biol. the structures of a cell that are revealed by electron microscopy. Also called fine structure. [1935 40; ULTRA + STRUCTURE] * * * … Universalium
ultrastructure — noun The fine, detailed structure of a biological specimen that can only be observed by electron microscopy See Also: superstructure, hyperstructure, substructure, infrastructure … Wiktionary
ultrastructure — Structures or particles seen with the electron microscope. SYN: fine structure. * * * ul·tra·struc·ture əl trə .strək chər n biological structure and esp. fine structure (as of a cell) not visible through a light microscope ul·tra·struc·tur·al… … Medical dictionary