- US Army Special Operations Command
U.S. Army Special Operation Command Pays États-Unis Branche United States Army Fait partie de United States Special Operations Command Surnom USASOC Commandant John F. Mulholland Jr modifier L'United States Army Special Operation Command (USASOC) est l'un des commandements de l'USSOCOM. C'est la branche terrestre du commandement des opérations spéciales. Le chef de ce commandement est un Major General (Général de division).
- US Army Special Forces Command (USASFC)
- Special Forces dits « bérets verts » (« green berets »)
- 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) [SFG(A)], Fort Lewis, État de Washington
- 3rd SFG (A), Fort Bragg, Caroline du Nord
- 5th SFG (A), Fort Campbell, Kentucky
- 7th SFG (A), Eglin Air Force Base, Floride
- 10th SFG (A), Fort Carson, Colorado
- 19th SFG (A), Camp Williams, Utah (unité de la garde nationale)
- 20th SFG (A), Birmingham, Alabama (unité de la garde nationale)
- Les Special Operations Reconnaissance Detachments (CRD)[1]
- 14th Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment, attaché au 3rd SFG
- 26th Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment, attaché au 7th SFG
- 56th Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment, attaché au 5th SFG
- 82nd Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment, attaché au 10th SFG
- 112th Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment, attaché au 1st SFG
- 190th Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment, attaché au 19th SFG (garde nationale)
- 200th Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment, attaché au 20th SFG (garde nationale)
- Special Forces dits « bérets verts » (« green berets »)
- 75th Ranger Regiment
- Regimental Headquarters, Fort Benning, Géorgie
- 1st Ranger Battalion, Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Géorgie
- 2nd Ranger Battalion, Fort Lewis, État de Washington
- 3rd Ranger Battalion, Fort Benning
- Regimental Special Troops Battalion, Fort Benning
- US Army Special Operations Aviation Command (ARSOAC)
- 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) "Night Stalkers"
- 1st Battalion, Fort Campbell, Kentucky
- 2nd Battalion, Fort Campbell, Kentucky
- 3rd Battalion, Hunter Army Airfield, Géorgie
- 4th Battalion, Fort Lewis, État de Washington
- US Army Special Operations Command Flight Detachment
- Systems Integration Management Office
- Special Operations Aviation Training Battalion
- 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) "Night Stalkers"
- US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS) et ses écoles (Military Free Fall School, etc.)
- 1st Special Warfare Training Group (SWTG)
- Special Forces Advanced Reconnaissance, Target Analysis, Exploitation Techniques Course (SFARTAETC) Committee
- Special Forces Sniper Course (SFSC) Committee
- Antiterrorism Training Detachment (ATD)
- 1st Special Warfare Training Group (SWTG)
- 95th Civil Affairs Brigade
- 528th Sustainment Brigade, Special Operations (Airborne)
- 112th Special Operations Signal Battalion (Airborne)
- 4th Military Information Support Group (Airborne) (MISG)
- le Special Operations Recruting Battalion (SORB)
- Parachute Demonstration Team « The Black Daggers »[2]
Les unités Civil Affairs et Psychological Operations de réserve ne dépendent plus de l'USSOCOM.
Notes et références
- http://asafm.army.mil/Documents/OfficeDocuments/Budget/Guidances/dfas/709701/fy2010/docs//3-ARMY-0100.doc pages 66-67, 73-75 U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Special Operations Forces (SOF) Army Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Codes,
- The Black Daggers Home Page
Catégories :- United States Army
- Forces spéciales des États-Unis
- US Army Special Forces Command (USASFC)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.