- Toasts
Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Le mot toast possède plusieurs significations :
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Toasts de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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Toasts of the Royal Navy — are a set of traditional drinking toasts. The words in brackets are understood but unspoken, though often those not toasting will say them in response. By tradition, these toasts were proposed immediately after the Loyal Toast, on the relevant… … Wikipedia
toasts — təʊst n. grilled bread; raising glasses in honor, drinking to ; (Slang) person in big trouble (e.g.: When Mom will see that you ate the last muffin, you are toast ) v. brown by exposure to heat; warm at a fire; propose or drink a toast, drink… … English contemporary dictionary
toasts — plural of toast present third singular of toast … Useful english dictionary
toast — {{hw}}{{toast}}{{/hw}}s. m. inv. (pl. ingl. toasts ) Coppia di fette di pane a cassetta sovrapposte, variamente farcite e tostate. ETIMOLOGIA: voce ingl., da (to) toast, ‘tostare’, dal franc. ant. toster (dal lat. tardo tostare) … Enciclopedia di italiano
Toast (honor) — For other uses, see Toast (disambiguation). Hip, Hip, Hurrah! by Danish painter P.S. Krøyer, 1888 A toast is a ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of honor or goodwill. The term may be applied to the person or thing so honored, the… … Wikipedia
toast — [ tost ] n. m. • XIXe; toste 1750; mot angl. « pain grillé », et fig. au sens 1; de l a. fr. toster « griller » du lat. tostus, p. p. de torrere « griller » → torréfier 1 ♦ Action (fait de lever son verre) ou discours par quoi l on propose de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Société du Caveau — Le grelot de Collé et le verre de Panard, reliques emblématiques de la Société du Caveau[1] … Wikipédia en Français
Dining in — Mess Night at Camp Lejeune Dining in at Fort Dix, New Jersey Dining in … Wikipedia
Tamada — A tamada is the toastmaster at a Georgian Supra or feast. At all supras regardless of size, there is a tamada (or toastmaster), one person who introduces each toast. Georgians like to say that the tamada is dictator of the table, but it would be… … Wikipedia
Customs and traditions of the Royal Navy — There are many customs and traditions associated with the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom. These include formal customs including separate crests associated with ships, ensigns and fleet reviews. There are also several less formal customs and… … Wikipedia